Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes


Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Pre-New Year vanity with gifts and a festive menu concerns and home interior decorations. Decorating the room creates a festive mood and helps forget about fatigue and annual report.

Crafts for Christmas topics make it possible to awaken in the soul of a fantasist and inventor. Involvement in the process of children of any age helps to strengthen family traditions and values.

For crafts, any healthy material will suit, if you wish, you can buy something in stores on needlework. Do not be afraid of experiments: it is non-standard solutions that attract attention and deserve admiration.

Finishing the exclusive interior of a decorative handmade fireplace from cardboard boxes, we have already told about previously.

New Year's figures: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman

Well, what new year without the main characters? Flat or volumetric, paper or plastic, simple or complex - options for every taste abundantly. It all depends on the time you are ready to spend on the crawl, and patience.

Santa Claus from cardboard and felt

For the manufacture of cheerful and cute Santa Claus, it will take: sleeve from toilet paper (or cylinder of the desired size from cardboard), small flap of red, white, black and yellow felt, glue, cardboard and 2 beads or bugs for eyes.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Manufacturing process:

  • The sleeve is gluable with a red felt;
  • Cut from felt and glue the black "belt" and "bleak";
  • From white felt we make "face", "beard", "mustache" and "nose";
  • From the red felt, we make a cap, glit it, and the seam location is closed with a white felt ribbon, like a real cap;
  • From cardboard and black felt we make a flat base for a shape in the form of a boot;
  • From the red and white felt, we make handles in the mittens and glue them to "torso";
  • At the tip of the cap make a white pompon (we glue two disks from felt);
  • We glue beads eyes and red mouth.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

The craft can be installed or hang on the Christmas tree. In the second case, in the manufacture of pompon, a beautiful ribbon or a brilliant lace is glisted between discs.

Grandfather Frost of Plastic Bottle

For crafts you need to cook: a plastic bottle (volume of 0.5-1 l.), Acrylic paints of red and white, glue, scissors, black marker and white threads.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Manufacturing process:

  • Bottle are staining in red or gluable paper;
  • Eyes draw a marker (here you can improvise: "Sunny Procherion", "mischievous wink", "delight");
  • For beard and caps, we glue the matter and paint white paint;
  • On the cover of the bottle, we glue the pompon from the threads;
  • draw snowflakes and mittens;
  • From the felt, cut out the snowflake and glue to the header.

The finished figure of Santa Claus can be decorated with sequins or tinsel.

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Clay Snow Maiden

An interesting version of crafts from clay for modeling is suitable for both kindergarten and home decor. Snow Maiden Figure is a hollow.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Technique modeling includes stages:

  • From the "sausage" of the middle thickness, we make a pyramid (smoothing the seams to get a whole smooth shape);
  • For the head, roll the ball, which is fixed with the help of a match;
  • weave a pigtail made of thin flavors, make a "fur" ruffle and collar for fur coat, kokoshnik and sleeves with mittens;
  • When the figure will start starting to paint (stirrate paint with glue).

Similarly, other New Year characters can be made.

Paper Snow Maiden

For the manufacture of cheerful Snow Maiden paper, cardboard, colored paper, glue and pencils.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

The cardboard sheet is folded by a cone and get the basis, which is then saved by blue paper. Also from cardboard we make sleeves.

On dense white paper, draw the face of the Snow Maiden with the pigtails and gently cut out. From white paper cut out the openwork finish "coat".

We glue all the details and, at will, ascend the decorative elements with a marker. Instead of blue colored paper, you can take white, coloring it with a pencil.

Snowman made of white plastic cups

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

The cauldron can be of different sizes, but at the same time working with it will be equally simply due to light weight. You need to cook: Several disposable packages, stationery stapler, glue, color cardboard for cap, marker and old scarf.

Manufacturing process:

  • We connect the cups around the circumference using a stapler (orient the bottom to the center of the circle);
  • Turning the ranks, we get the first half factor;
  • We make a second half fault in an unfinished (without top) so that the sphere is stably stood on a flat surface;
  • connect the stapler of the part and get "com";
  • Similarly, we make the second "com" of a smaller radius;
  • glue two spheres;
  • From the cardboard we make a cap (you can sew from the fabric or take ready);
  • We make eyes, nose and mouth;
  • We decorate buttons (you can put a tinsel, romel foil or colored paper in the right cups).

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Find up the original decoration of the snowman is quite simple.

Snowman made of threads and glue

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

For this craft, it will take: white threads (better thick knitting), PVA glue, 4 balloons, colored paper and markers.

Manufacturing process:

  • inflate balloons of the desired size (torso, head and hands);
  • Watch every ball with a thread moistened in the glue and leave dry;
  • After a day, the balls pierce the needle and remove scraps;
  • Of the resulting white balls, we collect and glue the snowman figure;
  • We make eyes, nose and smile of paper or draw markers;
  • Create a headdress - paper bucket;
  • We are tapping a wide ribbon, a children's scarf or tinsel.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

To complete the composition, you can make a broom made of wooden skewers for kebabs and wide colored paper tapes.

