Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos


To maintain physical form, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym, but the exercises can be done at home. To strengthen the muscles of the hands, back and press you can make a horizontal bar for the house. There are different designs - the simplest and more complicated.

Types of tourists

To maintain sports form, it is advisable to have sports shells at home. The most simple of which belongs to the horizontal bar. This is one or more small crossbar that allows you to train the muscles of the hands, chest, press and back. It is only necessary to find a suitable set of exercises.

Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

One of the simple options

For home (apartments)

The house usually find a place for the horizontal bar. In the apartment, it is usually more complicated in the apartment, so many are looking for options that occupy a little space are easily removed and installed: so that you can store, say, in the closet and hang only on time. To use indoors there are such models:

  • Wall mounted . There are different sizes and structures - from a simple crossbar in the corners, to more complex structures for different grip and different muscle groups. Have a general type of fastening: powerful corners that are attached directly to the wall.
  • Corner . One of the varieties of wall mounted. The difference is clear from the name - are attached to two adjacent walls forming the angle.
  • In the doorway . Requires a minimum of time for making, and can also be removable. There are two versions:
    • Installed in the doorway. This is usually just one crossbar. A more complex design here still do not strengthen.
    • Fastened above the door. A little more complicated design that allows you to diversify classes.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Two small wallpapers: one for pulling, the other for the press and "corner"

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Model 3 in 1

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    In the doorway or in a narrow corridor

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Methods for fastening the removable horizontal bar in the doorway

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    There are completely simple street horizons - two racks with a crossbar, there are whole complexes

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Universal option - with a Swedish wall and devices for pumping all muscle groups

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Mini-sports complex in the backyard

    In general, you can hang a wall horizontal on the outdoor wall at home - an option for summer training.

    Choosing materials

    Usually, the home horizontal bar is made of metal pipes. They are round and rectangular (square) sections. Rectangular with the same section (diameter and diagonal) and wall thickness have greater rigidity, carry a large load. But if the pipe is frozen, then the rectangular is sharply refracted, and the round slowly bends. That this does not happen, choose the walls thoroughly (from 2.5 mm and more). The horizontal bar is heavier, but will be more reliable, it will be able to withstand heavy loads.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    If the walls allow, you can hang heavy designs

    You still need to choose pipes for the horizontal bar for convenience. If we talk about the operation, it is more convenient in the hand there are a round. But the rectangular is easier to cook, as the round requires a higher degree of skill. Even rectangular better "falls" on the wall, the area of ​​support is more. This is important for wall structures. Apparently, therefore, the frames and racks of domestic tourists make a square (profiled) pipe, and the crossbars are from the round.

    As a rule, the diameter of the coastal of the horizontal bar lies in the range from 27 mm to 32 mm.

    Another horizontal barns are made from wood. But since the wood is heterogeneous, it is difficult to predict its behavior during loads. If we consider that movements can be jerks, the likelihood is that the wooden crossbar will crack. So if you want to make the horizontal bar, the wood is better not to use.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Reliability is the most important thing. And in the design and fasteners

    A few words about the form of steel, which can be used. You can make the horizontal bar for the house from the ordinary pipe - from ferrous metal. After welding, it is cleaned to pure metal, processed with soil and color. This is quite enough to use in a house or apartment. For street tourists, it is better to treat the anti-corrosion composition after stripping, after the soil, and then - the paint in two or three layers. If it is possible - apply powder paint. It has an uneven surface, does not slide at hand. The same surface can have some types of hammers. They also give an unusual effect: unequal color. On metal things looks very good.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Fastening should also be reliable

    You can still make a horizontal bar for home or stainless steel street. On the frame to translate the road is hardly reasonable, but the crossbars can be made of stainless steel. Just do not take pipes from food stainless steel - they are made with thin walls, so they often do not stand and bent. Take good alloyed structural steel. It does not delete and will withstand solid loads. But there is another point: the pipe can be too smooth, which is uncomfortable. By grip, hands can slide.

    Schemes and sizes

    The schemes of the horizons are important. The diameters of the pipes, the wall thickness are important. It is really important, and the dimensions are approximate. They may vary depending on the growth and size of a person. Usually they are given under the "medium" growth and mean sizes of the chest. If you have more parameters than "average", increase the dimensions so that you feel comfortable.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    This model is called three in one (3 in 1), as it allows you to train almost all muscles

    Wall-mounted models

    Some of the most convenient and functional - wallpapers. They are more cumbersome and complex in design, there are quite simple. Let's start with those more complicated.

    In the figure, the horizontal bar on which you can do in two positions. On the picture on the right - the position for the study of the press, on the left - for studying the hands, back and chest muscles. The specified design can be improved. On the Scheme on the right there are two crossbars that are used to work with a narrow grip. You can install additional crossbars for medium, and extreme use for "normal". Wide grip provide handles sticking on the sides. More convenient if they have a tilt of about 30 °.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Two schemes of a wall horizontal bar for different grip. Different sizes, similar designs

    So the horizontal bar is not always comfortable, so another design is invented - with handles on the front strip. It is less massive, requires a smaller number of pipes. But pumping the press will have to be on another simulator. This such opportunity does not provide.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Scheme and sizes removed from the finished wallpaper

    Despite the shortcomings, the above design is repeated many times. It is simple, reliable, takes a little space, so popular. The dimensions are slightly adjusted, leaving the diameters of the pipes and the thickness of the corners unchanged or increasing the wall thickness. Example - in the photo below.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    This is a homemade version made by factory model.

