Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)


The arrangement of the cottage and the garden, its own population is not a stopping process. All the time something reworked changes, decorates. This article collected crafts for the garden and giving, which will make your own unique. It is those who are good things made by their urms that they are unique and unique.

Vertical flower garden or garden

Decorate the fence, the wall of the country or garden house, the Hozblock is a difficult task. One of the options from the category "cheap and angry" is to make a vertical flower garden. On any vertical or inclined surface, bags or small containers filled with soil are suspended. Similar crafts for the garden and giving are good because you can attain any trash - bottles, drawers, pipe trimming. Of all this, you can make original kashpo.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

It can be very beautiful

Most often on such flowering walls, ampellast blooming or green plants are planted. It is best suited by unpretentious ordinary petunias and a pelargonium. Soot still syrup (very similar to petunia) and nasturtium. They bloom long, and do not require special care. Any herbaceous plants with long hanging weaves are suitable.

So what else can I make the basis for a vertical flower garden? Yes, from anything. Everything that can be poured at least with a little land. See yourself.

Flower pots

Plastic or clay pots remained - no matter. Even if they are old and unsightly, they can be painted by some fun paint. And if they are also different sizes, it turns out a very original panel.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Make a grid of slats is not difficult. It is even easier to hang pots on her with flowers

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

The basis for a vertical flower garden can be even an old dry tree

Pots of the same color, but different shapes and sizes also look excellent

Plastic vessels can be signed through, although it is not the best idea. For clay or ceramic, it is necessary to make it possible to make a circle from the wire "Powered" - a circle that can be attached to the wall / fence, and you can suspend on the ropes to the crossbar. In general, only here the mass options. Such crafts for the garden and giving do not take much time and the result pleases the eye.


Tin cans of different formats and sizes find no problem. Small and medium can be used in the form of cylinders, and large or long - cut along in half or remove a third of the radius with one of the sides. This is how you like it.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Poles can also be support for hanging flower beds

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Paint banks in funny colors - it turns out very well

Molding methods are the same as for the pots: those that smaller can be strengthened on the stands, more - hang. Use the cast material - tin cans - and make an attractive and helpful crafts for the garden and giving ... It's not the top of pleasure.

Plastic bottles

How without them? We twist the lid, cut off about a third of the long side. The mounting method is described above. There is another option with minimal damage to the wall. Loafing down the grille from wooden planks. This lattice is fixed on the wall, and to attach bottles to it self-draws or cloves.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

From two-liter bottles you can cut a neat potted pots for flowers

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

For this blooming wall need plastic bottles with covers, twine and two washers on a bottle

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

The wall of flowers is to hang on the frame and wait for the greater

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Secure on the planks (left) or one in one (right). Take a care carefully to the second option - there is a built-in irrigation system - from top to bottom is skipped thin tube with water outlet holes

Article on the topic: Installation of platbands on the doors: several installation techniques

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

You can make such a nice pot

If there are no problems from under milk or kefir - there are no problems, the plastic is opaque, in it the root system will be comfortable. To drain excessive moisture it will be necessary to make several holes at the bottom. They can be made heated on fire nail. Quickly and without problems. If the bottles are transparent, it is desirable to paint. Do not love the root of the abundance of light. You can use conventional paint (better - acrylic, it easily even falls on the bottles), but faster working with cans. Paint better outside. Inside the paint quickly decomposed.

From fabric

From burlap, any more or less dense tissue sew bag with pockets under the soil. You can use an old organizer (for shoes, toys, etc.). With these candidates for vertical flower beds, everything is simple: Freaky nails / self-taps through the bar (otherwise the fabric breaks). After putting off the pockets of the soil and landflowers.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Crafts for the garden and giving: Sew a similar bag forces even beginner seam

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

If there is a large number of linen or canvas bags, you can hang them on the hooks and fill the soil

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Such is an option for falling border colors

You can sew or use linen bags. Hang them on the hooks. You can put plants in them from above and / or make holes in the sidewall. If sewing is not your horse, enterprising Chinese sew such bags under the hanging flower beds. Such crafts for the garden and giving require more efforts - bags / bags are usually sewn. But it looks blooming wall unforgettable.

