Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement


Foundation repair - costly and complex event to

Run it correctly, you need to know the principle of the device, the causes and

Signs of the destruction of the foundation. Wooden private house is very common in our area,

What is not surprising, because the wood is the material available, construction costs

Relatively low, and the built house will be environmentally friendly and warm. These are the unconditional advantages of the wooden structure. Cons also have, but they are not manifested

Immediately, and after the expiration of some time of operation.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house

Most often, the owners of wooden houses face that

The house "cracks on the seams". Windows, doors, seed walls, appear

Cracks. All these visual defects are caused by one reason - destruction

foundation. To extend the life of the house at home it is necessary to eliminate timely

This is destruction. This will require strengthening or reconstruction of the foundation.

(recovery) full (overhaul) or partial (elimination


It is worth noting that the repair of the foundation of an old wooden

The at home is not easy, so it is advisable to trust her professionals. But,

You can perform work and do it yourself. The main thing here is the time factor.

The problem needs to be eliminated as soon as it is detected.

Causes of the destruction of foundation

Before proceeding with a detailed study of how

Repair the foundation of a wooden house must be dealt with what caused

His deformation. Two factors may contribute to this:

Changing the bearing capacity of the soil. This is due to

Increase the load on the foundation, which means that the ground under it. The reason maybe

be incorrect removal of rain / melt water or increasing the level of groundwater,

What leads to the erosion of the soil. Construction near the house of other buildings

Also increases the load on the soil. As a result, the ground, as if squeezed out

from under the foundation of the house, which ultimately can lead to a duty house

or His pumping.

The loss of the strength of the material from which the foundation was made.

Among the main reasons are the following: incorrect selection of the foundation, impact

water, the wrong brand of concrete, which was used in construction,

Wrong calculation of the depth of the fruit of the soil, violation of technology


Detection of the cause of the destruction of the foundation gives a starting point

for research.

Types of deformation of foundations

The second moment to take into account is to identify the degree

Foundation damage. According to the criterion of maintainability, they can be conditionally

Divide on 4 types.

1. Minimum


These include a partially suspicious finish of the foundation

Wooden house. Such defects do not have a significant impact on the carrier

The ability of the foundation. In addition, they are visible to the naked eye and eliminate

Without special problems.

2. Damage

Middle severity.

Such can be attributed to the appearance of cracks in the foundation of the house

Due to the sediment or destruction of the foundation. In this case, you should be

be careful because Crack crack Return. First of all it is determined by her

direction. As a rule, horizontal cracks in the foundation are the least dangerous,

But the vertical or zigzag should alert you. Also find out

Temporary subsidence of the foundation or it is progressive.

The nature of the destruction can be determined by

mounted on the crack of beacons (see photo).

As lighthouses you can use ordinary paper, but

It is worth remembering that when moisture gets into moisture, paper turns and no longer give full

Performances on the behavior of the crack. Suitable for use of gypsum plasters.

But the easiest way is to apply a little putty on the wall and on it with

To make a spatula to spend a flat line and make a mark. Such a lighthouse is good

which breaks down at the slightest surface movement. Installing a lighthouse will not allow

Just notice the increase in the crack, but determine the rate of destruction.

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Important. The beacon needs to be installed on a clean dry wall,

To exclude his movement. The thickness of the beacon should not exceed 5 mm.

With temporary settlement of the foundation, the beacons will remain motionless.

Those., The probability that the ground is slightly moved under the foundation,

I took my place and no longer intends to move. Consequently, you only need

Perform the current repair of cracks in the foundation.


  • expand the crack;
  • Clean it from falling parts and dust;
  • treat primer;
  • Seam with a special mixture or cement mortar.
The destruction of beacons indicates that the result in

The foundation or wall increases. So, the sealing of cracks will not help, it's time

take urgent measures - such a type of deformation can be attributed to the category


3. Catastrophic damage.

These are defects foundation that can lead to destruction.

at home. Of course, it is desirable to repair the foundation under the wooden

house, but there are cases when the moment is missed.

Then the technology of repair work will be

determined by the type of foundation. Most popular of which are

Column and tape. In each case, each owner decides for itself

Does it be necessary to enhance the foundation or its complete replacement.