    There is an even simple design. This is only one crossbar on which you can only pull up. But this design is one of the most compact. It can be hung over the doorway and it will not interfere, will not attract attention. Make a horizontal bar of such a design makes sense if there is no place for placement more serious projectile or there is a Swedish wall.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Dimensions - under a small height

    Proper structures are one of the most compact. Only those that are installed in the doorway or between two nearby walls are occupied less space (only a pipe is needed at all, which are made by special attachments).

    Turks for the yard

    In the courtyard they usually put more complex designs: there is no need to save space, so they make as a comfortable model as a comfortable model. It should be approached to the question weighted: to make the horizontal bar reliable, you need pipes with a solid wall thickness, and they are not cheap. Therefore, since there are already racks and crossbars, you can make a Swedish wall and a fastening for a swing - so that children can play, and adults to train.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Outdoor horizontal bar: drawing with dimensions

    Note that the racks are pairly connected by jumpers. The jumper bursts into the ground and serves to stabilize the position at lateral loads. What else to pay attention is to the depth to which the poles are buried. If the land is prone to bent (clay and loam), it is preferably lower than the depth of freezing. For the middle lane of Russia, it is about 120-130 cm. In order to stood the racks securely, you can perpendicular to the underground part to trigger the pieces of pipes. This will complicate the installation, but the poles are definitely not separated.

    How to make a horizontal bar for an apartment with your own hands - photo report

    Even for the most complex wall model, 2-2.5 meters of profile pipe and about 1.5 meters round. To make a horizontal bar for home with your own hands, pre-printed a sheet with the selected model and sizes. For the frame used a profiled metal pipe 20 * 30 * 3 mm, for crossbar and "handles" - the remainder of the cornice for the curtains of Soviet times. The pipe is thin, but still withstands. To begin with, the profile tube saw into pieces of the desired length.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    The beginning - cut the pipes into pieces of the desired length, stir up the angle of the stops

    There are no corner stops in the diagram, they are made on the eye. Angle - about 50 °. Next, it's small - cook. With the help of the inverter welding machine, this is not too difficult. Especially since the pipe has a thick wall: 3 mm is boiled normally.

    Two half frames turned out in the form of the letter "G" - they must be connected with jumpers. To the frame racks were parallel to, we use the planks that fix the parts at the same distance. At the same time, from the trimming of a pipe from a stainless steel at the bottom we weld the handles for which we will stay when pumping the press.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    So that the distance between the racks was the same, we use the rails

    For a dense adjoining of a round tube and rectangular, a semicircle was cut in a grinder in the rack. I had to focus with the file, but the fit is very good. It remains to brew.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Registration of round and rectangular pipe

    To weld to a circular handle pipe for a narrow grip, in the cuts of the pipe, too, form the excavation. Cook them harder - the thickness of the pipe is significantly less. And in general, other electrodes go under the welding of the stainless steel. Due to the lack of experience, the seams turned out ugly, but without obvious marriage.

    Next you need to bend the pipe along the edges. To do this, insert a rod to a smaller diameter into the pipe, we take the gas burner, heating the place of bend, bending the little. Bend to 30 °. To do this, on the floor, chalk drew an angle, bendingly curled along the drawn lines.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Add "holders" for a narrow grip, bend and can be painted

    On the Bulgarian we put out the sandpaper, we clean the place of welding. Then, with a circle with a smaller grain, we remove the flare from the whole structure, additionally stabbing the seams. Ready to paint. Paint in the canopy was applied in three layers.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Hooks for hanging the horizon, too, made it yourself

    For mounting on the wall, the metal strip 15 * 4 mm made hooks. Bend was not easy - clogged in the forceps a whole piece, managed to be beaten on both sides. The finished hooks were cut off at the desired length and drilled holes under the dowel. Used drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drilled by 12 mm under the fastener caps. The hooks are cleaned and painted the same paint.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Before making the horizontal bar, decide on the place where you will hang it. Not all spouses will safely take such innovation ... Homemade horizontal bar 3 in 1 on the wall in two working positions

    Almost everything is ready. It remains to make pillows under the shoulders. For the base, pieces of plywood are taken, they are a thin furniture foam in two layers, covered with ecocuses with holes. For fastening the leatherette, staples and construction staplers are used, but you can use furniture nails if there is no stapler.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Making pillows under the shoulders

    According to the experience: Hooks on the wall should be done longer, under three dowels at least. And yet: the design was improved - the handles for a narrow grip in the way that in the picture, uncomfortable, so another crossbar is welded.

    Home horizontal bar do it yourself: drawings, schemes, photos

    Added cross-shredding

    The homemade home horizontal manner turned out to be heavy - 19.8 kg, but in this form it is more convenient.

    In conclusion, a small entertainment video-Prank "Grandfall punishes turnstiles". Be healthy!

    Article on the topic: Self-adhesive wallpaper: Adhesive for walls and furniture, film adhesive for the kitchen, photo, how to glue, is it possible to film on wallpaper, video, under a brick, how to remove from the wall

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