Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?


One of the favorite ways of the pastime for each person is, of course, rest. It is always nice to sit on a comfortable sofa with a book or laptop and relax for a couple of hours. Without it, no bedroom or living room will cost.

These are no longer just furniture items, they perform important functions, both technical and aesthetic. The universal design and diversity of materials allows them to look completely different: to give a non-standard form, texture and a harmony color, perfectly fit into the trends of the decor.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

In stores every year a huge number of new products appear, characterized in both the characteristics and the price. A wide range can lead to difficulties with a choice.

Experts recommend, first of all, think about how the model will fit into full picture of the room, its simplicity, functionality and aesthetics.

The form

There are several basic options:

  1. Classic straight.
  2. Angular.
  3. Semicircular.
  4. Modular.
  5. Double and triple.

Designers notice an increase in demand for classic and traditional, therefore there will be a lot of popular. It is not too large and easy to place.

Coal, despite the dimensions, looks organically and creates the effect of expanding space. It is well suited for small apartments in which there are many people who live, since in the unfolded state becomes an extra bed zone. For large spacious rooms, it will be a good object to center attention, if you place it in the middle. While everything else is usually located along the walls.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

The semicircle is not suitable for narrow spaces, but perfectly fits into spacious and expensive, decorated in minimalism or High-tech stylistics.

Modular is particularly popular. This is the most fashionable configuration. This is a kind of designer, the details of which can be folded differently and combine. It happens any of the previous versions and so unusual as "island". It is distinguished by their mobility, practicality and compactness.

Sellers offer to acquire both a complete set, and purchase separate parts, which significantly increases interest in this type, as it makes it possible to independently create its own composition.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Children's rooms often put made specifically for children. They are more juicy tones smaller sizes, with interesting design (machines, ships). Most often, they are either laid out for sleep or contain built-in sections for storing toys and other things.

Article on the topic: Open shelves in the kitchen: Actual or already outdated?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?


Properly selected under the situation, it looks truly elegant.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

To find out which color solutions will be in the trend, it is necessary to consider that the sofa is a fragment of the overall interior, it will focus on the fact that in the trends of this area.

In fashion, natural palettes, lungs and pastels:

  • soft coconut;
  • modest gray with the addition of beige and white;
  • warm sand;
  • Sea wave.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

If you like bright, then you should look at the classics with a combination of green, red and yellow.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?


The fabric is an essential element. It should be harmoniously combined with curtains (if they are nearby), flooring and with other accessories.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Natural natural coatings like wicker cotton are popular, due to its softness and tactful sensations. . And also velvet and matte (but not brilliant) velvet.

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

The frame of good wood does not lose relevance, but considering the cost, many are made from chipboard and LDSP. In the style of Loft, techno and minimalism, metal buildings are well suited.

Fashion sofas in 2019 (1 video)

Fashionable sofas in a modern interior (9 photos)

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

Fashion for sofas: What is in trend?

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