Trimming sewer or drainage pipes

Pipes take plastic. They are cut along in half and we get two long containers under the planting of plants. If there is no own residue, you can buy trimming on the market, from construction teams. Slices you need small, so this beauty will not be much worth it.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Plastic pipes can be used as a poppore under the pots - drill holes in them under the pot

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Such designs - you can put or hang

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

You can plant flowers right in the pipes - they can be cut along or to do holes

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Multi-storey vertical flower garden with daffiders

We just need to come up with what to close the edges. The easiest way is the bottoms from the plastic bottle. Find a suitable size, cutting so that 2-3 cm of the walls remain, wear on the edges and secure. You can attach to small screws. They spike plastic well.

Small wooden boxes

Wooden boxes can be hung in two ways. The first is to secure as an ordinary box of one of the sides. The second is not like a box, but as a frame - sideways. The second option gives more options: you can pour out ground directly to the boxes, and you can use them as stands for any other tanks with flowers.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Panel from boards and drawers with flowers - stylish

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Crafts for giving and garden - such hanging boxes will decorate and the wall of the house, and the barn

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Different size and format boxes and decorations themselves, and support for pots with flowers

If the wall you have beautiful and do not want to get it, you can collect something like a panel from the board, which already fasten the boxes. This option is no longer a dacha. It is suitable for a solid yard. Wood and greens look very attractive. And so that the boards do not darke it, treat their oil for wood with a dye. This coating must be updated infrequently, and the old impregnation is not necessary to delete.

Ideas for flower beds from old things (photo)

As it turned out, the flowerbed can be made of everything. Even old pants, a bicycle, a boat, an old chandelier, a dresser, a chair, a kitchen table, are going to work, a kitchen table ... and this is not an ordinary standard flower bed, but an art facility that few people will forget. Very interesting there are ideas. These crafts for the garden and giving are just remembered to everyone.

Article on the topic: Reducing the doorway in height: Methods of installation of doorways (video)

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Even old chandeliers are sometimes blooming ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Use an old trolley for plant landing - not too new, but it always looks fresh

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Decorate the fence, jogging the old bike to him ... and plant "in the bike" flowers

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Do not know where to give the old pants? In the garden of them!

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

The ancient piano was put on the bushes? From it you can make not only a flower garden, but also a waterfall ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Is there an old boat? Make a bed of it ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Cheap Checked? Pour in the boxes of the earth and put flowers

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

The problem of disposal of old shoes is always Ostra - and there is no one to give away and throw it sorry ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

From flower pots you can collect excellent garden decorations

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

From the same pots you can collect an unusual round or oval flowerub

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Elephant of plastic bottles ... Need another old hose from the trunk vacuum cleaner

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Mans from plastic bottles - for those who have artistic skills

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Pigs and hares - eternal topic for the garden

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Cute family

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Plastic bottle donkey

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Not so difficult ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Snake from PET bottles is something new

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Favorite penguins from Madagascar from ordinary bottles

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Tsarevna Frog and Roushet

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Another penguins and wasps ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

If live flowers have not flourished ...

In addition to plastic bottles, garden figures can be made of wood, old saucepan, flower pots, bowls, buckets, cones, painted stones. In general, from the fact that ordinary people throw a throw-in. But in vain. Of all this, very interesting crafts for the garden and cottages are obtained.

Gypsum figures and cement mortar

There are plaster for sculptures. It is ideal for the manufacture of garden figures. But it costs expensive, but it freezes quickly and has a smooth surface. Instead of special plaster, you can use a construction or even a mixture of cement and sand. Cement figures will be dark gray, so you have to use dark or saturated paints. Under light paints it will be necessary to apply several layers of light soil. But cement is more durable.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

There may be big garden crafts and small

Work with plaster and cement

Dilute the plaster is necessary in the proportions specified on the package. Just keep in mind, it is very quickly grasped. Immediately after the shifting it is necessary to pour it in forms, because first prepare all the forms, then only divert the gypsum mixture. After about 40 minutes, the gypsum will freeze so much that it can be removed from the form. So the manufacture of garden figures from plaster is a fast process.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

To facilitate the figure and to save gypsum inside, you can insert some vessel ...

