Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews


Drip watering makes care of plants several times easier, because the maintenance of the required humidity takes a lot of time and strength. In addition, making water under root with small doses significantly reduces its consumption. And what is interesting: the yield of vegetable crops becomes much higher. Collect the drip irrigation system with your own hands from the components - it is, of course great, but not everyone wants to look for components of suitable sizes. For such a case there are sets for drip irrigation. They contain everything necessary to ensure water of a certain number of plants. On some of the most popular such sets and will be discussed in the article.

If you need an automatic drip watering greenhouse or garden, see the sets of aiming, water apex and PDA 24K. For manual adjustment of the amount of water supplied to plants, sets of Gardena, Rosinka, Beetle, PDA 24 and harvest kits from the Tuboflex campaign. Almost all of them serve water from the tank (barrels installed at some height). The equipment of the Garden and aims studio Water Tap (crane) operates from the water supply network (including from the pumping station).

Set for drip irrigation aims

This kit for automated or manual drip irrigation can be with or without automation, water is supplied from a container raised to some height. Control unit, if any, works from batteries. Initially, it was intended for watering plants with greenhouses, because it is designed to irrigate two beds. Since the greenhouse plant for irrigation has a small size, there is a set to increase the length of watering lines.

The main difference of the system is an aiming - organization of water supply from the barrel: starter and reverse pumps are used. The principle of operation is such. The pumps are stacked at the bottom of the water barrels, the automation unit is fixed outside, the hose is transferred through the edge of the tank and further divorces in beds. Pencil type droppers are attached to the hose, through which the water is observed to the roots of plants.

Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

Set for drip irrigation Aims studies is ideal for use in small greenhouses, it works and with beds on the open Hurnt

When submitting a command to switch on, the feed pump is turned on by one minute, providing overflow of water through the edge and breeding it by hoses, after which it turns off. Next, water comes in gravity.

Having worked out a period of time (with automation, the time is controlled by a timer) the reverse pump turns on, sucking the air portion, overlapping the water supply and is also disconnected. The system remains in standby mode until the next inclusion. Such an algorithm of work saves battery charge: one set is enough for the whole season.

Types of Aqua Dusi and their features

There are two already removed from the production of the model "ACCENSE 50+" semi-automatic and automatic. Today there are no available, there are only components. Such a concern for the manufacturer about their clients is pleased. They came to replace a number of new products that enhanced every year.

So there is aqua-duskey start (STAT) in version 2019 and 2019. Option of 2019 is characterized by the fact that the pump structurally became different: its starter is waterproof, and the rotor is hydro-open. If necessary, it can be disassembled and cleared. The rest of the system is similar. They allow you to set watering time: 60, 80 or 120 minutes, the water supply will be turned on once a day, while you started it for the first time. This system is notable to lift the container can be only 10-40 cm. This is the smallest height that is easy to ensure, putting several bricks under the bottom.

Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

System for automation of watering plants

There is a set of a questioning LCD. Besides the fact that the display here on liquid crystals, the number of modes is increased: the possibility of changing the irrigation rate appeared. Water supply can be turned on after 6, 12, 24 hours or two and three days. The duration of watering is more flexible: from 10 minutes to 2 hours in a step of changing the interval in 10 minutes. More nail: Added button manual starting button. If there is a heat, and your greenhouse or garden need an additional portion of water, simply press the button and watering begins. The next will go on the installed schedule.

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For those who do not need automation, there is "aim /60". It is intended for irrigation 60 plants, but can with a set of expansion supply water to 100 bushes. The bar must be installed at an altitude of at least 1 meter. Start and stopping watering occur in manual mode (turn the crane). This budget version of the drip system without automation is suitable for those who have the ability to independently control the frequency and duration of watering.

Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

This is an aqua duskey crane - a very compact system for drip watering from water supply

For irrigation, not from the barrel, but from the plumbing crane, there is a drip irrigation system. Water Tap (Crane) (crane) is also possible, but it will have to be raised to a height of 3 meters). The system works with pressure of at least 0.3 atm. The duration of water supply can be set 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes. It can be turned on after 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours. All control is concentrated in a small block, which is both a valve that opens the water supply. Everything works from two batteries by 1.5 volts.


