How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos


How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

Scales are small insects who love to dwell in human housing. They like humidity, so most often settled in the kitchen, in the bath and toilet. In wooden houses love to dwell in attics and in basements.

Scappy does not bring much harm. She is leads mainly a nightlife , avoids bright light. And if in the dark to slam the lamp sharply, the insect will try to quickly hide in a dark place.

Feeding the scaly products that contain starch or polysaccharides : Scales of dead skin, old or wet paper, photos, flour, various types of fabrics, glue.

In the hygienic plan, these insects are completely harmless - are not carriers of dangerous diseases, they do not lead a parasitary lifestyle in animal wool. On the other hand, if you do not take care of their destruction, they can damage old books, photo albums or clothing. Yes, and aesthetically they are not the most pleasant neighbors. Therefore, we will consider ways to get rid of them, and also learn how to avoid further relapses.

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How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

Start searching follows from the most raw seats in your home: Bath, Toilet, Kitchen . Especially carefully examine various cracks - thanks to its narrow body, these insects can climb anywhere. It is also necessary to carefully examine cabinets with old clothing.

Usually these insects are easy to detect, just turning the light in the bath or toilet at night. But if only a small group of scales lives, you will have to look for them on additional signs:

  • Litter . The litter of scales is similar to small pepper peppers;
  • Leather . During molting, insects drop their skin scales, which are easy to detect, carefully looking at it;
  • Harm . Pay attention to the wallpaper or cardboard boxes that stand on the floor. If they have small round holes, then this is the first sign that the scales settled.

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Set Silk

Let's just say that the trap is not the most effective way to combat scales, but to get rid of small insect groups - it is suitable.

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

Glass prison. It will take an ordinary glass bank (preferably liter or more). Outside it needs to be wrapped with a tape or other similar material. And inside the jars you need to put a piece of bread. The trap itself is installed in the places of alleged insect habitat. Scales, feeling the smell of bread, we will climb into the banks without any problems. But get out of the glass wall can no longer be able to get out.

Please note the bank can not be cooled with ordinary paper, or other materials that serve as insect food. Otherwise, they will simply turn the smell under the bait.

Fire House . If you do not have free glass jars, or you feel sorry to use them, then use this trap. It is necessary to twist the usual newspaper (preferably quite old), and its ends tied with a rubber band - so as not to be spinning. Therefore, the newspaper needs to soak into the water and squeeze (it is impossible to flow water from it). Leave the newspaper at the insect habitat.


How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

Scales use your trap not only as food, but also as a house. So in the morning you will need to simply throw off the newspaper, and it is better to burn it.

Trap from the store . If there is no desire to bother - then just buy a trap in the store. Any traps are suitable in which it is necessary to lay the bait. And as bait, as mentioned above, it is best to use ordinary bread.

Note that any trap is better installed in the evening and do it is necessary in all rooms where scales live.


There are many means of fighting scales. As poisons, boric acid or pyrethrine spray are usually used. They are spared at the habitats of pests and destroy not only adult individuals, but also eggs. On the other hand, both substances are quite toxic. They cannot be sprayed in houses with children or pets. Therefore, we recommend to take advantage of more secure ways.

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How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

Diatomitis. This is an ordinary food powder, and his killing secret lies in the structure of the grains. They are very sharp and their edges just puzzle insects, killing them.

Ditomets must be poured in the evening in the apartment where scales live, and in the morning to collect all the powder together with the bodies of insects with a vacuum cleaner. At the same time, it is best to use the mask, because when you get into the airways, the sands can get stuck in your throat and tease it, causing cough.

Territe Cedra . It is noted that the flashes do not tolerate the smell of the zest. If you sprinkle some place to her, they leave him pretty quickly. The zest must be changed approximately once a week to finally dare pests from its apartment.

Smell of spices . Also, these insects do not tolerate spices aroma: pepper, cinnamon, carnations and others. In a special jar, pour several types of spices with a bright smell and place it in insect habitats. But this method helps only for small closed rooms (for example, for a cabinet). In more spacious rooms, the fragrance will quickly disperse.

Spray . If you do not want to go with the zest and clean it constantly, you can use the citrus spray. They need to spray the room where scales live, as well as pour into all the cracks. Alternatively, you can use a lavender spray.

Do not let home

The easiest way to get rid of scales forever is to abide by hygiene. Cleaning must be done no less than once a week (vacuuming and wash the floor).

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

In no case can not be left on the floor in the apartment:

  • old books;
  • carton boxes;
  • old things;
  • Food;
  • Glue with starch content.

It is also recommended to reduce humidity. To do this, you can use either special dryers, or air conditioning. If this equipment is not, just turn on from time to time in the wet room of the hair dryer.

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Any Even the smallest cracks in the walls and in the floor must be put out with a putty - These are habitats of scales in a bright day of day. There are also their nests with eggs.

If you have old wallpapers, which have already begun to move away from the walls, it is better to cross them. Otherwise, you will provide insect almost unlimited food supply and place of residence.

It is interesting

How to get rid of scales in your apartment - Tips and photos

The scaper is considered one of the oldest insects that live on Earth. Unpretentiousness in food, the lack of natural enemies allowed these small beings to survive now for 300 million years.

The birthday scales are the tropics. There they live in the overwriting foliage of the soil. But domestic forests are too cold for them, so they moved into human dwellings.

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