How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips


Gardines gradually come out of fashion, as other types of curtain mounting types are comfortable with suspended and stretch ceilings. So that the space is not eaten, choose special eaves that close baguettes. In addition, ceiling baguettes close various irregularities between the walls and the ceiling, so they become popular in any room.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

Ceiling cornice

So that the curtains and baguettes look beautiful together, it is necessary to choose not only their style, but also color. If the walls or ceiling of white color, then you can choose plastic baguettes or foams that look beautifully on this background and are a natural continuation of the surface. When there are contrasts, it is necessary to choose the successful combinations of colors so that there is no multiroth and incompleteness. Successful combinations can be seen in the photo.

Types of materials

You can choose such materials as:

  • polyurethane;
  • Polyfoam, polystyrene foam;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • gypsum.

All these materials are used as ceiling baguettes, including curtains. Best of all, polyurethane is suitable for the manufacture of baguettes, it has greater flexibility and strength. Accordingly, ceiling baguettes turn out more stylish and neat.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

Advantages of polyurethane

The advantages of polyurethane include:
  • flexibility;
  • strength;
  • There are special notches for the backlight or cable.

Wood products

The tree looks good only when there is also in the room decoration. This can be seen in the photo where the eaves of wood are shown, which serve simultaneously with a baguette.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

To the peculiarities of wooden baguettes, we will take:

  • Natural environmentally friendly material;
  • If you wish, you can paint in the desired color;
  • It looks good and complements the room with wooden panels or furniture made of natural wood;
  • It will cost more other materials for finishing.

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Plastic and foam

Some of the cheapest and simple materials that make ceiling baguettes are plastic and foam. They are perfectly attached to the surfaces and have a groove for the stretch ceiling.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

However, they have one minus. Over time, plastic can get yellowed, and the foam flask to be cooled, so if you want quality, it is better to choose the above materials. The photo shows what the difference between the materials, and how they look at the surface of the ceiling and walls.

In addition, you can choose as a ceiling baguette and plaster, but it is heavy enough and very fragile, so modern materials have long been replaced.

Coloring materials and harmony of housing

There are features in colors:

  • Gold and silver - festive, elegacity, solemnity
  • Dark colors - focus on decoration, must be well combined with the color of other materials;
  • Light pastel, white colors - careless, neat, increasing the size of the room.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

If you take into account all these factors when choosing ceiling baguettes, you can create a harmonious dwelling. Typically, such systems are chosen for high ceilings, where multilayer curtains hang.

In addition, baguettes can be manufactured not only from plastic and wood, but also metal. An example of this could be the famous Versailles, because it was from there that the fashion went to such decorations and curtains.

For each room, baguette sizes also matter. So, the smaller the room, the ceiling baguettes must already be, and in the large hall with high ceilings, you can choose a beautiful finish.

Of great importance are for the room and curtains, because they can create a feeling of lightness and light, or be heavy curtains from velvet. In order not to overdo it with finishing elements and colors, it is best to seek help to the designer. It will help to choose not only ceiling baguettes, but even curtains, if it is difficult to make an independent choice.

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How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

The relief, width and color of baguettes, everything matters, so when choosing such attachment, the curtains need to calculate all the nuances. If you want to order a project for finishing a room in a 3D program, then you can find the necessary color of materials, and not guess with a width and style.

Well, of course, it matters what style is made up, because the Baroque style and the classic require one, but High-tech and minimalism is completely different. Therefore, baguettes, like curtains, should be combined with style and with each other.

For modern housing, simple baguettes are perfect without complex drawings and made of polystyrene. They not only close fasteners well, but will complement the curtains and the ceiling with the necessary illumination, if it is conceived by the designer solution. If you wish, you can look at the photo, how the curtains will look like in the frame of such a stylish design.

How to choose ceiling baguettes for curtains: designer tips

Beauty and style depend on the taste of the owner, as well as from the possibility of realizing the original ideas. Do not rush to repair, choose the best, because the apartment or the house is drawn up for many years, and then so that you still do not redo everything again, you need to weigh everything carefully. Do not chase too cheap materials, choose quality at an affordable price, and anybody will appreciate the beautiful housing.

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