Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself - the best techniques


Designer furniture in the style of Provence or grunge is very popular, but at the same time very road. But if you inherited an old buffet or a servant, it can be removed in an equally attractive design element. Using various techniques, the restoration of the old buffet will deliver you only pleasure.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Old buffet - Excess object or designer find?

How often people throw out unrealized opportunities for garbage, including antique furniture. Look at the cost of the made up furniture, and you immediately change your mind to get rid of the servant, which got you from the grandmother. Better decision will be restoration with your own hands - cheap and spectacular. Sometimes for refreshing the buffet is enough to buy bronze handles with ceramic inserts. However, in most cases will have to work more thoroughly. Anyone can cope with the task of restoration with your own hands, you only need to carefully examine the stages of work.

Among the popular furniture update techniques are decoupage, painting and making.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Materials and tools for work

Most likely, all the necessary tools for restoration of a wooden servant will not be available. Then review the list and buy the missing devices in the usual building supermarket. Subsequently, they will be useful to you if you still want to refresh something with your own hands after the servant.

List of necessary tools and materials:

  • sandpaper of different numbers;
  • spatula;
  • steel sponge;
  • Furniture scraper;
  • clamps;
  • screwdrivers of different format;
  • adhesive for wood;
  • oil paints;
  • Morilka;
  • solutions for removing old paint and varnish;
  • brushes;
  • Putty for wood;
  • ruler, roulette and square;
  • Furniture markers;
  • gloves and respirator;

There may be a common toothbrush, toothpick and other utensils, which is always at hand.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Partial restoration

If the idea of ​​full lacquer removal and the application of a new coverage does not like it, then make a partial restoration. This concerns the lacquer cover damaged in separate places.

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Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Step by step description of actions:

  1. If the place with a defect does not contain outstanding bubbles and cracks, then wipe it with gasoline - it will remove fat;
  2. a dried skimpinal plot sweat the iron washcloth, removing the layer of varnish;
  3. With a dry cloth, remove the remains of lacquer dust and apply fresh varnish. You need to use the type of varnish that was used for the previous coating;

If the measures described above will not save your server, then then in the article you will find how to update the coating completely.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Full restoration

The most troublesome and uninteresting stage in any restoration process - the removal of old paint and varnish. To quickly remove them with your own hands, you can find special solutions on sale. They contain methylene chloride, which dissolves the old varnish or paint in just 20 minutes. After that, the paint is easily cleaned with a spatula, and in recesses and seams - toothpick and an old toothbrush.

The furniture should be located on the street or on unfolded paper so that the solvents of the falling pieces of varnish do not damage the floor.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

So, you removed the paint or varnish, and now stand before choosing further tactics.

We offer you several different techniques for updating the old Servant (buffet) with your own hands:

  • decoupage;
  • artificial formation;
  • Painting or varnishing.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

For the first two points it is worth paying special attention - they allow working with furniture that has traces of antiquity. Such traces are rather desirable than negative. Decoupage like grunge style, loves a rare view. All these techniques are quite feasible.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Decoupage of the Old Servant - the atmosphere of Provence

To execute decoupage, you need to supplement the list of materials and tools.

Materials for decoupage:

  • new handles "under ancient" and loops for doors;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • PVA glue;
  • White paint;
  • furniture varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • Morilka;
  • Putty for wood;
  • Metal brush.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

In the store for needlework, you can buy napkins for decoupage technique. Choose the ones that you attracted, but in the floral theme of blue, lavender or burgundy colors. If you have chosen furniture handles with ceramic inserts, this pattern should be harmonized with an image on decoupage napkins. We dealt with the old coating in the previous sections. In addition, you need to replace all the old loops and for doors, repair the peashed retractable drawers, also make another repairs if necessary.

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Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

We proceed with a step-by-step description of the decoupage of the servant with their own hands:

  • Quickly wipe the entire surface of the servant with a damp cloth so that the moisture is not absorbed;
  • All the gaps to smell with a putty composition for wood;
  • go through the entire surface with sandpaper, removing all the defects;
  • coat the wood by a verse and let her dry;
  • Now the time of unique reception of the formation is to apply wax at all angles, drawing on them with a wax candle;
  • Two times cover the servant white paint, however, all pale pastel shades are well suited for Provence, especially mint and lavender;
  • After complete drying, the paint remove the wax, gently manipulating the metal brush. This is a simple and spectacular technique for imitation of antiquity;
  • Napkins Wrapped with PVA and glue and glue to the bottom or top door, diligently smoothing to remove air bubbles;
  • so that the glue is high faster, send a jet of hot air from the hair dryer on it;
  • Cover decoupage places with a transparent varnish. Also enclose and with places of action.

The new Buffet in the style of Provence is ready, the only thing that would like to add - if there were glass in the servant, then they can or paint them or replace. And, of course, do not forget to put a bouquet of lavender in a white ceramic vase.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

From the old Servant - the Servan "Under the Starin"

Furniture "Under the Starin" is always in fashion - it adds to the entire interior of the aristocratic notch. It's nice that this technique may well be done with your own hands, which means cheap. Receptions for artificial aging are several, choose the one that suits you more.

Method 1 - multiple varnish

Additionally, it follows in specialized stores to purchase multiple varnish, all other materials have been described above.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Description of work:

  • After removing the old coating and stripping with emery paper, apply a special crust lacquer on the surface. It has the ability to turn the entire surface into cracking as it were from old-age canvas;
  • After drying the previous, the composition must be applied the surface of the buffet paint or transparent varnish.

After all the procedures, you will receive a servant "Under the Starin" for a day. It should be noted that the use of paint in such a method is preferable - the effect will be brighter.

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Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Method 2 - Mechanical aging

For this method, you need to prepare two simulators on a different basis, shellary primer and restoration wax.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Description of work:

  • After cleaning the old varnish or paint, apply a water mill as a basis;
  • Brighten with a moistened with sponge those places that are more in sight;
  • After drying, you need to pass the places that will be darker;
  • Now apply a simulator with another basis;
  • To dry out the second layer of verses, fill in all the places by the shellated primer with a brush;
  • Using a metal brush, rub the restoration wax, moving along the fiber;
  • After drying the wax, wipe the board with a soft cloth;

In fact, aging methods are much more. Unique masterpieces are created by the "Shashl" method, but it is under the staff who are familiar with the joinery.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Painting of an old buffet with gilding

Here is another way to refresh old furniture with your own hands - paint in colors, fashionable 60 years ago. Remember, as a grandmother, everything from the doors to the furniture was painted in white, blue and blue - trend colors of the prescription. To do this, use oil paints of the color of ivory, pale blue, white and gilding.

By purchasing a gold paint, note that it is combined with oil paints, otherwise everything will tears.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Description of work:

  • Remove the old varnish and paint, eliminate defects and pass the previously described methods;
  • Install new furniture fittings;
  • The buffer frame is staining in the color of the ivory, the doors are painted in a pale blue;
  • Patterns, edging and framing glasses Cover the white and gold paints to your liking;
  • After drying, all the surfaces are lacquered.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

In addition to the usual painting, you can draw symmetric patterns in vintage styles. For particularly sophisticated, we propose to perform a buffet in the style of "Gzhel". The interior is supplemented with linen curtains, all kinds of ceramics and other elements of the antiquity.

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration with your own hands is a budget option that will allow you to become the winner of chic antique furniture. You can combine several described techniques or come up with your option how to update the old furniture. Choose the option you like and try your hand.

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

Restoration of the old buffet do it yourself

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

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7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

7 options for restoration of the old buffet (37 photos)

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