What and how best to put flowers in street porridge


What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

Good afternoon dear friends!

Recently examined photos of beautifully decorated flower beds in the cities of Germany. I was always interested in the question, how do they get such magnificent beautiful flowers in kashpo and vases? I tried to explore this question, I looked at the advice of our experienced flowerflowers. It turned out that it was not only in the right leaving, but also in what flowers to put in Kashpo!

What flowers can be landed in kashpo

We all love the beauty, especially grown with their own hands. Usually, there is not much space in the country to break large flower beds. In this case, it is convenient to plant flowers in Kashpo. Even small floral compositions in the porridge and vases are embossed a plot and create a mood. But in large areas in Lachafty design, colors are used in Kashpo. It's so beautiful!

Moreover, not only classic, purchased in stores, but also in principle, any old things or hand containers are suitable.

Let's find out first of all what flowers can be planted in Cachepo. It can be not only ampel (strongly hanging) plants, but also others.

Both in the suspended porridge and in high vases, such plants look great as:

  • Alissum which blooms a beautiful hat;

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • Achimes - gorgeous flowering plant with large flowers of white, red, blue, purple color;
  • balsam - bright, blooming all summer plant;

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • Buckop - Beautiful plant with a different size of blue, white, pink flowers, forms gorgeous cascades. Very uncompressive in care. In contrast to Petunia, which all the time you need to pinch, Buckop refers to plants prone to self-cleaning. Small flowers dry and without loss for decorativeness themselves fall;
  • begonia with flowers similar to roses;

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • Bidensen - A very unpretentious plant, loves bright places. The more light, the more rude blooms. And the more the sepiques are done, the thick and denser the cap of the plant;
  • verbena - Many famous beautiful plants;
  • Calibaoa -The out of small colors-bells, related petunia, very similar to it;

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What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • lobelia With small charming fir-blue flowers, but sometimes and white, and purple;

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • nasturtium - Her shoots can reach 2 meters;
  • petunia We are loved by all. Probably there is not a single culture that would use such a worldwide extensive love. Least species and capricious such varieties of petunias as purple, lilac and pink.

    But there is another new grade called Flow. Have you heard about this?

  • POTION It differs from the usual petunia by the fact that it does not require quotations, it naturally branches. But very loves to eat, the more often feeding it, the longer the shoots. And it is necessary to feed a fusion with every watering, i.e. Almost every day, a weak solution of mineral fertilizers (if the instructions for fertilizer says to dissolve one cap per liter, then in our case you need to take half the cap);
  • Pelargonium plush-domed - Very spectacular plant and unusually beautiful spectacle! Since the beginning of July and the most frosting Pelargonium gives large abundant flowering cascades. The length of shoots can be up to 1 meter;

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

  • fuchsia - Unpretentious flowers of very beautiful color.

Of course, other flowers can be planted in Kashpo on the street: at the cottage and even on the balcony in containers or suspended porridge.

How to plant flowers in kashpo

First you need to determine where the kashpo with flowers will be. From this place will depend on what flowers to plant.

For places where the sun will look only in the morning or in the evening, Fuchsia and Ipomey are suitable.

On the south or southwestern side, it is good to plant, for example, petunia, violets, begonia.

How to plant flowers?

  1. First of all, we will prepare a porridge - we will arrange a drainage layer in it, it is better to use a clamzite that needs to be poured onto the bottom of the caspo layer 2-3 cm.
  2. Then we pour a small layer of fertile land. The usual land from the garden is heavy and in this case does not fit. For colors in Kashpo, it is better to purchase a special soil in the store.
  3. We place our plants on the ground. The distance between the colors planted in Kashpo must be slightly smaller than usually recommended when landing into open ground.
  4. Then free gaps fill the earth. Kashpo edge should remain 2 cm, uneasy ground. This is necessary for convenient irrigation.

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As shoots are growing to form a lush smooth cochetic cocoa every two weeks, you need to turn into different directions towards the Sun.

But this is not all rules, what and how to plant flowers in Kashpo.

What to plant flowers in kashpo to create songs

In Europe, it is not customary to grown in a monoculture kashpo, i.e. consisting of one type of plant, as we have only petunia or pelargonium. They love to combine these plants among themselves. And it is right. It is not only that interesting beautiful compositions are obtained, but also because many ampel plants are very capricious. The most capricious is our favorite petunia. For a few days of rain and from Petunia, there are miserable scoures with drooping flowers, you have to hurt it to return to life. Therefore, to create an eternally beautiful blooming porridge, it is not necessary to plant one petunia alone in it, and it is necessary to combine plants.

The mixture always looks better than one plant.

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

In one kashpo, we place 2-3 varieties of plants. We select them in color so that they are either in the same color scheme, or contrast. For example, it combines red and green plants, yellow and purple or blue, purple and green.

We have plants so that it looks beautifully in Kashpo and correlated with each other in height.

In the center we place higher plants, for example, three coatica functions of a different shade. They will become a bright accent of the composition at the expense of their brightly pink flower.

At the edges of Kashpo, we place hanging plants. You can add to fuchsia ivy or room chlorophytum, which perfectly feels in the summer on the street.

In general, the flowers of green or white-green color are well combined with all kinds of ampellast plants.

Plextranstratus, coinage truck, tolmem, will be suitable as a substrate.

PlexTrans Interesting the unusual colors of foliage and revives any composition. Very unpretentious, has a lot of growth, it is easily rooted at home. If some plant suddenly fell into Kashpo, then the PlexTrans will always take this space.

Coin boiler - not a capricious plant, is well rooted, absolutely not demanding to feeding. But in the sun or when dried can turn yellow, so watering should be regular and sufficient.

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Tamem - Shadowing culture, can grow both in the light, and perfectly feels like a shade.

These are examples of compositions from colors in Kashpo, you can create:

  • Petunia - Bidensen - Ipomea
  • Petunia - Calibrahoa - Buckop
  • Petunia -Terbena -Calibraho
  • Kolius - Petunia - Alissa
  • Verbena - Calibaoa
  • Calirachoa - Bathat - Verbena or Geran
  • Verbena - Bidensen - Lobelia.

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

What and how best to put flowers in street porridge

At the cottage or in the garden, use several containers of different sizes and shapes, but from one material, then the compositions will not be boring.

Here are more examples of beautiful compositions from flowers in the video:

How to care for flowers in kashpo

These gentle beauties require constant attention. Therefore, they need care, care and care!

We will remember these rules:

  1. Nikoima It is impossible to allow soil drying in pots. Watering needs to be produced every day, and on hot sunny days - twice a day.
  2. Ampel plants love also spraying.
  3. Once a week, we put a plant in Kashpo completely into the water, so that the earthen comes finally bent.
  4. Feeder produce once a week And the poure must be fed with every watering. If the seams planted on the flower beds are usually fed once every two weeks, then for plants in Kashpo in a limited space, this is not enough, we will never achieve such chic flowering and lush bushes without frequent feeding.
  5. Constantly need to delete the blurred inflorescences That simultaneously and pinching, as a result of which new shoots are formed.

Love your plants and they will answer you the same!

Well, now we know what flowers can be planted in Cachepo and decorate our balcony or the country area and what to do so that they bloom. But care and time such compositions require a lot. That's why I still do not decide them to do, although I really want.

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