All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony


All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

Insulated floor will create a unique bundle balconyupture floor - a mandatory moment in all balcony warming events. If this procedure does not produce, cold will have a cold from the lower concrete slab. Warm floor can be built in several ways, their choice will depend on both the financial capabilities of the owners and from experience in repair work. The most popular techniques that insulate the balcony floor will be discussed below.

Lag-based floor insulation

The first layer that will fall on the concrete floor - waterproofing. To do this, use pergamine. Do not forget that laying the waterproofing layer is always needed with a slight margin in length and width.

After that, there is a preliminary insulation in the form of a thin insulation, sometimes two or three layers are required to warm the floor.

Each layer of insulation is processed by foam on the joints and directly around the perimeter of the balcony.

And now it is worth staying on the laying of the lag. You will need a wooden bar in 5 cm high, and 5-7 cm wide. These bars are stacked across the balcony in 50 cm increments. At 50 cm. Do not put extreme bars close to the wall, leave a distance of 5-7 cm.

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

The thickness of the insulation, the smaller the thermal conductivity

Bruks are installed on small pads from plywood pieces, if you do without them - the lower layer of the insulation is sold. Between lags, it is also necessary to put the insulation, usually it is a five-axis foam. Place it closely to lags, if there are gaps, use foam.

Wooden material before starting work, be sure to treat the antiseptic.

By the way, the lagham device can not only warm the floor, but also align it. But what material to choose for insulation - more.

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Floor insulation material - sales leaders

A selection of the most popular materials for insulation will please those who are not going to make cost-repair on the balcony.

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

Warming with clay

Materials insulation floors:

  • Ceramzit. Lightweight, durable, with excellent thermal insulation characteristics material, very convenient in work. The price issue is more than acceptable, in a word, the reputation of the cerazyt is excellent.
  • Styrofoam . Usually the warming floor of the polyfoam, it is necessary to put in several layers. In this, perhaps, all the difficulties in working with him. Material is inexpensive, convenient in circulation. You can warm the floor with a foam in two ways: based on wooden lag, and with alignment of the balcony cement tie.
  • Mineral wool . The leader of demand, due to the simplicity of operation and efficiency. Warming Paul Mineral Watt, a method based on a wooden structure (LAG) is applied.
  • Penoplex. . Comparatively young material, which can be highly and fairly quickly carrying out floor insulation. Installation is easy, everything is attached to your own hands along the perfectly thoughtful scheme, thanks to which there is no need to gate the gaps between the plates - there will simply be slightly.
  • Penophol. It is not only possible to insulate the floor, this material is multifunctional. It replaces a layer of vaporizolation, and a layer of waterproofing. That is, in essence it is a complex insulation, the most modern insulation of balcony floors.

There is another alternative option - we warm the balcony floor with a qualitative and modern, and therefore with the help of the "warm" floor system, which will still have to return to the description.

Floor insulation methods

If the plywood on the lags (the method of insulation of the floor considered above) is the most common technology, it can make it possible to compete.

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

The screed options are diverse and depend on your taste and budget.

The screed involves obtaining a peculiar heat-insulating sandwich, the layers in which: the base plate of the balcony - the heat insulation - the screed is the finish coating.

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Algorithm of floor insulation with a screed will be like this:

  • Heat insulation Will, for example, foam. If there is no purpose to save, you can take polystyrene foam, more perfect, roughly speaking, the type of foam. It stacked two layers with the obligatory overlap of the joints.
  • Damping dividing tape Clause around the perimeter of the balcony. This, warming up the floor, is done so that the screed does not hide the wall. Instead of ribbon, if so, it did not turn out, they often take small pieces of foam.
  • Pour the screed . With your own hands to make it undesirable, the big risk that the homemade mixture will not work. Reliable to buy a special dry mixture-tie in the store, from the manufacturer with a good reputation.
  • If the system "Warm floor "Used, then it, of course, is laid before the fusion. Standardly this heating cable and reinforcing mesh.
  • Primer Begins after drying the screed. The next layer is a finish coating, for example, porcelain stoneware.

An alternative to such an option is the dry screed, which can also be well insulated by the floor.

This method is based on gravel dump, which is stacked by floor elements from gypsum fiber sheets. Although, of course, if you insulate the concrete floor, you risk being in a minority - dry screed is less popular.

System Warm floor

On the balcony, it is allowed to insulate the floor only by electrical structures, water insulation is definitely not an option.

Electric warm floors are presented:

  • electrical mats
  • cable
  • infrared film.

The cable system, as mentioned above, needs a screed with a height of no more than 5 cm. And heating mats and infrared film are combined with a dry tie.

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

We need to take into account whether windows and doors will be able to freely open, as the floor level will rise

Floor insulation infrared film will look like this:

  • Polyethylene film The first layer covers the floor.
  • Wooden profiles Explained to the film. They are fixed either on the gypsum solution, or simply shot by dowels.
  • Ceramzit The space between the profiles is filled.
  • Another layer of film Stayed on the backfill. The next layer is gypsum plates.
  • Foil Material It is stacked over the plates, and the infrared film (or the same heating mats is stacked).

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Such insulation of the floor can be carried out without a film or matte, the system "warm floor" is optional, as the dry screed itself is an option for insulation of a balcony floor.

Heal insulation - how not to deal with

Even before the start of work, it is necessary to preliminarly diagnose the balcony, which will allow, warming the floor, not to be calculated.

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

Insulated floor will be favorably affecting the microclimate of your housing

All tricks: floor insulation on the balcony

All wooden parts need to be covered with antiseptic

Four rules that need to be remembered:

  • Balcony strength . Quite often, the owners, going to carry out the insulation of the balcony, discover that concrete slabs require replacement. This usually concerns old buildings that may not withstand without replacing plates of repair work.
  • Calculation of height . Warming up the floor, calculate what height you can raise it. The floors on the balcony should not be above the floors in the room.
  • Selection of material . Someone perfectly cope with the ceramzit, someone more convenient to work with foam, and someone is better than mineral wool not found. Focus on price preferences and experience with those or other materials.
  • Comprehensive insulation . Without the insulation of the walls and the ceiling, the insulation of the floor on the balcony, with their own hands or by the forces of specialists, will not make sense.

Choosing the material, advise with friends and neighbors, ask for help and simple advice. We warm the concrete floor usually only weighing all the "for" and "against" regarding materials and methods of insulation.

The insulation of the floor on the balcony can seriously improve the microclimate of this room. In particular, if the walls and the ceiling are already insulated. Perform such work is better together, it is also more convenient, and much faster.

Successful insulation!

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