[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?


Thanks to a wide range of colors and unpretentiousness, African violet has gained popularity in flower water.

The plant was discovered by the Baron Walter von Saint-Field in the Uzambar district of the German colony in South Africa. Hence the names occur - African, Uzambar violet or Satpolia.

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

One of the main advantages of the plant is a variety of petals . With proper care, the violet will delight flowering up to 8 months. per year.

Care for African violet

Seatpolia cultivation requires compliance with a number of rules.

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?


Plant prefers moderate light; The straight rays of the sun adversely affect the leaves. Choosing a place, you should prefer the northern and northeastern part of the room and maintain windows during the periods of the scorching sun.

On a note. The yellowness on the leaves may be an indicator of illumination. A brown spots on the turnover of the sheet indicate the overalling of sunlight.

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

Temperature and humidity

The violet will be comfortable in the room with air temperature 18-24 gr. and humidity 40-60% . In winter, the thermometer indicators should not fall below the 16 grams.

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?


Watering of sensipolia is carried out by water room temperature as the soil drying. The flower is better tolerates the risen land than is overly moisturized.

There are three ways to watering:

  1. Drip.

When soil moisturizes, water can be used with a thin nose, a bottle with an inserted tube or srintsov.

  1. Fityl.

The method involves the use of cord, wick or tissue strips, which are inserted in one end through the hole at the bottom of the pot into the soil, and the other are lowered into a water container. Roots will choose moisture in the required quantity.

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This method is undesirable to use in the cold time, because The cooled water can harm the roots.

  1. Through the pallet.

Capacity under the pot is filled with water to a quarter. The darkening of the Earth will signal the receipt of a sufficient amount of moisture.

On a note. When watering it is very important to avoid moisture from entering the leaves. Drops enhance the effect of sunlight, which causes burns. Water that fell into greens is cleaned with a napkin.

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

Transplantation, soil selection

The plant is transplanted in spring and autumn. The need can be caused by the resulting root system and the appearance of white plaque on the ground surface. In the winter months and in the period of active flowering, the transplant is not recommended.

The soil mixture for sensipoly should be weakly acid, loose, mineralized; consisting of peat, sand or perlite. At the bottom of the pot, the drain layer is sure to be placed (for example, small clay).

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?


The feed should be made in spring and summer 1 p. in 2 weeks . Young flowers require nitrogen fertilizers, adults - phosphate and potash.


To propagate SENPOLIY, it is necessary to cut off the sheet and put in the container with water; When the roots appear in the small pot.

Fighting pests

The enemies of the flower are TRIPS, CERVETS, mild worms, etc. When the affected greenery is detected, it must be removed and treated with the plant insecticides (Akarin, AgrarTin, etc.)

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

Problems for growing

In the process of care for sensipolines, flower flows are faced with the following problems:

  • Harvesting leaves, which occurs due to the re-fulfillment of moisture or drops of drops for greens (you should remove the spoiled parts and give the soil to dry);
  • Changing the size and shape of the leaves: small and curled signals about the need for a transplant;
  • loss of color (pale greens) speaks of a lack of nutrients;
  • The formation of a small number of buds means that last year the bloom was abundant, and SENPOLIA requires rest.

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[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

African violet is an excellent decoration of both residential and office space . A variety of varieties (about 32 thousand) will allow to satisfy the most exquisite tastes and choose a plant in accordance with the interior.

African Uzambar violets SENPOLIA. How we care and how we bloom (1 video)

African violet in the interior (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

[Plants in the house] How to care for African violet?

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