4. Foreign deformations.

In this case, the state of the foundation is so deplorable that

There is nothing to repair. Usually easier and cheaper to destroy the old house and build

In his place a new cottage that meets all the requirements of a modern person.

Repair of the ribbon foundation of a wooden house occurs

Somewhat more complicated, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Strengthening the foundation of a private house - methods of strengthening

The gain method is chosen when the foundation deformations

Dismorted, and the ground under his cushion is stable. Or if the need arose

in the superstructure on the house, and the existing foundation will not cope with the increasing


Ribbon Foundation Enhance Technology - Instructions

  • Drop the trench around the perimeter of the foundation. Its width mustbe enough for comfortable work and take into account the fact that the thickness of the foundation

    will increase;

  • Clean the surface of the foundation from the soil;

Council. Well clean the surface can be used by the brush


  • drill holes. Its diameter must exceed the diameter

    Armatures per 1 mm. It is necessary for a more dense metal installation.


  • Score fittings into holes. Thus, a new foundation

    will be reliably related to existing;

  • Make a reinforced belt. To do this, to the installed pieces

    fittings are welded;

Council. It is advisable to weld fittings only in several

Places, and the bulk of the strapping is performed using a wire. Such a fastener

Does not require special skills and tools. But with its presence, the reinforced

The belt is not deformed when pouring and frozen concrete.

  • formwork is installed;
  • Concrete poured. After the concrete freezes the formwork removed, and

    Stressed foundation is set for several more days;

  • Waterproofing of the new foundation is performed;
  • there is a breakfast, which will allow you to take water from


Strengthening the foundation of a wooden house allows

Redistribute the load of the structure to a large area. As a result

The foundation will stop lying or destroyed.

Full replacement of the foundation of the house

Often the foundation so sends that water can

Unhinderedly fly inside the room. In this case, you need to figure out

How to raise the foundation of a wooden house? Or the old foundation is no longer

Cards the load coming on it and then reconstructs


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Replacing the foundation under a wooden house - technology

  • Maximum reduction of constant and variable load onfoundation. For this, everything you can endure out of the house, it is advisable to even dismantle

    Paul and disassemble the furnaces. The exceptions are furnaces on separately filled

    Foundation. Naturally, tenants are also evicted at the time of repair;

  • Calculation of the load (weight of the house). Weight easy to determine, having in

    disposal data on the density of wood from which the house was built and

    The total cube of the tree used. The cubature is calculated on the basis of

    dimensions of the house and wall thickness;

Council. A small and lightweight wooden house rises

Through VAG. For this, the 80x80 ram is at the corner of the house. Next Bar

Rely on Polelin. Pressing on a bar you can lift the house as big


  • Choosing a jack for raising the house. Depends on the weight of the structure,

    lifting capacity of the jack and their quantity;

  • Digging Shurf (trenches). It breaks over around the perimeter

    Houses or only in those places where the rise is required. Its presence simplifies

    Access to the foundation. In addition, the appearance of water in the shurt will allow to understand the level

    groundwater occurrence;

  • The establishment of the jack. To raise the house went smoothly, you need

    Completely install jacks. It is installed only in safe places, without

    destruction and damage;

  • Lifting at home. Raise the house need carefully, slowly, and

    The main thing is evenly;

Council. To progress yourself in case the jack

will not cope with the load or will fail if you need to start

Wooden wedges between the house and the basement pillow. Wedges are advisable

Will start every 15-20 mm.

Important: To sum up the foundation under the wooden house you need

Raise the whole structure. Considering that the house is wooden, then on the lower crowns

Maximum load will fall. To prevent their sagging you need to pull

Lower crown with steel hoop or fill the boards.

  • Dismantling of an old foundation. If the budget is strongly limited, and

    The state of some parts of the foundation is satisfactory, then you can perform

    Partial disassembly, i.e. Delete only the destroyed foundation. But,

    the cost of work will not significantly reduce this, but the quality of work can

    get injured;

Council. Disassemble the old foundation is needed to the soil.

  • The device of a sand-cement pillow for future foundation.

    Despite the fact that the foundation is laid under the finished house, the pillow is an important

    its component;

  • Installing concrete or brick supports in the corners of the house.

