Smile knitted hook snowman


Smile knitted hook snowman

Good afternoon dear friends!

On New Year's holidays, even a knitted snowman crochet with a big brilliant smile is able to create a mood and delight the whole family. And several snowmen all the more.

About the crafts for the new year in the form of bulk snowmen from different materials we have already spoken. And today I suggest you tie a snowman - a tack or suspension, or ...

About everything in order.

Crochet Christmas Napkins - Snowmen

I was also surprised by such a decision of the designer from South Louisiana (USA). This is such an interesting idea to decorate a festive table with knitted hook snowmen, big and smiling.

Smile knitted hook snowman

Very creative, miraculously simple! Yes, and you can easily associate and quickly.

True, on the above site, the master class on knitting, as I understood, is sold. There is such a business of needlewomen in abroad. They are not looking for nor customers, nor other ways are not implemented their work, but simply lay out photos on the site and sell a description of the manufacture of the product.

But we can themselves!

What is there to knit? A pair of circles, nose carrot, yes scarf. I will try to tell how to tie a snowman with crochet.

Snowmen we are usually white, it means that the yarn takes such a color, and some of the remains of orange or red for the nose, black for eyes and buttons, color for scarf and mittens.

Circle We all learned to knit. One knit crochet columns with one Nakid is more - for the body, another smaller - for the head.

Three small black circles are buttons, eyes embroider or sew beads.

Nose knit orange yarn with columns without a nakid. We start from the base (wide part) and in each row we make a slotted on both sides.

Article on the topic: Weaving from elastic hook for beginners: lessons with photos and video

Pay attention to the smile, it turns out when the needle is embroidered back.

Smile knitted hook snowman

Scarfik knit the columns without Nakid or any other viscous, I like the pattern with embossed columns. Bring brushes from threads.

Varezhka also knit columns without Nakid. For a finger to one extreme column knit a few columns with Nakud. Cuff can be associated with relief columns.

Smile knitted hook snowman

Such a knitted snowman crochet can serve as decorative patches, decorating your kitchen.

Crochet Snowmen Gift or Christmas

If you link the circles smaller, we get a knitted New Year's toy - a snowman. And you can decorate the New Year's gift knitted snow. Gifts do it yourself for the new year so nice and do, and get!

Smile knitted hook snowman

For large reverers of comfort and lovers of original pillows, I offer an application - a snowman on a knitted case for a cushion. You can even sew a pillow from an old sweater.

Smile knitted hook snowman

We will analyze one more scheme for crocheted small snowmen - those in the first top photo.

Smile knitted hook snowman

Basis - Again the circles of different sizes with one Nakud posts.

Knitting caps are starting with a narrow side of the rim, knit strip by columns with an attachment.

Then continue to knit on the wide face of the rim. In each row from the two sides, we make a lifestyle - in line with three columns together.

We end with a pomponchik's cap: 3С2H, 3C3N, 3С2H, above them - arches of 11 air loops.

Similarly, knit scarf: We start with a narrow side, finish the pompon as on the header, only arches are made from 15 VP. Then knit pompon from the other end of the scarf.

Cute knitted snowman crochet, isn't it?

To new meetings!

Smile knitted hook snowman

Creative success to you and pre-holiday sentiment!

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