Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?


There are many negative points with whom you have to face the gathering. That land is not fertile and plants do not want to grow, then the summer drought destroys the entire harvest, then pests and diseases do not give rest.

Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

Someone has a plot of a steep slope and turning his strength and time to turn it into a comfortable and beautiful place. An equally important problem is flooded.

Only conducting events aimed at draining the country area, you can get rid of this trouble. Today we will look at what should be done for this in order to forget about excessive moisture for a long time.

How to drain the plot with your own hands? Main ways

The degree of wetlast cause is different and can be due to various factors. For example, it happens that excessive moisturizing is more due to the relief and type of soil. Those. Water can not leave the area on a natural slope. Then it is necessary to create this bias artificially by planning the territory. If necessary - to ride the ground, fall asleep the excavation.

Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

It happens that water is only because you have a clay heavy soil . In this case, if it is not possible to make a subtype, you need to arrange drainage. With it, you can dry the swamp on the site. To perform work on laying drainage system You will need some knowledge, competent calculation, accurate planning.

There are many companies that do not only fulfill the calculation for a fee, but also all earthy and installation work. Alternative option - do everything with your own hands, after studying the pre-all the necessary information.

Moreover, water from the drainage system can act in a reservoir, which is arranged at the lowest dock. The purpose of the reservoir can be any: for watering, decorative construction with plants, etc.

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Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

Almost all ways to drain the garden plot are to lead water from the territory . Just perfectly, if the water is where to leave the site, but it happens that in relation to the surrounding territory, the cottage is located below, or on the way of running water there are any structures (buildings, fence, etc.). In this case, water needs to be centrally assembled. This can usually be done by the channel system and canvas.

It is worth understanding that water should also leave the water, which is determined in place, depending on the location of neighboring sites. Dig it in the lowest place.

Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

If the plot is more or less smooth and has a clearly directed bias You can have a ditch along the fence in a low place, and it should have a width of about 50 cm and a depth of at least 1 m, a length of 2-3 m. The outlined ground can not be taken out, it is better to distribute it at the cottage at the lowest places.

Then during the year the ditch must be gradually filling out various construction and other solid garbage (broken brick, stones, broken glass). It is placed enough tightly, and when the ditch is filled to the lower boundary of the fertile land, there are similar ditch, which will be a continuation of the old.

Shot of vegetable ground with new ditches are stacked in the old one. By doing so, you will get a good drainage system around the perimeter of the plot. You may have a question, why do the dance (drainage) in the highest place? You can not do, but if another one, located above, is adjacent to your site from this side, then there is a sense in such a closed ditch, because it will intercept water from the neighbors, not allowing it to flow through the entire country.

As you can see, to properly drain the wetland, you need to combine several ways among themselves. This is a linkage, and a drainage device, and the construction of canvas and channels. Another additional way, which is called biological, is to use moisture-loving plants that will absorb part of the moisture.

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What plants can be used to drain the site?

Since the water on the marshy land is high, most of the plants will feel bad, especially those that have a rod root system. The roots in such plants are located deep in the ground and under the action of excessive moisturizing and lack of oxygen they begin to heat.

You can land such moisture and famous trees, like Iva, Birch, Maple . There are many beautiful forms and varieties of these plants, so they will not only absorb excess moisture, but also become a beautiful decoration of your garden.

Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

From conifer you can plant ate , whose roots are located close to the surface, but it is better to be restrained and disembark them into small mounds. It will help to drain the area of ​​the device around the perimeter of the living hedge of the rosehip, hawthorn, spiries, Irgi, bubbler.

Alder and poplar also grow well "in water", but you are unlikely to want to have them on your site due to their low decorativeness. In addition, the poplar fluff causes allergies.

You can also land the hydrangea, the canbushnik, however, if the site is very much wetting, it is better to abandon these plants. Temporary flooding is also withstanding lilac Amur.

Fruit trees on the overwhelmed soils grow very bad . Therefore, when buying, choose a variety whose dutch has a surface-located root system. And it is better to plant them better on specially organized hills with a height of about 50 cm (in some cases - 1 m). From berry shrubs, black currant feels good. From herbaceous plants, driers are perennial astra, iris swamp, Akvilia and others.

Decisions of the country area. How to drain a wetland?

Excessive moisturizing badly affects the state of the soil, it becomes acidic. Therefore, any drainage includes limeting, which will help raise the fertility of the soil.

In general, it is not easy to dry the land plot, but for everyone. It will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is to work out, because in the end - everything is done only for yourself and your family.

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