How to make a log house?


Wooden housing is gaining momentum, which is no wonder, because to live in an eco-friendly object in the age of stone jungle is much more useful for health. An independent device of the house of his dreams is quite possible, provided that the owner of the country site owns the skills of a joinery. The following are described important processes preceding such work, the answer to the question of how to make a log house, as well as recommendations for its operation after installation.

How to make a log house?

Assembling diagram of a bar of a bar.

Preparation of the site

What is it? The site should be cleaned from any type of vegetation. Moreover, after the emergence of all shrubs, it is necessary to pour the land with chemicals, so that the roots do not stretch again. If this is not done, then you can wait for the appearance of trees in Siruba. Perhaps from the point of view of design, it will look stylish and unusually, however, broken floor boards and constant dampness to arrange owners will hardly be.

Scheme of training logs for gram assembly.

The purified platform shares, thereby preventing the course of someone else's vehicle and denoting the borders of the construction site. It is necessary to ensure the departure of special equipment, if this is used, and carry electricity to the water. Thus, the area can be finished ready for the next stage - foundation.

It would be a good to equip a place for warehouse wood. It is usually a canopy that protects material from natural actions. In addition, it will be required to cover the film if the construction will delay.

Construction of foundation

How to make a log house?

Foundation scheme for a house from a bar.

By choosing the foundation for a log, you should proceed from its size and conditions of the area:

  1. Ribbon. Suitable for any type of buildings. It behaves well on problem soils. You can be sure that the log house will not "go" over time. Minus - requires a large number of concrete that it cannot be reduced to the maintenance, even if they make a log house.
  2. Pile. Suitable for light-storey buildings. Perfectly behaves on bunched and rocky soils, reduces construction costs, but you can forget about the insulation of the floor: the walking wind, which is a feud in the slab, is the usual thing. It is erected in warm localities.
  3. Columnar. First of all, it is designed for raw lands. He is too capricious: after shrinkage, the level will definitely move, so its construction must be given to the deposit of specialists. Economical.
  4. Slab. The most reliable, but dear. It is a completely filled concrete base. Perfectly shows itself on a problem ground: it does not lead, does not allow dampness or punched. Time consuming.

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Below is the description of the installation for the belt foundation as the best in the ratio of "price-quality".

How to make a log house?

Tools for the manufacture of a log.

For work you will need:

  • shovel;
  • level;
  • measuring instruments;
  • formwork - shields, boards;
  • crushed stone, sand;
  • Armature;
  • insulation;
  • Concrete fill.

The process begins with marking. Each carrier wall of the church must be stably put on the foundation. With that condition, the contour is scheduled. It is very convenient to use wooden stakes and harsh threads.

Then the dials are digging along the outlined lines. Soil should be immediately stored separately, it may still be needed. Depth, depending on the freezer, cannot be less than 70 cm.

Next, the channels need to be given to dry and pour on the bottom crushed stone and sand. Each layer is thoroughly tamped and watering water. In aggregate, the thickness of the pillow should be 30 cm.

How to make a log house?

Corner joints of the brusade box.

After that, the future foundation must be inspired. This uses styrene. The stoves are laid on the sides of the ditch and pinned with pins, the priest and thus fixing them along the walls. If you neglect the insulation, it will later affect the quality of operation.

Armature stacking occurs. It certainly needs for stiffness of construction. For this, steel rods shift the intersection and boil in the nodes and at the corners of the future cut.

Expose formwork height to the edge of the basement. Shields or boards are strengthened in accordance with the level so that the future foundation is smooth.

Make concrete fill. To save, bottled bout - construction waste: crushed stone, bricks, stones, and so on. Pouring does not hurry, until a complete shrinkage, every time watering water until the foam is appeared on the surface. This is done in order for the surface of the foundation not faster. Then he needs to give time for full frost - 2-3 weeks.

How to make a log house?

Installation of brusade border crowns.

After the formwork is removed, it is impossible to start the construction. Shrinkage foundation occurs during the year. During this time, there is an opportunity to reconsider all the nuances of the material.

Thus, the construction of the foundation can be considered finished. If the owners want to have any attachment in the future, then you need to think about it yet when planning a plot. It is best when a common log house will be made on one base.

