Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning


Many owners scares the phrase "general cleaning of an apartment." Every woman is familiar with the desire to postpone her holding as much as possible. But still the moment comes when you have to "arm" with rags, detergents, mop and vacuum cleaner, and start a business.

How to properly make a general cleaning of an apartment or a cottage and not get out of the strength at the initial stage? Are there any ways with which you can quickly remove housing with your own hands, and do not feel like "squeezed lemon"?

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

This article presents useful tips on organizing the cleaning process in an apartment or house.

Most often, the general cleaning of the dwelling in Russia and the CIS countries is customary to do before the Easter holiday in the spring, when it has already laughed in the street and you can open the windows and in the fall during the period of "Baby Summer" when there are still warm days when you can quickly succeed.

We check the availability of inventory

Before drawing up a cleaning plan with your own hands, determine which inventory you need to work and check whether all is available. This will allow you not to be distracted in the process of hiking to the store or search for an alternative. Make a list of necessary in advance and check it out, if necessary, making the necessary purchases.

What may be needed:

Make sure the vacuum cleaner works fine, the detergents are enough and the tissue napkins and cloths are enough. Do not forget about garbage bags, they will need a lot, especially if it is to clean the cottage or apartment after repair or construction.

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

Throw unnecessary: ​​balcony, storage room and mezzanine

The general cleaning of an apartment or cottage will not be effective without emissions of unnecessary things. Where is the trash, which only takes place in your home? As a rule, on the balcony and the mezzanine, as well as in the storage room.

Disassemble old "dodge" and get rid of unnecessary things. How many trash are stored in apartments "just in case", and this case never comes! Act on the principle: if the thing was not useful for me during the year, I do not need her! Think about, well, what is the sense from the split flower pot, the children's tricycle (when your children already finish school), or from a broken table lamp, which no one ever repairs? Free the space and you will see that in your apartment or cottage has become much more useful space.

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If cleaning after repair or construction is carried out, from scraps of wallpaper, empty tanks from the mounting foam or cans from paint should be rid of the first.

When the space is cleaned of garbage and unnecessary things, thoroughly wash the balcony, storage room, remove the dust with the antlesole, and proceed to the next phase of cleaning.

Plan of current general cleaning of the apartment

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

It is easier to separate work to the stages and gradually follow the algorithm. Household is no exception. Before you start, make a plan for general cleaning of an apartment or cottage.

  • Remove the curtains and curtains. They often accumulate a lot of dust. If you leave this item for later, when removal, all the dust will fall on the already washed surfaces and your efforts will be in vain.
  • If you can, it is better to remove carpets from the walls and remove palaces and carpets from the floor. They can be cleaned or knocked out and folding while cleaning will not end and it will be possible to unwell mats on clean floor. Walking around the house at this time is better in slippers or home shoes.

Always start cleaning from top to bottom and from long-distance premises to the neighbor.

  • Wipe dust and remove the web on the ceiling. If you need to walk with a damp cloth along the walls and corners between furniture. Stretch ceilings can be washed, following the rules.
  • Wash chandeliers and upper light.
  • Wash windows and batteries.

Cleaning in the rooms

Cabinets and mounted shelves

Furniture in rooms

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

  • Remove the capes and bedspreads with upholstered furniture, bed linen from beds. All you need send to washing.
  • Clean, select, add up soft furniture and beds. Do not forget to wipe dust on nonwoven elements of furniture.
  • Wash the floor.


Cleaning in the kitchen is carried out by the same principle as in the rooms.

Think that in what order you will do, and follow this plan strictly. In the course of work, you will have to make some adjustments, but in any case, your work will not be spontaneous and chaotic, which means you will cope with it quickly and efficiently.

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The general cleaning can take from one day to the week, depending on its scale and housing area. Spice your tasks on the days and then you will handle much faster.

Apartment cleaning plan after repair

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

First of all, after repair, it is necessary to make an emission of construction waste.

  • Remove construction materials in place, which can be useful and discard unnecessary;
  • Wipe the ceilings and walls from the construction dust;
  • Wash the floor;
  • Establish furniture;
  • Love carpets and tracks.

General cleaning bath and toilet

Now you can proceed to cleaning the bathroom.

  • Mouse over to closed cabinets.
  • Take all things that can be: mats, basin, towels, bath accessories (soap, washcloths, all accessories). It is necessary that chemicals do not fall on them.
  • Wash the ventilation grids.
  • Apply the detergent to the mixer, the surface of the bath and sink, pour the disinfectant in the toilet.
  • During the time, while the dirt and raid on the plumbing will be "crushed", wash the walls, a coil-battery, the door and shelves.
  • Then clean the plumbing.
  • When Plumbing is clean, you can wash the mirror and put all things on clean shelves.
  • Wash the floors.

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning


The final stage of cleaning an apartment or cottage is a guidance of order in the hallway.

Cleanness for important trifles

If you have found the strength to start a general cleaning of an apartment or a cottage, no matter, after construction, repair or "current", do not disregard any corner.

  • If there are indoor plants, and pots with flowers stand in each room? Pay them attention, cut the yellowed and dried leaves, erase dust from flower pots, wash the stand.
  • Do you have pets? Put into order their bowls and wash the litter, and if your favorite lives in a cage, let it be clean and there.
  • Are you collecting statuettes, or did your child set aside on the shelf in his room a small (just 150 individuals) family of plastic dinosaurs? Best patience and wash the collection, dust on it a lot.
  • If photos, pictures or decor are hung on the walls - wipe dust, which can be dried or refill the glass washing means.
  • Sweep the dug wallpaper and plinth.
  • Mouse over to the wallet and bag.
  • Clean the computer from unnecessary files and debris.

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Final stage: End cleaning

Step-by-step algorithm for conducting general cleaning

The last stage of the general cleaning is washing floors and washing things (covered, curtains).

  • Wash the floor in all rooms, even if you are their soaps separately.
  • Carpets and tracks better clean in advance. Estate all clean carpets on clean floor.
  • Pust and spread your things.
  • Pustove and spread the bedspreads, covers, capes for furniture.
  • Possess and hang curtains and curtains.

How to make cleaning quickly and not tired

How to make a general cleaning of an apartment or cottage and not get out of the strength? Take advantage of these tips when you make a housing in order:

  1. Plan a job. In the household, this approach is no less important than in any other case, so we write everything in your plan that you need to do and do not disturb the algorithm.
  2. Free for cleaning with your own hands all day and start from the morning. So you will have more time to do everything. In addition, wash windows and mirrors is better in daylight than with artificial lighting.
  3. Do not take all the work in your hands, but distribute between family members. Attract everyone, including children. Of course, to trust the washing of windows the first-grader is not worth it, but to collect things in bags, intended for the release or bring order in their toys and books a child is capable of.
  4. Check the availability of cleaning equipment, so as not to be distracted by hiking to the store and do not spend too much time.
  5. Make several things at the same time, if you want to quickly lead housing in order. While the washing machine works, you can wash the floor. Or, after applying the detergent on the surface of the plate and the oven you have half an hour to wash the sink or the ceiling in the kitchen.

Following the recommendations given, you can maintain the whole home clean, without spending a lot of time. Clean the cleaning regularly, and your home will always be in perfect condition. Read household appliances: oven, microwave, stove.

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