Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)


Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior

For those who want to make the atmosphere of the house or apartment more diverse, the child's room is original, the various decoration items and all sorts of accessories performed from the wire are perfectly suitable.

Wire is a versatile material for the manufacture of various elements of decor, decorations, souvenirs and toys. The main advantage of this material is that it can be easily given any necessary form.

Of the ordinary wire make a huge amount of products. Attractive, fine decorations made of wire look very worthily and often do not inferior in price, popular today, vintage jewelry. A variety of wall compositions, household items, and decor elements will fit almost for any interior style. They will help to fill the interior and make it completed.

Wire decor

Each forces to make your apartment or house cozy and beautiful. Not even having special design skills, with the help of ordinary wire, it is easy to make original decorations for walls yourself. It is enough just to have a solid wire, pattern pattern and some free time. As a result of the work, the original stand for photographs, interesting figures of animals and birds, which complement the interior and will definitely attract the attention of guests.

A very popular version of the decor of the walls of the wire is various letters that correspond to the initials of the hosts of the house, words and, even, separate offers. Such crafts may look very simple, but if you show a fantasy, you will get a real work of art that is suitable for any particular interior style.

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Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Lamps from wire in the interior

For those who want to revive a little interior, to make it innovative and unusual, various lamps, chandeliers and lampsome, made from ordinary wire can be an excellent solution. Such original scaves, lamps and lamps will not only complement the interior of the apartment, but will become a real decoration. Such products are quite expensive, but if you purchase all the tools you need and comply with uncomplicated rules, such a lamp or lamp can be done with your own hands.

To work, you will need:

• Wire;

• pliers;

• circulation;

• PVA glue;

• Bands;

• Cartridge for the lamp.

In order for the lamp to look invoking and interesting, at work it is necessary to use at least five types of wire.

First of all, the frame of the lamp from the most strong wire should be made. And fix all the resulting joints. In order for the product to be stable, you need to strengthen the ribs. From the same wire is made and fastening for the cartridge. It remains only to make the lamp relief and textured, wrapped the frame with different types of wire, and connect the finished product to electricity.

Such a lamp, a bro or lamp will serve for a long time and will delight everyone with its appearance. However, such wires from the wire have one significant minus. Since the thermal conductivity of the metal is high enough, the product can quickly heat up.

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Wire sculptures in the interior

Sculpture made of wire is a very unusual relatively new type of art. Such sculptures can be a real stylish decoration of the interior decor.

Often in the interior decor uses 3D sculptures from the wire. As well as bulk products that are gradually decorated with indoor plants, thereby the object of vertical landscaping. Wire sculptures with their appearance more on the weightless circuit of the pattern, which is painted in the air.

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Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Wire chairs in the interior

Chair, created, from one piece of wire can be considered a real vertex of skill. Such chairs are very durable, can withstand weight up to 120 kg. Such elements of furniture perfectly complement the interior of the room decorated in a modern, technological style.

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Decorative wire elements in the interior of the children's room

You can decorate the walls of the children's room using various crafts from the wire. It is in the children's children who will look entertaining such crafts and organically. Attaching several hooks from the wire from the wire from the wire, you can get an extra room in the storage room. Children's room can also decorate various wire toys, photo frames and interesting wire paintings.

Such crafts can also be made with their own hands, attracting children to the process.

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Elements of wire decor in the interior of the children's room

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

Accessories and items of wire decor in the interior (51 photos)

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