Method of growing seedlings at home


There is neither dirt, no concerns of watering!

Take a plastic bottle. Only necessarily transparent (not blue, not greenish) cut in half along (in length). For half launch 6-8 layers of toilet paper.

Method of growing seedlings at home
Then, it is necessary to hunt it on top, but so that there are no water (turned over the excess stakes, it is not going anywhere) on top of the seeds, as if you put it on top. The spoon was slightly pressed to get tightly. From above on the bottle you put on the usual cellophane package and tie at the end. You must have a kind of guy. And that's it.

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Method of growing seedlings at home
In this form, they can be two and three weeks (how much you need) leaves only two will grow and all, but the root will develop hard. It is not necessary to water, condensate will be constantly returning to the old place. When you need to transfer to the ground.

Very well, thus grow seeds of petunias, strawberries, which are difficult to grow. But I planted everything. I also planted with a cabbage, which in the usual way stretches.

Seedling, planted in this way, distinguishes the one that Sadim is usually, since she has already big roots, which only clinging begin to let the foliage. And the usual seedlings first slowly starts the roots, and then everything else.

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