The choice of flooring for the balcony: all "for" and "against"


The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

During the repair of the balcony, the time occurs when it is necessary to be determined with the choice of floor-coating hands, you can make an outdoor coating on an open or closed balcony. Few in urban conditions can boast the presence of a terrace, an open area on the roof of the building, however, and this option can be landscaped with modern building materials. The easiest way to repair the loggia, because this variety of remote premises already have two limiting walls.

Outdoor coating for balconies and loggias: how to choose a material

There are basic characteristics to be taken into account by choosing flooring.


  1. Resistance to moisture and temperature drop;
  2. Resistance to wear, strength, durability;
  3. Cost per square meter;
  4. Heat insulation properties.

The last criterion matters if the balcony is closed and planned its insulation.

What materials are suitable for an open loggia or balcony:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Liquid polyurethane floor.

Compared with ceramics, polyurethane or rubber coating has many advantages.

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of floor covering depends on the balcony itself - it is insulated and he is glazed or not. Also, not the last role plays his purpose


  1. Rapidly applied;
  2. Solid, does not have seams;
  3. It does not stick, does not scratch, does not crack;
  4. It serves indefinitely long, resistant to static and dynamic load.

Usually, bulk rubber floors are used in garages, industrial premises, car wash. This coating is environmentally safe, which is confirmed by numerous studies. It is extremely easy to care for such a floor - you can wash it like an ordinary linoleum. The coating does not absorb dirt, fat, does not scratch, does not peel. For an open balcony, this is an excellent option.

To apply the liquid floor not necessarily, but it is advisable to make a formwork.

If the balcony has a metallic parapet, the formwork will help protect the solution from the stitching into the street. The mixture is applied using a special needle roller, recalling, and then smoothly freezes. This option is still not popular enough, because the owners of the balconies simply do not know about such a technical capabilities.

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How to warm the floor on the balcony (video)

Tire cover: Disadvantages and advantages

Traditionally, ceramic tile is used to protect the floor. More expensive options, such as a tile of natural stone, use it inexpedient on the balcony. It is better to choose not just a tile, but a coating with increased strength, sustainable cold and heat.

What you need to know about laying tiles:

  1. First, the floor screed is a cement-concrete mixture;
  2. If you need a pitch (water skate), lighthouses are installed, an angle of inclination is displayed;
  3. A tile from the center of the balcony is put on the finished screed;
  4. Marking must be made in advance;
  5. Tile glue is applied to the rear side of the tile;
  6. Between the tiles are setting the cross-shaped demarchangers;
  7. Seam remains blank until the end of the work;
  8. When the entire tile is laid, a fugue is selected in color to the tile;
  9. The fugue with the help of a rubber spatula is stacked in the seam;
  10. When the composition is half frozen, a covert occurs, with the help of a sponge circular movements, all excess fugues are removed.

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The selection of tiles for flooring balcony is a convenient and practical option, as it does not require much care.

The deform without professional skills is difficult, and on the balcony must be a bias, in order for rainwater to flow, and not accumulated. You can assign the screed to professional builders, and put the tile with your own hands.

The better to cover the floor on the loggia for thermal insulation

You can combine any thermal insulation coatings with any finishing materials, and get warm and beautiful floors.

For primary treatment of the floor under insulation, materials are used:

  • Mineral wool, jute insulation;
  • Foam concrete, polyurethane, gypsum fiber;
  • Aerated concrete, granborciletone;
  • Polystyrene foam.

On a closed balcony or loggia, a laminate, a thin ceramic tile, linoleum, is used on top of the insulating coating.

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

Optimal and best materials to preserve heat heat on the balcony are: glass gamble, foam, foam

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The main scheme of warming with rolled materials:

  • Make a tie;
  • Set the rush design from a wooden bar or metal profiles;
  • Put the material;
  • Close the material with a wooden bar or thick plywood;
  • Start the finish finish.

The main scheme of insulation of sheet materials:

  1. Set the pattern, cells to fill with sheets. So most often the foam applies.
  2. Without regards, shelter the floor with sheets, above the sheets on the guide to establish the main supporting floor covering - so most often used polystyrene foam.

For a closed balcony, the installation of a warm floor system is suitable, with electric power from the main network of apartments.

How to warm the floor: recommendations of specialists

The most typical errors in the repair of the balcony, which it is desirable to avoid.


  • Lack of thermal insulation on the ceiling;
  • Insufficient sealing of double-glazed windows, wall joints with frame;
  • Insufficient waterproofing.

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The common method of floor insulation on the balcony - bars of bars

These three errors can easily destroy all repairs. In order to maintain heat on the balcony, only the floor insulate enough. Neither the warm-alone system, nor the heater, nor even the radiator, derived from the apartment, will not help if the walls and the ceiling are warm. On the closed loggia often arises the temptation to leave the adjacent walls in the original form, especially if the neighbors also have a glazed loggia. This incorrect solution, thermal insulation is needed throughout the perimeter of the room.

A relatively recent innovation in the insulation of floors on the balcony - warm mats.

This is a tile with a conducted electrical cable, which gives rise to a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees. Laying the tiles is possible directly on the concrete base, on the tile glue. The cheaper option is infrared film floor, which is flat squares with applied metal lines. It heats up quickly, takes up little space, serves a long time, electricity consumes little. Regardless of which heating will choose the owner of the balcony, the efficiency of equipment depends on careful thermal insulation.

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Balcony and Apartments: Is it worth it

It is possible to significantly expand the living area, if you go to the issue of insulation globally. Redevelopment includes a connection of the residential room and loggia in such a way that only the arch remains from the opening of the balcony door and the window. This does not contradict the rules of the housing commission, if there is no interference with the integrity of the carrier wall, you do not need to coordinate such redevelopment.

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

Combining a balcony with room, you visually increase the room

The passage to the balcony is expanding only on the door width plus the width of the window opening.

You can turn on the balcony in the heating circuit of the apartment, to conduct a central heating system. Warm losses will be insignificant if you have sex, ceiling and wall insulation, and then coat with thick finish. Plasterboard is suitable for walls and ceiling, for floors - wood or laminate. The advantage of an open loggia is that you can make big panoramic windows, enjoy the view of the night city, sitting in a warm room. From the street, such a design resembles a rectangular erker. To level the level of the balcony under the floor, the screed is used, it is advantageous to add two layers of clay, finely dispersed and large.

Room union with balcony (video)

Before holding a screed, you need to clarify, and whether the balcony will withstand this weight, because if the building is very old and the overhaul has been done, it may not be safe.

Examples of flooring for the balcony (photo)

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

The choice of flooring for the balcony: all

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