10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)


10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows

In order for the windows to look beautiful and original, it is often necessary only to show a little fantasy. Designers offer a huge number of different ideas that will help to transform accommodation with window decor. Not only the usual curtains, but also unusual decorations, and various accessories can be elements of the decor. Sometimes to change the appearance of the room, it is enough to decorate the windows with a small stylish detail.

Bright accents

Colored glasses are gaining increasingly popular. Such glasses have become a traditional element of window decor. Work on the replacement of conventional glass on color takes quite a bit of time, and the result of the work will be noticeable immediately. For such a decoration of windows, you can choose yellow glasses. Such glasses will fill the room with pleasant lights even in the most cloudy day. Green glasses will make a brighter all the greens, and also will be removed from the impact of harmful ultraviolet rays.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)


You can even decorate the windows using the most ordinary curtains. In order to change the appearance of the usual windows to a little, it is necessary to translate ordinary curtains in the original way. Beautiful and unusual on the windows look curtains hungry crosswise. Any curtains will be suitable for such a decor. But, of course, it is better to choose exclusive products.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Interesting accents

You can also abandon the usual decoration of windows with curtains and leave them empty. In a similar case, all attention to the room should be given the wall on which the window is located. In this case, the wall should have an unusual bright color or assessed with wallpaper with an interesting pattern. All other walls must be performed in calm colors. Thus, the room will look original and fresh.

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10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Simplicity and naturalness

The easiest way to decor windows are curtains made of natural materials. Best of all this way of decorating windows is suitable for designing the room in eco-style. For these purposes, curtains of flax are considered the most appropriate. In addition to the fact that this material is quite durable and environmentally friendly, it also has a very attractive appearance. Such curtains are suitable for the decoration of windows in any room: both in the kitchen and in the living room.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)


Using stained-glass windows on the windows, any apartment or house can acquire similarities with a medieval castle. With stained-glass windows, only the top of the windows or the entire surface of their glasses can be reapged. Sun rays passing through multicolored glass windows, fill any room with comfort.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Olympus Digital Camera.

Decor windows in rustic style

A similar type of decor is perfect for premises in the style of chalets, Provence or Eco-style. To decorate the windows, it is enough to put on them wooden shutters. Shutters will look more realistic, organically and textured even if they are made of poorly painted and coarse wood.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)


Blinds are quite familiar with all ways to decor windows. They are very often used as an alternative to the curtains. But the blinds do not always fit into the interior of the room and do not differ in uniqueness. In order to correct this situation, you can use ready-made stencils or stamps and conventional paints. Monophonic blinds will acquire an unusual look if their surface is original drawing or ornament.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Variety of colors

You can decorate the windows with the help of special paints that are designed for drawing on glass. All similar paints are characterized by the composition and properties. There are paints that are easily washed off from the surface of windows with water, and those that solidify, and wash them only with the help of special solvents. Thus, often change the appearance of the windows and draw new masterpieces on them.

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10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Accessories made with your own hands

Everyone knows that the most unusual and original things for the decor can not be bought in ordinary stores. Exclusive things made with their own hands - the simplest and effective way to decorate the windows. Of course, not every hostess can be sewed to sew the original curtains on their own, nor make a beautiful pickup from girlfriend many. You can use a rope, thick threads, old bracelets, shells and more.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

Bright garlands

Decorate the garland eaves for everyone. To do this, you just need to cut the paper mug, asterisks, hearts or any other figures, connect them between themselves and glue on the thread or fishing line. Such a garland can be done from photos or postcards. Such a decor of windows is simply not able to stay unnoticed.

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

10 ways to decorate windows (56 photos)

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