"We have in our city when I bought, Aquadusi was not, bought in Moscow, paid for delivery, but I have never regretted it. True, the hose, which throws over the edge of the barrels, is still clarified, but I pulled the spring and everything is fine. Distribution on the crap is stable - I checked - the drip in the can of the whole day at different ends. The difference in 200-300 ml, and the order of 1.7 liters per hour is poured. The crops we collect just wonderful and from the greenhouse, and from the garden. "

Misha, Blagoveshchensk

"I have a drip watering of Aqua Dusya for two years. And the barrel costs 25 meters - I can't closer, otherwise my own. If the hose from the barrel lies exactly (I contacted) everything works if there are hills and gears - no. In general, I really like the system. There were no problems with her. "

Bellgorod, Nikolai

I am one set of watering adapted to two greenhouses. Alterations a lot, suffered, until he picked up the limiters so that the distribution of water was stable and in the near greenhouse and in the far. But nothing, everything has been working for three years and I am very pleased. "

Victor, Moscow region

"We had a negative experience: there was no time on the cottage, but the time of operation of the reverse pump was very reduced, because of which it did not disconnect the water supply. The barrel is filled with us automatically from the water supply. When they arrived, the greenhouse turned into a swamp and to the neighbors, also a lot of water Doteklo. So failed. "

Valeria, Vologda

Set "Watercase"

The drip watering kit "Watermark" consists of a controller, filter, a trunk hose and several tens of drops on thin tubes, which are installed in the holes done in the main hoses. In the base set there is 8 meters long hose. It is offered to divide into two pieces for watering two beds 4 meters. There is also a 4-meter extension kit. It can be used simultaneously with the basic beds 6 meters long.

Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

Kit for drip irrigation "Watercase" - price and weight

The most interesting detail in this set is the controller. It works from two AA batteries and has no need for pressure in the system. Actually, this set is intended for water wiring only from the tank, on the pressure in the plumbing network are not calculated, and in this case it is not recommended.

Capacity can stand at a height from 0.5 meters about 2 meters. The main condition is the pressure to fill the pipes. At the outlet from the container, the filter is installed (included), and then there is a layout on the bed.

The controller allows you to expose the frequency and duration of watering. Periodicity: Inclusion of water supply after 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours. The duration of water supply to each switch is set from two minutes to several tens. That is, you can make it so that watering starts every 2 hours and continued, say, 15 minutes, and you can do so that the feed begins once a day, but the water was one hour.

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"I bought a set of drip irrigation" Watercase "just because he has a controller from two batteries and no pressure requirements. More no one does not release. I was looking for two years ... And then I bought, turned on, every two hours buzzes, water dripping. It works for me."

Moscow, Vezhigio, Victor

"My" water meter "for some reason does not give water if you put a large period: after 24 hours it does not turn on after 48. I'm lucky ... at least at least works fine. "

Moscow region, Alexander

"Works well, but the batteries quickly sit down. They would have done to work from the battery, the prices would not have. In general, satisfied, water leaves little, and the crop is good. "


The installation order is demonstrated in the video from the manufacturer.

Garden Watering System (Gardena)

This is a multicomponent system with different types of droppers, and watering devices. There are devices for drip irrigation, there are spins of different devices and types. The drip watering "Garden" is produced in Germany.

These devices are working from the water supply system (including from the pumping station) have their own filters that reduce and stabilizing pressure in the system. The pressure stabilization device is called a "master block", they are calculated on the supply of 1000 l / h or 2,000 l / h. The distribution hose is connected to them, to which the various water supply devices to plants are then mounted.

For connecting hose pieces, unique fittings are used in which the hose is simply inserted. It is fixed with a special spring, providing tightness. If necessary, the connection is disconnected by pressing a special lever, the hose is released from the clamp and gets.

For drip irrigation there are droppers of the following types:

  • with fixed consumption 2 and 4 l / h;
  • self-regulating 2 l / h, allowing to submit throughout the line of watering the same amount of water;
  • internal - inserted into the rupture of the hose with a fixed consumption of water;
  • with adjustable feed from 0 to 20 l / h - terminal and internal

For more information about the system of drip irrigation and irrigation Gardena, see the video.

How to organize a system of automatic watering of the entire site, read here.

Set for drip watering "Rosinka"

This set of drip irrigation has no automation. It "starts" by turning the ball crane on the feed hose. The Rosinka system consists of flexible elastic hoses that carry temperatures up to -45 ° C, fittings - crosses and tees, miniature drainage plugs. It is these droppers that distinguish it from fellow. These are small devices that are inserted into the end of the hose. They are adjustable - feed water can at a speed of 0 to 2 liters / hour.

The base kit is designed to distribute under 50 roots, but there is an opportunity to purchase additional components and collect the configuration that you need.

The assembly is simple: the fitting is embedded in the barrel (capacity), the main crane with the valve is attached to it, and then the system is collected from pieces of hose and fittings. How everything happens look in the video.


