Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade


Facade of any home is a business card of his host. The man who builds the house is putting into him the soul. And of course, I want the new home to be not only cozy, but also pleased the eyes. And the color, and more precisely the combination of colors play the main role here. Some houses are attracted by the views of passersby, others - scare away. Simply, in the first case, the owner of the dwelling will be very carefully attributed to the selection of paint. Tikkurila's company is tirelessly looking for an opportunity to help its customers. The company's website has an online program that will facilitate the selection of shades of the facade. The company also offers a collection of ready-made solutions "Beautiful home - ready-made color fare." Let us and soak, the downstream when they are selected.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Painting of a wooden house facade

The main difficulties in the selection of paint facade

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Painted wooden facade

Already at the project stage, the architect or developer must carefully consider many factors.

Agree, the color of the roof is the main factor that affects the harmonious combination of all external elements. The adjacent landscape also plays a paramount role. For example, the green house "drowshes" among the trees and shrubs, while the red walls will be brightly allocated against the background of greenery and the blue sky. Choosing a hue need to take into account the orientation of the structure on the parties of light. After all, in the shadow, any color will look more saturated and at the same time dimly. And the sun, on the contrary, add brightness and flavor. The overall style of housing and economic buildings plays in this process not an unimportant role. The architect can suggest which details of the house can be allocated, and which is better to "disguise". And of course, it will not be superfluous to look at the neighbors on the street. It can help the best possible to enter "your" shade.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Paint for outdoor work

Of course, it is better to refer to experienced specialists in seabulating solutions. But if you do not want, a typophyractuous ensemble is home-based. In principle, consider traditional color schemes, characteristic of some architectural styles.

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What is usually associated with joy and purity? Of course with white. At home, the facade of which is painted with light shades, very popular and in demand. White carries ease and positive. The right choice of the color of the facades of certain buildings can significantly expand the capabilities associated with them. This solution is great for the classic styles, which dictates the mandatory presence of any of the shades from white to coffee-beige. In this case, it is better for the roof brown shades for the roof. Ticcuril paint is perfectly suitable for both the roofs and walls.

If you like yellow, then it can be noted that this is one of the best options. Such a facade will raise the mood even in cloudy weather, and a frosty morning will remind you of summer, yellow sand and warm gentle sun. Choose sheet No. 11 solar from the palette of Ticcuril colors.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Paint for facades of houses

If you decide that your facade should be in the modern style, then do not forget that the pick-up colors will not be easy. Try combining the roof and the facade of incompatible shades. Close to various combinations, both the texture and material. For modern, it's good as a tree with a metal and a stone with a tree.

Of course, the gray is associated with the traditional finish of the facade of the house, when everything ends on the plaster of this color. For staining of walls, it is used very rarely. However, a building will look quite well if a combination of gray and yellow will be frown on the facade. Elements of yellow shades can be added to the gray facade of colorfulness and positive.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Painting of the facade of a wooden house paint Tikkurila

You may seem to choose shades for the facade houseroom style minimalism is quite difficult. But you should not be afraid to combine different colors and shades - if you do not overdo it, the result will be stunning, and the house will cease to be dull and not remarkable.

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It is necessary to look at brown color - his simplicity is capable of carrying calm, but at the same time confidence. Boldly add the "highlight" and highlight the items from the common picture. But do not forget that in this case the combination of colors of the facade and roofs is a prerequisite. No need to underestimate dark colors. With their help, it turns out to perform various color combinations that are converted to the facade. Even if you can paint the facade in Two: black and chocolate, it is possible to achieve rigor and greatness. The flower of the roof should be as close as possible and harmonious. Try "Ticcurila" №29 Karelia.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Paints for finishing the facade of the house

Natural wood and all its colors and shades are the key to harmony in the Alpine style. The combination with a white or beige facade, decorated wooden beams is great for chalet style houses. Here the color sheet "Tikkurila" is best suitable for №16 nut.

Green facade perfectly complements Eco theme of any home. After all, it is associated with a rich bright greens. Be careful: if there is no trees on the territory of a solid lawn, and there are no trees on the territory. Sheet No. 6 Zelenogorsk "Tikkurila" is suitable as it is impossible.

No one will argue that the use of metallic paint can make the facade of housing unique. The color palette from Ticurilla has many colors with a tint of metallic. Therefore, if you wish, you can choose the desired metallic option and fulfill any idea. Metallic has always been associated with speed and progress, so the houses trimmed with this color will be as if to look into the future. Often, precisely because of this, metallic color is used for cars - he speaks of luxury and professionalism.

Tips and rules when choosing a facade paint

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Tikkurila paint for the facade of the house

Let's consider a few simple rules, without which you cannot avoid annoying errors.

  1. If you take one color as the basis, its shades will always be harmonized with each other, but the roof color will be better done much darker.
  2. Neutral colors and their shades, in contrast to dark and saturated tones, attract our attention for a long time.
  3. If there are difficulties with a choice of color among the facade close to the main massif, stop at a less intense.
  4. Dark and intense color is best suited to highlight parts on a light facade.
  5. The use of different colors on the facade (for example: a gray base and an array of walls, combined with yellow framing around the windows and inside the slopes) can give uniqueness and expressiveness of the appearance of the house.
  6. In order not to impress the motley, it is better to take two colors.
  7. From the point of view of practicality, the best color is yellow in any of his tones. He, like white, adds joy and greatness, but warmer. And, of course, less dirty.

Tip! When you need to pick up colors, keep in mind that the same color will be completely different on the tablet or computer screen, on the can and on the wall itself. Take it into account when choosing metallic shades.

Paint ticcurila - pick up the color of the paint on the facade

Tikkurila paints for finishing the facade of the house

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And lastly! If there is a color that you like most, but there are concerns that the house will not harmoniously look with neighboring buildings or will not fit out due to the inconsistency of the story - do not rush to refuse him. If many different techniques apply your favorite color. And in some cases it is better to choose the facade paint for the house to which the soul lies, not paying attention to the opinion of others. You and your family will live in it. Experiment and try to find the color of the facade that will delight you and give warm years for many years!

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