Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution


The first memories of the mosaic material was described in the XIX century. At that time, artists used the technique of writing patterns using paint points. This method has been used in television screens over time. The appearance of the mosaic plaster itself occurred after making large elements of various colors in its composition.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Type of plaster

At the moment, depending on the type of filler, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Marble;
  • Granite;
  • Quartz.

It is best to choose a mosaic plaster, for outdoor decoration made of quartz filler. This type of material looks worthy and expensive.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Mosaic plaster for outdoor decoration

Mosaic plaster is an union of crumbs and resins. Acrylic resin in the mixture makes it not to enter water under the layer of finishing. At the same time, the water evaporates and is not delayed under the layer, which makes it possible to eliminate the formation of the fungus on the walls of the building and the foundation.

Building markets are filled with a huge assortment of various types of blends for processing the base.

The main difference in them is the dimensions of the fraction:

  • small up to 0.5mm;
  • Average from 1.2 to 2 mm;
  • Large 3 mm.

Manufacturers of mosaic type plasters offer customers and mixed look. In such a variety, the dimensions of the fraction are different. When choosing a mixture, you need to clarify for what types of external finishing it will suit.

A huge selection of coloring plaster offers manufacturers to buyers. Select the coloring of the material every client.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Stuccoing of various types of coloring

Resistance - the main dignity

The base is the foot of the building that lies on the foundation. In tape foundations, the basement is the upper part of the foundation. The base is the bottom belt of the facade. The presence of a belt ensures the protection of the building from environmental impacts and contamination. To achieve a better result, you need to properly choose the material for processing the base. The processing of the base part of the foundation performs not only the protective properties, but also gives the walls of the house an irresistible external state. The choice of material for finishing the base is the best solution.

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Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Color mosaic plaster

The base is applied a durable layer of mixture, while adhere to one rule: the outer walls must be dry. This rule is associated with a dense consistency of the mixture, through which water is slowly evaporated. When impaired, mold fungi is formed on the walls. Properly prepared outdoor part of the house for plastering is the key to the resistance of mosaic plaster. The mixture imposed in a small amount on the wall of the building is obtained smooth and neat.

Before starting the process, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer on the facade. The preparation process will help strengthen the foundation, and adjust the ability to absorb moisture. Then the surface is aligned. Properly completed preparation stages and the process of plastering will make it possible to achieve maximum stability of the outdoor decoration of the walls of the house.

Work process

The applying of the mixture on the base part of the foundation is simply carried out and at least not an experienced worker.

The mixture is sold in the finished form and before use it remains just to stir it well. It is best to stir use a mixer.

For the production of mixtures use mineral crumbs of natural origin.

I advise you to check the party number before buying, and make sure all the packaging plaster are one of the batch.

This will avoid different shades of the same color. When a small difference in color, purchased plaster is discovered, it is necessary to mix the entire mixture in one can.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

The mixture is sold in the finished form and before applying it remains just to stir her

Mosaic plaster is applied to the prepared pre-base, equal to strips. It is best to choose the width of the bands equal to one meter.

For applying plaster use the following ways:

  1. Spraying with subsequent smoothing of the mixture;
  2. Manual application with the help of hysterle.

Apply the plaster is necessary in one direction. This will make it possible to achieve a homogeneous type of plastering layer. It is impossible to rub the mixtures for the base. Freckled plaster should be protected from sunlight and strong wind gusts, as well as the layer of finishing should not come into contact with the ground and water.

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Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Applying mosaic plaster

Features in the process:

  • when applying plaster on a metal base, purified by rust;
  • In the preparation of the surface, which was painted with paint or cake, are carefully covered with the walls with an insanity;
  • Proper preparation of the base for plastering. Smooth and monophonic walls will allow achieving high-quality performance.

To perform work on plastering the base, it is best to choose days with air temperature of 20-22 degrees, and humidity should not exceed a value of 60-70%.

Under the following conditions, it is better to refuse to work with mosaic plaster:

  • wet surface;
  • Air temperature is 5 degrees above zero;
  • +30 on the street;
  • rainy weather.

Mosaic plaster is used not only to decorate the base and the foundation, but also for interior decoration. This is due to the diverse colors of the mixture and the ease of application on the walls of the base. The strength of the material is the main advantage of this type of material.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Mosaic plaster is used not only for decorating the base, but also for interior decoration

Advantages and disadvantages

Increasingly, the mosaic plaster is chosen for external decoration of the base.

This is due to the large number of advantages of this material:

  • Easy to perform work on any foundation;
  • high stability in front of natural phenomena;
  • durability of use, the color of the material remains unchanged for a long time;
  • high material strength;
  • vapor permeability;
  • no additional care is required;
  • Elasticity of the solution;
  • A variety of colors of mixtures for plastering base.

Mosaic plaster for base - the best solution

Combination of mosaic plaster on the basement with a short and lamb

There are also disadvantages:

  • In case of damage to the decoration layer, there is a difficulty recovery without noticeable distortion;
  • Use of special primer when performing work using a grid.

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