Manvka fabric: composition, properties, care


Thin cotton fabric never lost its popularity. Over time, the fashion for some types of materials can be held, but often it is unexpectedly returning. Once very common Kiese (which in French wears the name Marli) in the middle of the last century was presented mainly in the form of its technical species - Marley. However, in the seventies, on a wave of interest in ethnic clothing and embroidery, a manbohydrate entered the fashion - a splice-blouse variety of this textile, which continues to use sustainable demand to the present.

Manvka fabric: composition, properties, care

What is a manual?

Under this title, fabric with rare interweaving fibers understand. In everyday life, even a thin calico can be called, but the real heap is distinguished by well-pronounced intervals between the bases of the foundation and duck . Due to this, the fabric is very lightweight, soft and transparent, but at the same time the features of the weaving of the canvas (pairing the basis of the filament of the duck) contribute to its strength and durability. By type of raw material gauze material may be:

  • Cotton (most common);
  • linen (well suited for embroidery);
  • mixture with additive viscose and synthetic fibers;
  • Woolen (expensive fabric, usually Italian production).

Traditionally, the warmer is produced bleached. However, its structure contributes to good penetration of dyes, so on sale you can find a variety of both restrained and bright monophonic, printed, coupon canvas, as well as fabric with degraded effect. By the texture of matter, it may be smooth or with a crev-effect that imitates a small refuge or the bulk surface effect.

Manvka fabric: composition, properties, care

Properties and features

The main property of this textile is its low weight and transparency effect. If the Glochka has a fully natural composition, then its advantages are:
  • High hygroscopicity;
  • Beautiful air exchange;
  • hypoallergenicity.

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However, it should be noted that the Gloa does not have thermal insulating properties, therefore it is not suitable for low temperatures - but for heat this fabric is simply indispensable. Woolen Gloa is designed for a cooler time of the year. As for the canvas with the additive synthetics, then thanks to the end-to-end weave, they also differ in the "breathable" properties, although still have low hygroscopicity and can irritate sensitive skin.

It should also be remembered that products from these materials, regardless of the composition, poorly hold the form - stretch when loaded and sit down after washing.

What and how to sew?

The structure of the gauze canvas allows him to stretch well. However, in the same way, the holes from the needle in the seams will be stretched in the same way. Therefore, this fabric is suitable for models of casual or for products planted on the lining (which also allows you to avoid problems with translucent in unwanted places).

Most often, the manboy is used for summer women's clothing: free dresses and sundresses, light transparent blouses and a tunic, multi-tiered skirts. The best finish for monotonous products are embroidery, lace, firmware, patterned tape. This fabric is well suited for men's shirts "in the heat", especially in ethnic style.

The main problem when sewing from this material is the processing of seams, so they should be as small as possible. In order for the seams not to disperse, they are recommended to be strengthened from two sides or process a special adhesive tape . It should be remembered that the canvas made of natural fibers give a shrinkage, so they are desirable to decade before revealing. For crisch materials, shrinkage is irrelevant, because they are quite elastic. However, in case of use, another problem occurs - docking the pattern of texture on the seams.

Manvka fabric: composition, properties, care

Features of care

Despite its loose structure and softness, the manboy refers to persistent and durable tissues. Its products from it are not worn for a long time, do not lose and burn out in the sun. The rules of care are dependent on the composition of the fibers:

  • Cotton and linen white fabric can be washed in hot water up to 90 degrees, if necessary, use soft bleachers, and dry in the sun.
  • For mixed material with an additive of viscose and synthetics, as well as for painted and printed tissues, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 40 degrees. Use whitening means, as well as dried in the sun such products should not be.
  • Woolen Gloa requires delicate washing and soft detergents. It is better to dry it in a horizontal state.

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To stroke products from gauze materials are best slightly humid, the temperature of the iron should correspond to the composition of the raw materials. Crash materials in the iron do not need.

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