Petunia in Kashpo. Photo


Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo - What could be more beautiful?

Good day!

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone with the May holidays and the opening of the dacha season!

My cozy house is not only the design of the rooms and different little things made by their own hands, but also flowers will certainly. As I live in my private house, then besides the room growing and garden flowers.

In our southern edges, gardening work began much earlier. On my flower bed and petunia blooms. This wonderful flower pleases continuous flowering and its beauty all summer to late autumn.

Perhaps many of you are grown petunia on country or household plots, or on balconies. But even if you do not grow garden flowers, it is always pleasant to contemplate beauty.

Especially beautiful petunias in suspended porridge, pots and vases.

How to grow petunia in kashpo

Peutania seedlings were already raised from small seeds. For the middle strip of Russia, it is time to plant it in pots and vases and leave in a cool place, for example, on the veranda, as long as the threat of frosts.

Cheaps of what size should be used? Petunia is planted at the rate of one plant by 5 -th liter pot. This rule refers to ampel, cascade, terry varieties, hybrids. For simple petunitions, you can take the dishes of a smaller volume or to the larger dishes to plant several plants. For example, a diameter of 28 cm with a diameter of 28 cm can be planted 3-5 terry or 5-7 ordinary petunitions. If less - will be ugly. No longer needed, because you will interfere with each other.

Some daches successfully grow petunia in buckets from under mayonnaise. (One bucket is one plant).

At the bottom of the pot you need to make holes So that through them the surplus of rainwater. Despite the fact that Petunia loves watering, it can be understood from excess moisture.

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Suspended in caspo petition that is added to the winds, in dry and hot weather will have to Water twice a day . And so that the land in Kashpo did not stop much, On the bottom of experienced flowerflowers put a little sliced ​​foam rubber . He absorbs moisture, and then gives. You can also purchase special hydrogel in flower shops.

Starting from the seedlime, when the first 5-7 leaves appear, petunia needs to be picked up by any complex fertilizers that are on sale. And even better to water the infusion of chicken litter along with different herbs.

Petunia likes to eat, do not overgrow it.

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

The lands in the porridge are not enough, and during Petunia flowering, many nutrients are required, so fertilizers need to be made regularly after 7-10 days. Feeding - the basic condition of abundant and long blossom.

For lush flowering you need Be sure to overtake the tagged flowers So that the power goes to repeated bloom, and not on the formation of seeds. In addition, a beautiful bush and hanging screens are formed when plugging. Yes, and the view of the plant is more neat becoming.

Even more beautiful, Petunia looks at Kashpo not by itself, but in the composition with other flowers.

About the rules of cultivation of Petunia in Kashpo, you learned. Place flowers in the recreation area in the country and enjoy beauty!

In conclusion, I propose to admire various photos of petunitions in kashpo and vases from Russian dachensors to Germany cities.

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Petunia in Kashpo. Photo

Look at other new interesting ideas for giving and garden.

As well as beautiful photos of petunia in this video:

About other colors for the garden and ideas for the design of the site next time. Do not miss the publication, subscribe to the newsletter on the mail!

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