How and what to whiten the bath at home


How and what to whiten the bath at home

Almost in any apartment there is a bathroom. Each hostess seeks to contain this room clean. However, it is often precisely the appearance of the bath spoils the entire appearance of the room. Save white plumbing is not so simple. After all, it has to constantly stupid something, wash and clean.

As a result, the dirt accumulates on the walls of the bath, which is not so simple. Naturally, the question arises, how to whiten the bath at home?

Why appears ones

There are several factors that cause formation on the walls of the nour bath. Most often the cause of pollution of plumbing becomes:

  1. How and what to whiten the bath at home


  2. Old water supply systems that during operation were covered with rust.
  3. Quite large content in the water of various impurities.
  4. Various household chemicals, which has an aggressive impact on the surface of plumbing.

Restoration or cleaning

How and what to whiten the bath at home

Before proceeding to whitening the old bath, it is worth determining the degree of its pollution. In some cases, cleaning is useless. If Plumbing has lost its attractiveness as a result of poor care, folk remedies and special household chemicals will help make it snow-white. In this case Intensive cleaning will be required.

If, with each Plumbing washing, abrasive products were used, for example, soda or special powder, that is, the probability that enamel was broken. In this case, return the whiteness of the bath will be much more complicated.

Sometimes careful cleaning of plumbing with all sorts of means is required. Whitening of old plumbing in this case can take away a few days. It is worth considering that the bathroom after some time will again become yellow.

If you won't pay off the bath at home, it is worth thinking about its restoration. The most accessible option is Painting old plumbing enamel . You can also use special liners. The restoration of the bathroom should be carried out only by experts who have sufficient experience. Otherwise, you can spoil the product.

How to whiten an acrylic bath

How and what to whiten the bath at home

Not so long ago there appeared plumbing made from acrylic. Such products very quickly won the market and became very popular. However, it is very difficult to care for such plumbing, as the coating itself is very fragile. Over time, acrylic products also lose their whiteness. Of course, it is possible to return the primordial kind of plumbing.

To do this, select a suitable tool. First of all, it follows refuse household chemicals which contains various acids, chlorine, as well as pitch. In addition, acrylic baths can not be cleaned by powders containing abrasives. Otherwise, the upper layer of the product is powered by microcracks.

For whitening baths from acrylic is better to use Creamy or gel-shaped Means that allow without much effort to remove raids and incorporated spots. Such household chemicals has a mild detergent. The easiest way to whiten the acrylic bath is the use of dishwashing products.

How to whiten a cast-iron bath

How and what to whiten the bath at home

Many apartments have cast iron baths covered with enamel. The main advantage of such plumbers is that it holds the temperature for a long time. However, over time, the white coating loses its attractiveness and becomes gray.

Naturally, it spoils the appearance of the product. But if desired, the bath can be whiten. If the enamel was damaged, then it is worth thinking about the overhaul of the product. To do this, you will need:

  • Whiteness "Whiteness".
  • Abrasive means.
  • Metal brush.
  • Sponge with a dense rigid surface.

To begin with, the surface of the product should be mixed. After that, the contaminated sections should be pouring a thick layer of cleaning powder. The tool must be left for about 15 minutes. After the specified time you need to clean the surface with a rigid sponge to remove the dirt.

For cleaning the onset of the clutch and rust can Use metal brush . In completion, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the powder with water.

If the cleaning powder does not completely whiten the bath, then you can use Chlorine-based bleach . This tool needs to be distributed over the entire surface of the product. After some time, plumbing needs to be thoroughly wash with water. The bath will become snow-white. However, after a while, the raid will appear again.

If the cast-iron bath is relatively new and there are no small damage on enamel, then it is worth it for her whitening Use cream-shaped means which are intended for clean ceramic coatings.

Useful recommendations

How and what to whiten the bath at home

Special sprays can be used to remove appeased spots. They can be purchased in a specialized store. Apply such a tool is much more convenient. In addition, when spraying, the composition is distributed evenly throughout the surface. This saves strength and time.

Also for whitening plumbing can be used Oxygen bleach Any brand. It is enough to fill the bath with water and dissolve the tool in it. The resulting solution must be left overnight. In the morning you will need to only wash off a warm water. As a result, the bath will become snow-white.

