How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)



Homemade cultivation of cucumbers on the balcony makes it possible to enjoy this useful and delicious vegetable even in winter. All you need is to comply with the rules for the preparation of seeds and care.

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

The cucumbers develop well if the outer air temperature is not lower than 15-18 degrees.

How to grow on the loggia or balcony cucumbers with their own hands, attaching minimal efforts to this? Let's start with the preparation of soil and seeds, as well as let us talk in detail about the rules of care and harvest.

We start with small: place, capacity and soil

To grow on loggias a rich crop of delicious and healthy cucumbers, it is important not only to choose those varieties that are most suitable, but also take care of several additional factors. We offer some useful tips to help create the best conditions for the growth of seedlings:

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

Put cucumbers on the south side, with an insufficient number of light, use additional phytolampu.

  • The best place for growth is the south side. It is here that plants will receive a sufficient amount of light. Growing cucumbers, it must be remembered that drafts can become destructive for fresh frightened. Therefore, it is recommended or to protect against drafts, or pick another place. If you plan to grow different varieties of cucumbers on the windowsill, the boxes are best put on a wooden board. There is another feature - it is possible to grow cucumbers only on heated balconies;
  • Cucumber loves light very much, so it is necessary to provide additional backlight with special phytolampa. In December, the illumination is used within ten hours a day, and in March - from four o'clock and longer. When placing seedlings on the windowsill, two lamps are enough, there may be more on the balconies;
  • The cucumber grown on the balcony is well grows in any boxes or packages. It is necessary to ensure a drain for excess moisture, holes for air access. At the bottom of the container for vegetables it is necessary to put drainage.

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The soil for growing should be of the appropriate quality. For this, such a composition is suitable as:

  • compost - 40%;
  • peat - 30%;
  • Cherry land - 20%;
  • sawdust - 10%;
  • Urea - the volume of one matchbox for ten liters of the soil (it is best to take a little less than the box);
  • Superphosphate and sulfate potassium - volume in the number of two match boxes.

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

Important: before landing to treat the soil by manganese for the prevention of various diseases.

For prevention against diseases, the soil is recommended to water the soil solution of mangalls before planting. This will allow growing different, suitable for growth in the urban environment, varieties without fear of diseases.

For sowing cucumbers on the balcony, many varieties are used, while we need to take those seeds that are intended for growing in the open ground. Before planting seeds, it is recommended to treat special trace elements, warm them and process them in a single-percent heatman solution for 20 minutes, after which washed in running water.

Now the seeds need to soak in warm water for 10-12 hours. After that - to wrap in a wet fabric, periodically moisturizing, and keep at 22-25 ºC at temperatures.

When the seeds appear small sprouts of white, you can begin landing.

The right interval for planting seeds of cucumbers is 5-8 days. During this period, female and men's flowers for pollination appear.

Cucumber care rules on the balcony

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

The cucumbers do not like transplants, so it is best to plant seeds immediately into the container in which the cucumber will grow.

Start growing cucumbers on their own balcony, loggia or windowsill are best in small cups or special peat tight capacities for seedlings. It is done in order to easily select the strongest seedlings, which are already transferred to permanent growing boxes. The seeds in the cups are placed each in a separate hole, flowed asunder with an explosive earth by 0.5 cm.

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After that, the small pots must be put into the container, which is covered with a film. You can make a small mini-greenhouse on the loggia or buy already ready, but it requires additional costs, as the glass structures are quite expensive. But there are here and its advantages: in the greenhouses you can provide all the necessary conditions that will be maintained in automatic mode, including watering.

25 days after the seeds were sown, seedlings can already be moved from pots into boxes to a permanent place. To do this, it is recommended to use special racks that are very easy to assemble with your own hands from ordinary boards. At the bottom of each box, it is necessary to pour a layer of drainage from gravel or clamzit, after - add land that is better to moisten. If you use a peat gear, then landing seedlings are needed with them. When placing cucumbers, you must ensure that the balcony is well lit. If you have the northern side, then you need to take care of artificial lighting.

After the first 5-6 leaves appeared on the seedlings, it is necessary to stick pegs next to the plants to support them, tie the cucumber's mustache. In order for the vacuum better than fruit, it is recommended to cut their top over the eleventh sheet, provide regular removal of all side shoots.

The september is made after the third real leaf appears, and the sheet is cut together with a point of growth, the sinus kidney cannot touch the second sheet, since the third side escape will be formed. It will become the basis of the future cape. The second september must be made over 5-6 sheet. Third - through two leaves.

Features of growing: advice from professionals

To plant cucumbers in winter or summer, and even collect a rather abundant harvest on your own balcony or loggia, it is not so much time to care. We offer some simple, but very useful tips from professionals from gardeners:

  • The cucumber is very demanding to watering, the land in the boxes should not dispel, but it is impossible to transfuse;
  • As soon as the cucumbers on the loggia will go up, they need to provide proper fertilizer. Do it every week with mineral feeding;
  • If the roots begin to perform outside, you can add a small layer of the Earth, which will bother them;
  • When too many female flowers begins to appear, then their part must be cut off so that the Zellians are formed faster;
  • Zelenza cucumber should be collected as soon as they have achieved maturity, so as not to exhaust the plant.

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If you comply with all these simplest conditions, you can collect a rather abundant harvest on your own loggia. Even with a small home bed, you can assemble from thirty cucumbers, and if you put several boxes on the rack, then the amount will increase them. In addition, the more often you will shoot already ripe cucumbers, the faster the new ones will appear.

Homemade cucumbers on the balcony - how real is it? Is it possible to grow your own, very tasty vegetables right in the apartment? The answer is simple: it is not only possible, but also quite simple. Many varieties of cucumbers can be raised in, it would seem, not the most comfortable conditions using conventional boxes and racks. The main thing is to choose the right varieties of vegetables, prepare soil and seeds for planting, comply with all conditions of cultivation.

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

How to grow cucumbers on the balcony in the summer (photo and video)

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