Directly selection of material

Probably, before the moment of walking on office, the owners have already decided on the choice of wood for their future kids. Based on the financial capabilities, the material in the Siruba corresponds to them. An array is considered more expensive, but it can be confident that the house will be warm and durable. In addition, due to the beauty of a wild or cylindered log, there is no need for decorating it. No less beautiful will be the profiled or glued bar. In this case, construction with such materials will be easier due to the correct geometric shape of the material.

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How to make a log house?

Types of logs that are used for log cabins.

The problem of the question of how to properly make the log house is to cut the corners. Without the appropriate skill, you can get at least the consumption of the material. More evil - blowing houses blowing winds. Types of cutting set. The most popular steel "in the paw" and "in the bowl". In the first case, the consumption of material is reduced, but the angles become cold bridges. In the second - the skill is required, but the house with such a cut is reliable.

It also makes sense to choose wood coniferous or deciduous. Plus conifers lies in the preset phytoncides, which serve as a tree with protection from mold, fungus and bugs-koroedov. The minus of coniferous trees is that due to resinness, it is not recommended to build a bath. Resin flows and represents a threat to people with high pressure, as it closes all the ventilation. The choice should be optimal in price, worthy quality and durability.

Srub Assembly: Recommendations

The laying of the first crown begins - the main element in all srubes. To make it quality, it is recommended to choose a larch for such a case. This tree has proven itself as an excellent, non-accomplishment with moisture material. An example of this is piles in Venice, many hundred years of years stood in water. They were made from Russian larch, by the way.

How to make a log house?

Frame assembly scraper.

So, layers of rubberoid are stacked on the foundation, or it is located with bitumen mastics. Then there is a timber or log with already chopped grooves. Naturally, strictly in terms of level. Also, you can also be forgotten to stock interventory insulation. It may be moss, jute or palable. Although the last builders refuse. Immediately, lags are installed for roughing (for the convenience of the entire installation process).

The following crowns are not different from the installation of the first. The only difference is that the initial log or bar must be somewhat wider the rest. Work lead according to plan or project, accurately combining drawings with realities. That is, the window openings or door should be in their places immediately, and not later. Material for fastening usually protrude wooden brazed. The use of metal undesirable, since the appearance of corrosion will lead to the destruction of wood. Work lead to the desired height, shifting the crowns insulation. The last two rows in the Srub are not fixed by anything. After shrinkage, they need to be removed to correctly mount and strengthen the rafter system. Thus, it is possible to build a log house yourself. This is not the most difficult, but responsible work.

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Konopka and some construction nuances

Construction, of course, is not completed.

Siruba needs at least a year for final shrinkage.

How to make a log house?

Konopka houses from a bar.

Upon completion of the styling of the crowns, you can conduct a preliminary pantop, but it is not necessary too much to get involved. In fairness, you can rearrange, and then the house will be curved, with discovering elements. However, without a preliminary cacopa, you can subsequently not see the flaws of construction.

What is caulking? This is a sealing of interventore gaps with a suitable material. For such a goal, moss use moss, pass, jute, flanutin and rope. The pale is the bad thing. After time, it will turn into a duch. In addition, it is very loved by birds and upgrade it even before the maintenance of the houses at home. When buying Jute, you need to be attentive and not to purchase jute felt instead. No matter how they assures the seller that its properties are the same as the above-mentioned material, it is worth knowing that the felt is a favorable delicacy of moths. For beautiful rounded logs, you can use the rope to ensure that the aesthetic look of the log is complete.

Konopka is carried out by special tools: a shovel, Cyans and Dobor. The essence of the process is reduced to plug all the slots and gaps between the logs, even if they are not visible at first glance.

There are two methods: in the set, and the rotory. The first is good for threaded seals. From the material thread thread and by set of loops pushed into the slot. The second is faster and high quality: the material is sprinkled along the entire length of the log, and one edge is tightly refueling into the gap. The second is folded by the roller and goes there. It is worth knowing that the caulking is taken from the bottom up and on both sides of the church. After another 3-5 years, the process must be repeated.

After cacopate, it is possible to build a roof and proceed to internal warming and finishing.

The described process of how to make a high-quality log house independently, is simple on paper. Wooden construction has a lot of nuances. It is possible to comply with them, subject to the responsible approach to the case and exploring the auxiliary information. Only then the operation of the personally built house will fully delight the owners and force proud of themselves.

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