Knitting technique: master class with schemes


Is it possible to tie music? It turns out, it is possible using a swing knitting technique. With music, it was compared the famous author of books about Knitting H. Ligmann for the mobility and dynamism of lines, for the softness and smoothness of the elements, for the harmony of the result. The flow of one color in the other really resembles musical overflows of notes.

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Swing (with English Swing - Swing, Swing, oscillation) is a knitting technique in which the pattern is created with the help of shortened rows (swivel, partial knitting). Most often it is performed by yarn of different colors. And this is an additional advantage of this knitting technique. Knowledge about how to properly combine colors in the product, it will not be superfluous here.

The American idea came to our knitters. Products associated with swivel knitting look very interesting, even a bit exotic. An additional advantage was the opportunity to dispose of the remains of the yarn, which remain after knitting each product.

Overflows notes

The basis of the Swing technique consists of two main elements with a poetic name - stanza and pauses. Unlike the usual partial knitting, here each stanza fit individually. Hence the name of this technique - "swing". The movement occurs there and back.

Stanfa is part of the canvas associated with shortened (rotary) rows.

Pause - a row of loops separating the stanza from each other. They stick to the entire length of the canvas, the yarn of contrasting color.

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Rotary rows are the basis of each knitted stanza. Of them consists of a melody. Its length is determined in the description.

The following fragment of the structure is tact. It consists of two rows in which they increase or decrease on the required number of loops.

The melody obeys the rhythm, which indicates what time you need to knit.

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The turn of the rows of stanza is marked with markers or pins. The front side is observed, dark - invalid. Markers remind that this row is shortened and is not fulfilled to the end. They are either cleaned before turning knitting, or installed after turning.

In order for the rotating rods, the holes are not formed, at the end of each turn, it is necessary to make a nakid, turn the knitting and penetrate it from the first loop of the shortened row.

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

The edge loop in the swing is always performed in the drawing: the facial in the face row, the wrong - in the inside. The loops at the beginning and end of the row - the edge zone. It does not participate in the formation of the pattern.

In this knitting technique, the schemes play a huge role. At the beginning of each project, a diagram is drawn (drawing) to a natural value on the pattern prepared from paper.

It is necessary to connect the sample to calculate the loops. Then the number of swivel rows and loops is calculated and is noted in the drawing.

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Another advantage of this method of knitting is that despite the need to make the accurate calculation of the size of the structure and melodies allowed by knitting an error may be invisible. Improvisation has no restrictions. And if the color decision is wicked successfully, then nothing will have to dissolve and tie.

Easy in battle

Perhaps in theory, this knitting method seems to be too complex beginner knitter. In practice, everything is quite simple and easy.

A short master class will help to understand the principle of knitting on a small sample. To understand the basis of this technique and the pattern formation algorithm, it is necessary to perform a practical task:

  • For the sample, we recruit 30 p.;
  • We perform 15 p. We turn over and knit again 15 p.;
  • Next row: First knit 15 p. Then add another 5 p., we turn the web and check 10 n. (i.e. 5 p. do not take it);
  • We again perform 15 Pet., and add more 4 Pet to them., I turn the knitting and in the end of a row knit on 4 Pet. less;
  • then 15 Pet. + 3 Pet., Swivel row: 15 Pet. - 3 Pet.;
  • 15 Pet. + 2 Pet.; Swivel rod: 15 Pet. - 2 Pet.;
  • 15 Pet. + 1 Pet.; Swivel rod: 15 Pet. - 1 pet.

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The sequence of numbers 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 in the swing is called rhythm. The number of loops in the step is called tact. 30 sample loops - the length of the melody.

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

As you can see, in practice it is fully implemented, and how much opportunities are provided for creativity. Using only multi-colored remains of yarn, masters in this technique knit not only socks, sweaters, shawls and blankets, but also real art panels.

Even without having musical abilities, do not own a touch letter, using the needles and tangle as a musical instrument, you can compose a product that this world will decorate.

And whether it will be a thin melody or symphony for violin with the orchestra, solves each needlewoman herself.

Let the paintings created by the author of the Swing Gabriele Kluge technique, will become an inspiration for creative people:

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

Knitting technique: master class with schemes

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