How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device


To protect your home, recently has become common to install metal doors. Their demand is also due to not because recently the number of apartment buildings has grown and they are good armor for collectors, most likely it is an element for the tranquility of the tenants themselves.

How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device

Metal doors have a long service life. However, and they over time are breakdown and require repair.

Of course, metal structures serve a long service, but it happens so that there is a breakdown, of course, it is required to be corrected. And disassemble the metal door - the task is not from the lungs. To fix it, you need to know its device.

Metal doors device

Economy class models include only several components. The design of the door leaf itself consists of a rectangular frame, the ribs are satisfied inside it, the metal sheets are welded to the frame on both sides. The inner part of the product is triggered by clapboard, laminate or leather.

A good door is expensive, well, and if an inexpensive model was selected, then the quality of it will be appropriate. This design is empty inner cavity. Thin sheets of 1-2 mm cross section are used for the outer sheath. An organity is used as an internal filler, the door is covered with a furniture film of different textures.

How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device

Device metal door.

If you choose an expensive inlet metal door, then its quality will be appropriate. Doors are made with enhanced thickness and fixed on three loops to strengthen. The cavity between steel sheets has thermal insulation consisting of foam and mineral wool. The outer portion is covered with a laminated coating with a variety of patterns.

Maximum durable doors have an extended complete set, but they are already manufactured by individual order.

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The metal door into its design includes a draft frame, door frame and door leaf. The door frame is attached to metal pins to the rough frame. In turn, the pins are driven into the wall.

To disassemble the metal door, there must be good reasons, and there may be several situations.

Castle broke

Consider what you may need:
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

The most common cause of repair is a castle breakdown. It is possible to replace it if you choose a similar castle. To change the castle, you need to disassemble the internal door trim.

If a cylinder lock was installed, then its repairs can produce, replacing the larva. It is quite easy to disassemble: you should unscrew the fastening screw from the end side. When a more complex design is inserted into the door, the lock is not independently repaired, but it is better to call for this specialist.

Twisted door

The metal door is a sufficiently heavy design. And over time, she begins to close poorly, drafts are formed. What is the cause of skew?

How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device

Loop diagram to replace the metal door.

  1. Severity. The design of the metal door is multilayer, and so that it is in the right position, even the most high-strength loops can not cope. After several years, the door loses its former stability and sends. Correct this problem is hard enough. Of course, you can replace the loops, but it will fix the situation for just a couple of years, and subsequently will have to repaired.
  2. Looped loops. This is a natural process, and it happens mechanically. The loops are replaced very easily. If the hinges are screwed, you can pick them up with holes that will match the holes on the box and on the door of the door.
  3. If the door twisted as a result of the shrinkage of the building, then the door to install the door will be difficult. In this case, there is not only the door canvase, but also the door frame, and then you have to replace the door completely. In private houses under the peaned construction, you can put the wedge under the door frame.

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Metal door rusted

With low-quality coating with finishing materials of metal doors from metal, rust lesions may occur. For repair in this case, the door will have to disassemble.

The door canvas is dismantled, all fittings and sealing elements are removed from it.

Using a metal brush, the old paint and rust are observed from the base.

How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device

Dismantling of the metal door.

Then the surface must be sanded with a large sandpaper, and subsequently walk in shallow. If the door is decorated with forging products, the brush must be replaced with a drill with a special nozzle.

The next step will be degreasing the surface. For this, the solvent is used. Next is applied to the putty on the plots affected by rust. You need to give them to dry and then sanding to align the surface.

Ground the separated surface with aerosol compositions.

Once the primer dries, the paint is superimposed. It is necessary to apply it with caution so that it is not formed, the door is placed in a horizontal position. If the first layer is dried, the surface is sanded, the following layer is applied. After drying the door, the handle and the lock is installed in place. After the entire update procedure, it is mounted in place.

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How to Disassemble Metal Door: Door Device

Metal door handle disassembly scheme.

In the case of repairing the door or in the event of a breakdown, it also has to disassemble the door handle. To dismantle it, firstly the decorative lining is removed, which is attached to two screws. You need to unscrew them with a screwdriver, holding your hand to avoid their fall. The internal mechanism is not necessary to touch.

Using pliers, twisted handle. It scrolls until the internal mechanism comes out of the castle. There are such models of locks in which the handle is removed as an independent element and without the use of tools.

The next step will be the removal of the mechanism, thanks to which the turns of the tongue are produced. To remove it, you just need to remove it out of the door with the spring. Disconnect the spring and clean it with a soft rag.

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With a screwdriver, a corkscrew ring is removed. After that, the washer is removed. Next, using the same screwdriver, remove the top washer.

In order to find out the cause of the breakdown, you need to study the principle of the springs of the springs. When weakening or breakdowns, it is necessary to replace it.

As for the assembly, it is produced in reverse order.

After examining the instructions on the disassembly of individual elements of metal doors, it is possible to easily proceed to an independent dismantling.

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