How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains


In the design of the curtain, it is important that all the details are harmoniously selected and combined with each other. The color solution, the texture of the material and the model option allow you to create a beautiful, original porter. But if over time, the edges of the fabric will bend and twisted, nor any unique design and textile color will not save the position. In this case, you need to use special weightlifiers. These are small weights that do not allow tissue to deform. Usually, weighting agents are used when sewing curtains in the bathroom, for Japanese, Roman models. Georgians can not buy ready, but to build it yourself. Although there is a mass of all kinds of options on sale, but the choice always remains for the user.

Making weightlifter


There are several types of weighting agents in the photo, which are used for different curtain models. The most popular is:

  • cords
  • Plates,
  • Wires
  • Georgs rounded and oblong shape.

How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

For curtains made of light tissues, cords or plates are suitable. These elements are inserted into the lower part of the product. They perfectly take the form of curtains and do not allow, the corners of the material are wrapped. For sale are shipyers weighing from 10 to 150 grams. Note that the cord is a cradle for curtains or another version of the ship, this is an additional element of the design that can be easily removed. Usually, it is required when washing or cleaning the curtains.

If the curtain is deformed in the corners, in this case the plates will help. They are easily attached to the canvas with their own hands using special buttons. This type of weighting agents is also presented in a huge variety, in different weights. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose a suitable plate for curtains.

How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

If there is no possibility to purchase finished weights for the porter, you can use the usual wire. It must be sewed to the bottom of the canvas and thus drag the fabric. Wire, cord or chain - Excellent cradle for the Roman curtains, curtain in the bathroom. Perhaps from aesthetic point of view, this option may seem not suitable. However, if the curtain fabric is not transparent, the wire or chain will fit perfectly.

For dense and more heavy tissues, it is recommended to use a round or oval weightlifier for curtains. As such a ship, you can use coins, metal balls, small cylinders. In this case, you need to know that for linen curtains, it is recommended to use weights weighing 20-50 grams, for a dertire of heavy tissue - 50-70 grams.

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How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

Weights for Japanese curtains

Japanese types of curtains are tissue canvas that are always complemented by weights. Wealer for Japanese curtains, can be wooden, metal, plastic. This integral element of the product is attached at the bottom of the web. Prepared rails are inserted into special pockets at the bottom of the product or attached from the outer side with the help of glue. To visually enrich the speed, the bar can be selected with the pattern. However, it should be unobtrusive, not attracting attention.

How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

For curtains in the bathroom

Waterproof curtains that are used in bathrooms are also often deformed and losing an attractive appearance. So that the bottom of the canvase does not twist under the action of moisture, it is recommended to use small magnets. They secure the curtain reliably without allowing it to wrap. Alternative to magnetic weights, plastic can be used. These elements are inserted into the lower edge of the product and curtains for the bathroom with weights, not deformed.

How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

Roman curtains

Roman curtains are tissue products, the design of which is very reminded by Japanese curtains. However, the main difference is that the Roman models are equipped with a mechanism that raises cloth at the top, folding it into uniform drape. In order for the design to be unhindered unhindered and the fabric was not twisted, a weightlifier was mounted at the bottom of the web. The best option in this case is a wooden rail, which is inserted into the pre-prepared pockets. For dense tissues, wooden weight, can be replaced with plastic.

How to choose a cradle for different types of curtains

At the end, we note that by and large the choice of weights is not so great. To the window decorate a beautiful portor, not twisted on the sides, you can use cords, plates, wires and weights of various shapes. For light tulle curtains, many seams use a bulk embroidery consisting of a variety of decorative elements. This technique allows you to simultaneously decorate and drag the curtain, preventing the deformation of the canvas in the lower and side sides.

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