Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?


Autumn is not the most pleasant time, but one should not be sad that summer is over. After all, you can use the beauty of autumn nature for home decoration.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

If we talk about autumn, you immediately remember about multicolored leaves. It is these juicy paints that will allow us to decorate a dull room. Let's find out how to use autumn leaves to decorate the interior.

Leaf-based bouquet

Leaves attract bright colors. Of these, you can collect a bouquet. Colorful compositions look great in conventional vases, for example, one-color or glass. It is recommended to make a combination of yellow, orange and red colors. Create several compositions from sheets, putting each in small vases in the form of minzur.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Scenery of candles

Candles - one of the best options for decorating the room, and if you decorate their warm shades of leaves, they will create a colorful atmosphere in the house e. Take a thick candle, wrap around a large maple leaf and secure. After put the candle in the usual glass jar. Last decorate with red and orange leaves.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Wreaths from leaves

Try to apply a beautiful wreath from bright leaves and decorate the room. To diversify the accessory, add a berry to it (rowan and viburnum will look good, fruits and bumps. Use fresh products or buy rubber and plastic on the market.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Leaf fall

The leaves look beautiful when they are circling under the autumn trees. And you can do it with your own hands. Just attach the leaves to the fishing line and hang on the elevation, for example, at the ceiling. It is advisable to do this at the entrance to the room so that the wind loosen the craft, and the movements of the leaves looked naturally.

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Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Balls as a scenery

The advantage of using autumn leaves is the possibility of preserving their natural species for a long time. Remember how to collect herbarium at school? He was kept for years. And it can be used to decorate the room. You can use red leaves even to decorate the New Year tree. Make them in the shape of balls that are usually hanging on a tree. Leaves can be given different shape, experiment. And you do not need to wait until winter comes, you can make the workpiece now.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn frame

Please note that every leaf is unique, not like others. This is already a work of art. And you can do for each individual frame. Decorate the last small leaves. Himself with a frame with a sheet hang on the wall, make a whole gallery.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Papier mache

A new cup where they store keys or lampshade for a lamp, which can be original. Only made on the basis of leaves and other autumn gifts. Paper-Masha will surprise your guests.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Leaves on the carpet

Want to see autumn every day? Success leaves to the carpet on the wall. A beautiful and unique solution will allow you to return to warm autumn even in winter. It is better to use red or yellow threads so that the color is combined with the color of the leaves.

Shelter behind the leaves

Perhaps there are many instruments in your room and open wiring. She creates an unpleasant impression, spoils the interior, strongly striking. But you can hide ugly wires with bright leaves. Attach them with the help of a scotch (it is better to use two-way) and you will forgive this problem forever.

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

The use of leaves in the interior is a lot. Do not forget that you need to choose only beautiful and whole leaves, otherwise you can spoil the interior of the room.

Crafts from leaves. How to sharpen leaves instantly? (1 video)

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Autumn leaves in the interior (9 photos)

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

Autumn leaves in the interior: How can I use?

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