Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)



Girl grapes is a liana with bright colorful leaves. Leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries of a dark blue color. The plant has a length of about 8-12 meters. It is grown mainly on the balcony. Girl grapes on the balcony - it is beautiful and original. The plant will decorate not only the balcony, but also the fence and even the wall of the house or cottage.

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes is a liana with bright colorful leaves. Leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries of a dark blue color.

Girl grapes blooms in June and July, and berries appear in early September. The tree is fruits until October, depending on the climate.

Features of grape landing

Devichi grape grows either in the shade or in a half-way place.

The soil must be rich in organic substances, humus. The plant should be planted not too close to each other, at a distance of 3 meters.

To grow grapes, you will need:

  • clay, cardboard or plastic cup for planting grape sprout;
  • film to cover a pot from cold and wind;
  • shovel;
  • fertilizers;
  • ropes for garter;
  • pillars or pegs so that the plant grow in the right direction;
  • Garden scissors for trimming in the spring of grape vines;
  • watering can.

Growing technology


Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

It is better to plant grapes for the semicolon: on the scorching the sun, he dries off, and in the shade it will start.

When buying seedlings of the virgin grapes, you need to pay attention to two points: on the loss of a seedling and on the roots. If the roots are weak, then you can not allow them to be wrapped in a plastic bag - roots should be in a convenient pot.

It is better to plant grapes for the semicolon: on the scorching the sun, he dries off, and in the shade it will start. If the sun harvested the plant, for example, half a day, then it will have a luxurious "dress." The soil should be wet and rich humus. On the balcony, grapes need protection in winter, so it is necessary to plant it in a pot and regularly monitor the moisture content of the Earth.

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Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

In the fall, the plant breeds. The cuttings are planted in a pot and covered with a film cap. Before boarding an open ground with a cutlets, you need to break the leaves.

Girl grapes planted in spring. It sits in the container, and already from the container it can be reset and in the summer, and in the fall. The feeder is necessary. You can use humus or compost for it.

In summer, the soil must be actively moistened. In order for moisture to be better held in the soil, it can be sprinkled with a small bark of the tree.

In the fall, the plant breeds. The cuttings are planted in a pot and covered with a film cap. Before boarding an open ground with a cutlets, you need to break the leaves.


If the tanks appeared at the tips of the plants, then it can be born from two ways. Method first - rinse with water leaves. If this option did not help, then process the leaves and stalking soaps; You can still add alcohol into the solution.


Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Grapes has a feature: rises up on the roof and walls and lowers down the same walls and roofs.

    1. Saplings can be planted at any time.
    2. To do this, you will need a shovel. It is necessary to pull out the pit and plant a plant on the same depth, on which the seedling in a pot grew.
    3. Before falling down, a seedling in a pot is needed to pour.
    4. Placed a seedling under the tilt.
    5. The seedling needs to be cut throughout the season. Do not cut in the winter. Trim need branches to normal healthy wood.
    6. Around the seedling you need to make a circle for watering.
    7. Next to attach the wire so that the plant can hold.
    8. It is better that it does not dodge the drain pipe: when foliage begins to be popped, it can clog the pipe.

Victor grapes

Pyalist girl virgin grapes

The plant has five-part palter leaves. Form of leaves oval. The plant clings to the mustache for objects and rises up. Grapes has a feature: rises up on the roof and walls and lowers down the same walls and roofs. Leaves of such a plant bright red to autumn and green in spring and summer. The height of the grape reaches 10 meters.

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Trioral maiden grapes

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

If the plant grows constantly in the shade, it will not have a bright color in the autumn period.

The plant has three-bladed leaves and looks like ivy. This is a more popular and widespread grade of the plant. Leaves have different shapes and different colors.

Both plants can decorate any fences, gazebos, roofs, balconies and walls. Usually plants plant for decoration. They grow rapidly and do not pick up. The main thing is that the soil be suitable and the Sun fitted. If the plant grows constantly in the shade, it will not have a bright color in the autumn period. If the soil is dry, then the plant needs watering.

Devichi grapes is used as a decoration for the flower, namely for the rear background. On the front you can safely disembark roses and other flowers. Flowerbed with devil grapes in the fall will look luxurious and very beautiful.

Varieties of Parthenocissus

Girl grapes Pentalist is also called Parthenocissus.

His birthplace is China. The climate for him is suitable moderate, such as in Russia, Asia, America. But creating a suitable temperature, the plant can be grown in other climatic zones.

Parthenocissus Henry

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

The temperature at which Henry grows quite well is 10-12 degrees.


  1. Liana, having four-gamped leaves, spring leaves have a bright green color, in the fall turn into burgundy.
  2. Practically does not bloom.
  3. Flowers small greenish, almost not visible in the sinuses of the plant. And the berries are small, juicy and bluish color. Begin to ripen autumn.
  4. The temperature at which Henry grows quite well is 10-12 degrees.
  5. Humidity should be moderate.
  6. Lighting is necessary. The more light, the better the plants will grow.
  7. It is breeding Henry with cuttings.
  8. Watering is carried out in summer and spring abundant, in the fall - moderate, and in winter it does not need it in water.
  9. Pruning, as well as watering, is carried out from spring through autumn, it stops in winter.

Parthenocissus attached

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Parthenocissus attached is usually intended for hiding fences, fences.

Parthenocissus attached is a plant from North America, intended usually for hiding fences, fences. Thanks to his mustache, the plant is attached to the support. On the mustache usually no suckers are or observed, but little.

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This type of Parthenocissus is multiplied by three types:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • Diggers.

Berries at the plant blue-black and sleeve in July. From above, the leaves are dark green, the bottom - light, and on the sides - shiny.

Pyatleltiek Parthenocissus

The North American Liana plant is attached to the support of the mustache with suction cups. Ripen the plant later, in September, the berries are also dark blue, have 4 bones inside. The plant is resistant to contaminated air. Plant height - 15-20 m.


Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

All Parthenocissuses, but do not endure the shadows and bright sun. There must be a moderate climate, the air temperature is not lower than 10 degrees, watering is required, as they do not endure dry soil.

This plant is a rare species and already listed in the Red Book. Growing in the Far East. In our conditions it is difficult for him to survive, it can freeze it in winter.

Berries with a blue-black shade. Ripens plant by September. It has many decorative forms that breed only vegetatively. Large leaves, rough, dark green, brilliant angles.

All Parthenocissuses are generally unpretentious, but they do not endure the shadows and the bright sun. There must be a moderate climate, the air temperature is not lower than 10 degrees, watering is required, as they do not endure dry soil.

In winter, the plant can freeze, so it needs to be covered and protected from wind and snow. No need to water.

In the spring, the plant is cut and used cuttings for breeding.

The plant is fed during the initial growth period, in the old plant, the wood is coarse and thick.

The use of Parthenocissians is a great way to take yourself not only useful things, but also to please the surrounding beautiful garden or flower. You can also enjoy plants berries.

For lovers to have a house gazebo, Parthenocissus will be an ideal shading option in hot summer and salvation from the scorching sun. In the cozy patenocissus thickets, you can create a unique romantic setting.

Parthenocissus has incredibly many species for every taste and color. By choosing a certain type of plant, you need to study all the nuances of its cultivation, as the varieties differ from each other by the conditions of existence.

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

Girl grapes on the balcony: Growing Technology (Photo)

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