Decorative Christmas tree

An undisputed and permanent symbol of the new year is recognized as a Christmas tree, which is customary to decorate. But the Christmas tree itself can become an ornament. We present 5 best options for decorative Christmas tree.

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Pine cone

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Little, but the pretty Christmas tree will turn out of a beautiful pine cone (fir cones of smaller size and more elongated). Different variants of staining and decorating are possible.

So that the Christmas tree looked more realistic, "plant" her into a small plastic flower pot (flowers in stores sell them, and after the transplantation in a ceramic pot, they often do not find at home use). Make a pot can also be made of puff pastry or plasticine.

Fluffy christmas tree

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

New Year holidays remembered since childhood the aroma of chocolate chocolates. It will be great if the new year harbinger appears on the desktop, covered with sweets. From white cardboard make a cone. Starting below, we glue the green tinsel in a circle, alternating every row with a number of candies. The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with a star from colored paper or from candy. Instead of chocolate candies, you can use different sweets.

Vegetable tree

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

For decoration of the festive table, you can make a Christmas tree made of cauliflower. Small or chopped carrots, garnet grains, clippings of mandarin are suitable as decoration. Cabs can be fastened with a puff pastry.

Christmas tree from the threads "with a light"

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Fill the house with a simple Christmas tree made of threads with shimmering in the light of a tea candle. For its manufacture on the cone the desired size we wake any threads moistened in the glue.

After 24 hours, when the glue dries, pull out the cone and decorate the cradle by beads or other small and light decor.

Natural mini-tree made of fir branches

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

When there is no place for a real spruce in the apartment, but so I want a resinous smell, it is worth thinking about creating a mini variant of small twigs. To do this, an elongated piece of floristic sponge is installed in a decorative bowl or clay pot.

At the next stage, the twigs are evenly sticking into a sponge, repeating the silhouette of the real Christmas tree. You can decorate the finished composition by phizalis, dried and dried pieces of orange (natural fir branches are better combined with natural materials).

Christmas toys do it yourself

Handmade toys of unique design are more popular and create a special atmosphere in the interior.

Dwarfs from fir bumps and felt

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Cute toys with suspension will become an excellent decoration. There are many different variations and space for creativity.

Snow Maiden fetra

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Snow Maiden can be made on the finished pattern or prepare your version on paper. In the pattern you need to take into account all the elements. Finished the figure decorate beads or sparkles.

Wicker Paper Balls Garland

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

There are various weaving techniques 3D pieces of paper. The simplest one: cut off the colored paper on the strips, take one strip and glue it into the ring, two more strips of intertwine and also glue the ring.

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For small diameter balls, you need to take stripes 8-10 cm. The greater the ball, the greater the number of strips it will be necessary. Finished balls We ride on a tape or decorative rope and get a bright colorful garland.

Nordic Penguins from Plastic Bottles

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

All that you need to craft is an even number of bottles (if there are different volumes, it will turn out a funny family), threads for pumps, patchwork for cutting scarves and multi-colored acrylic paints. For coloring, the artist's skills are not required - quite desire and festive mood.

Plastic snowflakes

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

A wonderful decoration in the form of multi-colored snowflakes can be made of plastic bottles of any volume: cut off the bottom, we make a hot nail with a ribbon hole and paint the wovers or draw patterns.

Decoration from buttons

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Buttons are actively used in needlework for decorating any crafts. In the creation of Christmas decorations, both decorative buttons of one color can be involved and old unnecessary buttons. The elements are riveted on the copper wire, and the location of the two ends is decorated with a bright bow of the tape. Similar version of crafts - vertical decoration in the form of icicles.

The symbol of the coming 2019 is an earthen dog

In the interior decoration, it is impossible to go around the "hostess" 2019 - an earthen dog. In 2019, the relay of the East calendar will continue the yellow pig, and in 2020 - a white rat.

White dog made of cotton balls

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

To seek, the cardboard frame is first made, which is covered with cotton balls or segments of cotton sticks.

Pomponov dog

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Cute puppy will succeed in pumps. For the crafts, we take two pumps of the same size (head and torso) and one small (nose).

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Between themselves binding the pockets, we glue the ears from the felt. For the eyes, you can take black beads, and for a spout - to sew a chick of black matter.

Cute felt puppies

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

An excellent idea will cheat funny puppies from felt on the Christmas tree. Pattern for crafts is easy to do yourself.

Funny socks puppy

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

To create such a peel, you will need elementary cutting skills and sewing. Initially, the future torso and the head are generated from one sock, which are filled with syntheps, and then separated by ticking with threads. After the head is complemented by eyes, the mustache and eyebrows are embroidered.

Crafts for the new year do it yourself: 20 of the most interesting ideas and master classes

Of the other two socks, the pattern is made for the ears, paws and tails, which are also filled with syntheps and fixed on the housing.

The selected ideas of the crafts for the new year 2019 will help to make the interior of the unknown and festive magic. More ideas on New Year's design in the article "Decorate the courtyard and house for the new year."

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