With cement, everything is different. On the 1st part of the cement M400 or M500, it is necessary to take 4-5 parts of small dry sainted sand. In a dry form, mix the mixture until the sand turns uniformly into gray (there is a white cement and even pink) color. Only after that you can add water. It takes 0.5-0.8 parts. The proportions of water is not exact, since the sand is of different moisture, and the composition itself can be of varying degrees of fluidity. After the fill, wait for a few days. Minimum 3-4 (at a temperature of about + 20 ° C), and better 5-7 days. So to make garden figures from cement, be patient.


In the frozen form of figures, you can paint with acrylic paints. Apply there are two layers of paint, and after coating with a yacht varnish. In such a form, garden figures retain the brightness of the paints for several years.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Mushroom Hat Make a Fit Fit Fit Filed

To work with the plaster you need to know one secret. So that the figure easily left the forow, the inner walls in front of the fill are lubricated with a mixture of soap, water and vegetable oil. Soap rubbed on the grater, poured with water. When the chips soften, stirred to the state of the homogeneous mass and some vegetable oil are added. This mixture is lubricated the form from the inside before pouring the diluted gypsum into it.

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Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

While the plaster is not dry, you can add details

Plastic bottles are often used as forms. With them, you can not particularly ceremony - cutting with a knife or scissors. If a metal container is used, it is necessary to lubricate the walls carefully. If the surface does not have to be smooth, it is easier to store the tank with a food film or a polyethylene package. In this form, the workpiece is removed at all without problems. While the plaster is not quite dry, on its surface it is possible with something acute (needles, sewn, etc.) to form the right relief.

If the surface must be smooth, and in fact it has flaws, we take sandpaper and get rid of irregularities. The process is long and dusty, so be patient.

Mounting foam figures

Crafts for the garden and summer cottages from the mounting foam appeared not so long ago. Used foam with low expansion. It gets more dense surface without large bubbles. Work with foam in gloves, as it hits well with any materials. With skin too.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Figures for the garden from the mounting foam are very realistic

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Heroes of familiar fairy tales

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Iguana on a stone hill ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Dolphin from the Mounting Foam

How and what to do the basis

To create a planned figurine, find the base that the object is most of all. It can be a plastic bottle, a piece of wood, even a wire of a wire or a lump of paper. For handles / paws / suitable wands or thick wire, if you need to give a curved form. For tailings, a more suitable hose. In order to give it a stable shape, it is enough to have a sufficiently rigid wire.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Most often for the torso use plastic bottles

Small details - ears, horns, etc. - You can cut from cardboard, plastic, foam rubber. They can be simply inserted into an immended foam, and then, after its polymerization, to fit. Before the start of work with foam, all the parts of the frame must be connected together. The aesthetics of the compound is absolutely unimportant - everything covers foam. Strength is important - so that some parts do not fall off.

Features of assembly and work with foam

If the base is a plastic bottle, pour sand into it - so that the figure does not demolish the wind. For the rest, you will have to come up with some driving stands.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Gradual applying foam - that is the main thing that you need to remember

A foam is applied to the assembled frame. Vertical or horizontal stripes, one not far from the other, but leaving a place on the extension. Foam stacked layers. The second layer is put after the first is polymerized. The initial polymerization time is indicated on the package. They applied the first layer, corrected, waited 20-50 minutes until the foam hardens, caused a second layer. And so until you get the desired form.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Meerkat is almost ready ... It remains to paint

When working, the foam form can be adjusted. To do this, you can use a plastic sliced ​​in water, plastic or silicone tassel, all that you are comfortable. For some figures, a smooth surface is important. If the discharge does not help, the flaws can be cut off with a sharp stationery knife. The "wool" of hairy animals is also made from the foam - it is applied short strokes. In general, the process is creative ...

Than paint

It is the most convenient to paint the garden figures from the mounting foam of oil paint. It is necessary to cover in two layers. After driving, it is desirable to cover in two layers with a yacht varnish.

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

The ball covers foam, attach the characteristic details - the bun is almost ready

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Eyes - Small rubber balls covered with paint

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Cut out the missing details

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

This is no longer a dull path or playground ...

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

From old windows / doors and glass bottles, you can also make useful crafts for the garden and giving

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Durable broom can be made of plastic bottles

Garden and country crafts: new items (75 photos)

Colored stones - interesting decoration

And not quite furniture (more accurately not fully furniture), but also interesting ideas that are not passing - a barn to the tool from old doors, painted concrete tile / asphalt, chandelier from glass bottles, a broom of plastic bottles ...

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