    Installation of piles is also possible. They will reduce the burden on the foundation in

    Further. The height of the support is equal to the height of the new foundation;

  • reinforcement. After the colons are installed

    Installation is installed. The reinforcement belt will give the foundation strength.

    We remind you, its Armopoyas device for the foundation is carried out with

    using wire, not welding;

  • Installing formwork;
  • pouring concrete. The foundation should stand for several days,

    To gain strength. After that, the formwork is removed, and the foundation leaves

    Open another 1-2 days;

  • Waterproofing. To protect wood houses from rotting

    The layer of waterproofing on the foundation should be aligned. For these purposes, excellent

    Suitable runner;

  • Lowering at home. Loves the house also slowly, like


  • Finishing work. This includes full waterproofing,

    Facing, drainage and scene.

From the description it is clear that the replacement of the foundation under wooden

The house is a rather risky and labor-intensive event, for the implementation of which

It is advisable to invite specialists.

How to practice at home and its movement is implemented

On the new foundation you can look at the video

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The methods described above can repair the belt

Foundation of a wooden house. And what about those who have a foundation column?

Repair of a column foundation of a wooden house - technology

  • The house rises to the estimated height. The height should be

    sufficient for work and at the same time did not contribute to strong

    Saving the lower crown.

  • The leaning poles dismantle. It is worth noting,

    The dilapidated pillar support is to be removed, and the tank simply aligns.

  • The ground is selected at the installation site of new columns.

    We remind you, the pillars are installed in the corners of the building and in place

    Adjoints / crossing walls.

  • A sand-cement pillow under the post is arranged.
  • The reinforcement of the pillar is performed.
  • Concrete poured.
  • Installation of steel or wooden beams, which

    Take care of the whole burden on the weight of the house and transmit it to the poles.

  • The structure is lowered.

If you need to replace one or two colums, you can do it

in the following way. In the place where the pillar is installed, which is subject to replacement,

Power is done. The angle of inclination is 35 °. Pipe is inserted into it and

Flipped with a solution. After froze, the old pillar is removed, and the new

Aligns. A more clearly presented process in the photo.

It is worth noting that repairs or a complete replacement of pile

The foundation is done much easier and faster than the ribbon and occupies

just a few days, after which you can exploit the house in the usual


Repair of brick and butt foundation - replacement for monolith

In the time of total deficit, i.e. during the construction period of the main

parts of houses, foundation were built of bricks (and both tape and

columnar). In view of the fragility, repair of a brick foundation of a wooden

at home usually provides for the replacement of brickwork on a more durable

Material - concrete. Such a strengthening technology is applicable to the foundation from

Butt stone. The method was described on the House and Dacha forum and judging by the reviews,

The technique showed itself well in practice.

To perform repair work will be required

  1. Concrete solution.
  2. Armature.
  3. Corner for making supports.
  4. Jacks to raise the house with a lifting capacity from 20 tons.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Dismantling of the old butt (or brick) masonry foundate-seeing old boob laying of the foundation (or brick)

small areas half meter.

Freed fragments at home

Need to install a jack and further weight transfer at home on metal


Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

The reference plate for the jack of the destroyed base is made by the reference plate for the jack. The platform should be durable and stable, poured from concrete with mandatory reinforcement.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Support for jack made of concrete paving slabs soil solid, you can use concrete paving slabs.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Highlighting the house with the help of jacking at home with jacks. It is necessary to lift alternately in all openings.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Transferring weight at home on a metal ophrukogogo house is posted, it is necessary to install the supports in advance from the corner, which we lower the house.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

Metal support for the houseshem steel support for the house - the size and principle of the device.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

The device of the formwork from the deposition of the weight of the house at the support is set to the formwork from the inside.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

The assembly of the fittings of the supports is stacked and fit fittings.

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks, to a complete replacement

The device of the outer formwork and the fill of concreteofo completion of the reinforcement, the outer part of the formwork is installed and concrete is poured.

Thus, the foundation is performed under the house from the tree.


After reading this article, you got an idea of ​​how

Repair the damaged foundation, how to strengthen the foundation of a wooden house

And in what cases it is subject to complete replacement. Taking advantage of this information,

You will receive sufficient knowledge to perform work with your own hands.

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