Selection of material for cottage ceiling


The design of the ceiling in the country house is a very significant stage of finishing work.

Selection of material for cottage ceiling

The material for finishing the ceiling of the country house should be durable, moisture-resistant.

Not only the design and interior of the cottage depends on it, but also the quality of the overlap as a whole. Material options have a lot, but to make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account all the loads that must withstand the ceiling. Most often, the cottage is a unheated wooden house, which is used mainly in the warm season. Accordingly, there is no need to insulate such a ceiling. It should be separated so that the drops of temperature and humidity levels do not affect its qualities. In addition, despite the high requirements for exploitation and appearance, materials must be inexpensive.

The plastic panels can be attributed to unsuccessful options (applicable exclusively in warm regions or with minor temperature surges, since very sensitive to the slightest deformation), as well as tension and suspended ceilings (such structures are very functional, but their cost cannot be called budget). Practical, accessible and reliable can be considered the following three options.

Finishing plasterboard

Selection of material for cottage ceiling

It is desirable before to separate the ceiling by plasterboard, it is necessary to treat the surface with the means from mold and various insects.

Plasterboard is the most popular material in the manufacture of multi-level ceilings, as well as other complex structures. This surface is easy to paint or even punish with wallpaper, which allows you to perfectly pick up a color solution. This material is very inexpensive, but if it is not a moisture-resistant plasterboard, then the ceiling will in this case be vulnerable to moisture. It is desirable before conciliating the ceiling, treat the surface tools from mold and various insects. Another advantage in the use of this building material is its high level of environmental friendliness, which is important for health. Harmful synthetic impurities in it are practically absent. And finally, its sound insulation qualities and good flexibility have long been recognized.

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It must be remembered that such a material gives a lot of overlap weight, since each sheet of plasterboard weighs at least 30 kg. If the ceiling in the house is quite smooth, it can be separated without guides - use only glue. If the ceiling is uneven, drywall will have to be attached to the frame from profiles. The frame will inevitably reduce the height. However, all irregularities, cracks and other shortcomings of the source surface will be hidden.

To finish the surface of the ceiling by plasterboard, you will need:

1. Roulette.

2. Galnik.

3. Construction pencil.

4. Macate knife or hacksaw.

5. Two stepladers (or, if possible, small goats).

6. The toothed spatula.

7. Scissors for metal.

8. Drill.

9. Construction level.

10. Lerke (for surface alignment).

11. Fastening.

12. Disk saw.

Finishing with OSB plates

Selection of material for cottage ceiling

Drill is one of the components of the tools needed for mounting the ceiling.

With this high-quality and very modern material, Russian buyers are still familiar yet. However, it is very in demand in Europe, because it does not need additional processing. OSB plates retain most of the advantages of wood, but not its disadvantages. This material is made of chips of coniferous rock trees that have been subjected to a special press. Separate the surface of the ceiling in the house with such plates is easy, only you need to remember that there should be small gaps between the plates. Cover can be paint, wallpaper or rotogo.

OSB plates perfectly protect the country house in conditions of high humidity. With such a choice of material, the load on overlappings is reduced (for example, compared with drywall this material is easier). The disadvantage of the plates is their flammability - it is quite high, which is easy to compensate for the treatment with special refractory compositions.

To finish the ceiling, OSB plates will be required:

1. Roulette.

2. Galnik.

3. Construction pencil.

4. Electric jigsaw.

5. Two stepladers (better, if possible, small goats).

6. Perforator.

7. Construction level.

8. Lerke (for surface alignment).

9. Fastening.

10. Small march.

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Finishing plywood

Separate the ceiling in a private house can be so material as plywood. It is considered strong enough, but of all budget materials is most sensitive to the influence of climatic conditions. In addition, Plywood strongly issues the error of the source surface. Plywood is of different types, and for the ceiling in the country, the combined - that in which the benefits of deciduous and conifer are combined.

Selection of material for cottage ceiling

Plywood successfully retains heat on the unheated dacha, although not quite suitable for finishing.

Plywood successfully retains heat on the unheated dacha, although not suitable for finishing. But it is suitable for various types of further processing - staining, varnishing, toning, processing by the veil. It is desirable when processing plywood not to use compounds that will not allow her to breathe - this is one of the main advantages of such a material.

For finishing the surface of the ceiling will be required:

1. Roulette.

2. Galnik.

3. Construction pencil.

4. Small plates.

5. Abrasive paper No. 80-100.

6.Thetsevaya small march.

7. Fastenings.

8. Two stepladers (better, if possible, small goats).

9. Drill.

10. Construction level.

11. Lesk (for surface alignment).

The quality finish of the ceiling in the country depends largely on what a country house is built, and, accordingly, for what purposes it is intended. The more practical, the materials for construction and repair work will be more attractive, the longer the result will be harmonious.

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