"I use this system for more than ten years at its cottage. Works on perfectly, but it is only a garden-country option, it makes no sense to the large volumes of it. The part is already 10 years old, some of course changed. What I like that you can buy components without problems. Forgot a couple of times to remove them for winter from the greenhouse. Nothing, survived. The last time I bought hoses. Compared to the old, they became better: the walls are thicker and reinforcement. So further apply in the garden and at the cottage. "

Alexey Evgenievich, Ekaterinburg

On how to organize water supply from the well or well, read here.

Drip watering "Beetle"

This set for drip irrigation is ideal for greenhouse growing plants. Waving water from the barrel, which is set at an altitude of 1-2 meters (operating pressure 0.1-0.2 atm). Submits to the roots of plants about 4 l / h, the amount of water supplied depends on the time of irrigation.

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Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

Drip irrigation system "Beetle" - a budget version of the organization of irrigation from a barrel in a greenhouse or in the garden

This system is not intended for use in frost. In the fall, it must be dismantled, rinse, and preferably - blow so that no water remains. The "Beetle" kit is called greenhouse or greenhouse, because it is convenient to distribute water into four rows of plants - the most common option in small greenhouses at dachas or near the house.

Slow black hoses, which reduces the likelihood of water blooming. If the droppers break, you can open the valve on the suppressive water supply to the maximum, so that the pressure is contaminated. Most often it is either sand, or falling bacteria.

In the design of drip irrigation "Beetle" there is a transparent tube to control the water level in the barrel. Since the container is at the height (1-2 meters), it looks into it to check the amount of water uncomfortable. This simple device will make it easy to track its level.

On how to build a greenhouse, read here.


This plant produces crop drip irrigation kits. Sets are intended for manual water supply control, but automatics and controllers are sold separately. From all described above, it is distinguished by the fact that the distribution of water occurs drip tubes. Assortment of such:

  • Vintage 1. For watering 62 squares of vegetable crops, comes with the filter. Price of 2100 rubles.
  • Vintage 1-1. All too, but without a filter, the price is 1700 rubles.
  • Vintage 2. May irrigation area 40 square meters. m., comes with a filter, the price is 1100 rubles.
  • Vintage 3 - for drip watering 22 squares of vegetable crops, the price is 800 rubles.

    Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

    Drip Watering Tuboflex "Vintage 1" - complete set

Controllers for automation are single and two-zone. Two-zone is in mechanical and automatic execution.

Garden can be beautiful. How to make beautiful beds read here.

Set for drip watering PDA 24 and PDA 24K

The Samara Enterprise LLC PKF "Istok" produces kits of drip irrigation PDA 24 with drip ribbons. The configuration of the PDA 24K differs in that it has a controller, that is, water supply is automated. The system is designed to supply water from the tank, the maximum pressure of 1.2 atm, so that it is impossible to connect to the plumbing network without a pressure gearbox.

System characteristics:

  • Drip tape 24 meters long, the recommended length of one line of watering is not more than 6 meters;
  • The wall thickness of the tape is 0.2 mm,
  • Distance between droppers of 30 cm,
  • water consumption of 1.7 l / h,
  • Operating pressure 0.3-1.2 atm.

The kit comes a filter for thin water purification, if a lot of contaminants, pre-put the gravel. The method of assembling a drip system of watering is standard: from the tap at the bottom of the tank is mounted in the feed pipe from the hose inner diameter of 15 mm (no included). Briefing to beds, the hose cut, insert the tee (comes in the kit), connect the ribbon of the desired length to the free output. On the other hand, the tee is installed a piece of pipe of the same diameter. Its length - until the next tape. So collect the whole scheme, in the last line of irrigation is not a tee, and the corner (is included).

Drip irrigation systems: manufacturers, equipment, reviews

Set of drip irrigation PDA 24

The controller in the PDA 24K kit gives ample opportunities for watering programming. Water supply duration - from 1 minute to 9 hours 59 minutes. There are sixteen programs that set the frequency of watering - from one to 16 times a day and with an accuracy of the minute, the inclusion time is set to each of the irregularities. Also selected at what days of the week to include water. So the system of drip irrigation PDA 24k is really automatic.

There are minimum pressure restrictions: the controller will work if the pressure in the system is more than 0.1 atm (maximum 4 atm). When the water is applied from the barrel, it should be set to 1 meter below the exit from the container. Then there will be no problems with water supply. Another: for the main water pipeline, the hose must be used in the internal cross section 13 mm. Power supply two 1.5 volt batteries or alkaline batteries of the same container.

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