Lime mortar and feature of its use


In the process of carrying out repair work with their own hands, I have repeatedly faced the manufacture of plaster. Everyone knows that it is used to conduct preparatory work when it is necessary to patch the gaps and align existing irregularities for a further finish. In addition, the plaster can be used as an finishing finish with the outer insulation of the house with the help of polystyrene foam. Today I want to tell about a lime solution, its composition and cooking with your own hands.

Lime mortar and feature of its use

Slaked lime

Binding fillers

Lime mortar and feature of its use


Before making a solution, it is necessary to learn not only its technical characteristics, but also the proportions with the help of which there is their own hands. So, additives are knitting and used to strengthen the finished coating, I will start with them:

  1. Gypsum - With the help of it, a lime-gypsum solution is made, which is perfect for plastering of stone or wooden surfaces. When it is mixed, it is important not to produce a large amount of material, as it is necessary to use it very quickly. The average speed of frozen in such a mixture is 10 minutes
  2. Cement - due to the fact that it is in solution, the possibility of using plaster with external processes or indoors with elevated moisture levels appears. Cement-limestone is perfect for repair work inside and outside the house
  3. Clay - very rarely used together with lime, the use of a solution on such a basis is necessary to strengthen the previous layers, which consist of natural clay
  4. Sand - This composition is the most common. If part of the river sand is present in the solution, then it should be rinsed before use. Career sand in this case is sieved

By the way, in addition to the above components, the limestral solution may contain various catalysts or plasticizers that speed up the hardening process. I'll tell you a little later about the latter.

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The advantages of the limestone mixture

Lime mortar and feature of its use

Cooking limestone

Before starting to work with a lime solution, I decided to learn about all its advantages and "pitfalls". Therefore, by the time of cooking with your own hands, I was completely armed. Let's look at what advantages are peculiar to this material:

  • The elasticity of the material simplifies the work process, besides, plaster has refractory properties
  • Environmentally friendly, while covered with wooden surfaces and walls will be protected from rodents and insects
  • Lack of manifestations of mold and fungus
  • If several layers are applied, they are firmly connected to each other
  • Microcracks do not appear

The disadvantages of the lime solution has few, the most important of them are a long process of drying, which is significantly inferior to plaster from cement and sand. In addition, the material can start sailing - in order to get rid of such a lack, you should wait until the first layer is completely dry and only after that proceed to applying the following.

Important! In the manufacture of a lime solution, the composition you choose, pushing out the necessary goals. Also, for a lime solution, proportions must be respected depending on the components of the future plaster.


Lime mortar and feature of its use

Lime solution

The composition of the lime mortar is lime and sand, the proportions of which can be as 1: 2, 1: 3, 1: 4 and 1: 5. It is the lime concentration that affects these proportions and if the mixture is too fat, the required amount of sand is gradually added. If, on the contrary, the mixture is too liquid, then you should add lime.

Important! For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to use hawed lime.

First of all, you need to get limestone dough. To do this, take the container, it is important that it is not plastic or metal and pumped there a dry mixture, then fill with heated water. Next, the capacity should be tightly closed otherwise during the reaction, everything will split in different directions. At the end of the boiling, 2 fluids are formed - white will need to drain, and leave it thick for a day for further thickening. Sand sifting occurs with a sieve with cells 3 * 3 or5 * 5 mm. Sand and water in the existing dough is added portion and is well stirred. As a result, we obtain a limestone mass, which has normal fat and necessary consistency.

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Cement mortar

Lime mortar and feature of its use

Lime solution with your own hands

Masonry cement mortar enjoys particularly popular for cooking. If you need to disassemble the proportion, you should pay attention to the labeling - this is the ratio of sand and cement. Let us look more clearly consider everything on the example of a small table:

Stamp strengthIngredients in the compositionMPA compression strength

Let's take a little more in more detail each brand:

  • M-50 - consists of lime and cement, used for low-rise buildings, as it does not have high properties of strength. Ready masonry mortar is most often used for grouting uneven surfaces.
  • M-75 - Suitable for internal masonry, as well as for plaster leveling processes
  • The mixture of brand 100 is one of the most popular mixtures, as it can be used both in external work and internal processes. If a plasticizer is added to the composition, then the material can be used for the plastering of the outer walls.
  • M-150 - Required mixture, which is used for complex construction, that is, for multi-storey buildings. Brand 150 is used in floors of floors, as well as for foundations. M-150 Resistant to low temperature
  • M-200 - masonry with such a solution can withstand high temperatures. Material is heat-resistant and not wet

A little about plasticizers

Lime mortar and feature of its use

Making a lime solution yourself

For those who have not come across plasticizers to immediately remember what it is used. The plasticizer is necessary for a cement solution or concrete in order to increase their yield and plasticity. Ultimately, the improvement of such indicators leads to an increase in the strength of the already frozen coating.

If you decide to add a plasticizer to your solution, you should know that the dosage of each manufacturer may vary. The average percentage indicators are 0.5-1%, if we translate into kilograms, then 100 kg of cement must be added from 0.5 to 1 kg of plasticizer.

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If you spend the floor screed process, the application of the plasticizer is not a mandatory action. However, its use will not be superfluous. It is important to remember that the usual cement mortar cannot be used if you decide to put porcelain stoneware on the walls or the floor.


As you can see to make a lime solution, you will not make any problems. And its cost and will not hit your pocket at all, while the environmental friendliness of the material is quite good. If you come to use this mixture in external processes, then use a lime-cement solution.

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