To remove rust stains from the cast-iron bath, you can use rusty-based agents. This substance is not so aggressive as acetic or lemonic acid . It is enough to dissolve the finished powder in the water. As a result, the Cashier should turn out. It must be applied on the spots and rub the brush.

Then the bath should be washed with water. When working with similar means it is worth using gloves.

Folk remedies

How and what to whiten the bath at home

There are many folk methods that allow at home to whiten the bath. Many do not even guess that simple substances that will be found in every home allow you to return the plumbing of the original purity. Here are some effective ways to deal with the bathroom climb:

Baking soda . This substance should be used only if the bath is covered with white enamel. It is enough to sprinkle contaminated areas by dry composition, and then a soft sponge to walk along all surfaces. Movements should be circular.

After processing all distressed places, food soda needs to be thoroughly riveted with warm water. When using food soda, you need to follow several basic rules. Bath before cleaning must be dry and sponge too. No moisture. At the same time, the skin of the hands should be protected. To do this, you can wear gloves.

Vinegar, but not apple . This method allows you to get rid of limescale, which very often appears not only on the surface of plumbing. To remove complex pollution, you must soak the rag with vinegar. After that, you need to put the fabric on the problem area and leave about half an hour. After the specified time, it will be easy to get rid of the tax.

From residue ordinary soap You can prepare a great remedy that allows you to return the bathing bath. For the preparation of the composition you need only 100 grams of womb. They must be pouring 200 milliliters of water.

After that, in the remedy you need to add a tablespoon of food soda and a teaspoon of ammonia alcohol. If there are no womb, then you can graze any soap on a large cooker. The finished solution can be used not only for bleaching the bath at home, but also for washing the windowsides, doors, windows, painted floor, as well as ceramic tiles.

Effective bleaching compositions at home

The composition is bleach, vinegar, soda Food and calcined. This tool helped whiten the bath with many hostesses. To begin with, the calcined and food soda should be mixed. It will be enough to take three tablespoons of each powder.

After that, it is necessary to moisten the whole bath with ordinary water. Apply the mixture most convenient to the usual sponge. The tool must be left on the surface of plumbing for 15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the second composition. To do this, you need to mix 50 grams of bleach and 50 grams of vinegar. Ready solution must be applied on a layer of soda.

An hour later, the bath should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water. For better whitening, a bleach can be used, which contains chlorine. However, it is necessary to take into account that for some coatings, a similar means is dangerous.

Salt and Skipidar . These substances will allow you to quickly get rid of rust. To begin with, you need to mix these two components so that a thick cashet is in the end. It will be enough to mix 35 milliliters of turpentar and 100 grams of ordinary salts. The finished composition must be applied to the contaminated area and thoroughly rub with a sponge.

Carbonated drinks . For whitening the bath at home only those drinks are suitable, which contains orthophosphoric acid. This component is usually denoted as E 338. It is enough to pour this drink into the bath and wipe all the surfaces. After some time, plumbing needs to be simply washed with warm water.

Washing powder . This method is not suitable for acrylic plumbing, as the washing powder can hardly damage the top layer of the bath. If the plumbing is covered with enamel, then it is necessary to moist it and pour the washing powder on the problem area. After that, the composition must be rubbed by the usual sponge for 15 minutes. After another 10 minutes, the powder can be washed off with water.

Lemon acid . With a wet cloth or sponge, it is necessary to apply citric acid into a contaminated area of ​​the bath and leave for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the plumbing must be thoroughly washed with water. It is worth noting that after one bath procedure will not become snow-white. Such a cleaning will need to spend several times.

Modern bath cleaning agents

So, how to whiten the bath at home with household chemicals. Modern means allow you to clean even the spots. The most effective are considered:

  • How and what to whiten the bath at home

    Mister Muscle.

  • Duckling.
  • Sanoks.
  • Glorix.
  • Foss.
  • Blike Bad.

Such household chemicals perfectly copes with the solar mud. In addition, to whiten the old bath with an enamel coating, you can use Chlorine-based bleach . Probably, everyone knows the means called "Whiteness".

When using it, you should be neat and use not only gloves but respirator . The tool must be fully pouring the bath and leave for 24 hours. After that, a thorough cleaning of old plumbing should be carried out. It is best to do with a rigid sponge or brush.

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