Designer design of walls in the kitchen: decor and style (38 photos)


Wall decoration is a background for filling in color solutions for furniture design, accessories, curtains. A small kitchen room visually can win or lose depending on the color and pattern on the walls. Everything here should delight the eye - sparkling cleanliness, design of walls in the kitchen, color scheme of textiles and dishes.

Bright color of the walls and additions to the interior

In combination with fashionable and exquisite accessories, bright colors on the walls create a good cheerful mood, increase appetite, improve digestion. Additions to stylish decoration in the form of paintings, photos, wall clocks, woven baubles, made with their own hands, panels are capable not easy to take an empty place, but to merge into a single harmonious composition.

For example, in the muted light of two nights on the sides of the landscape or still life with flowers, it looks very attractive and effectively. In general, the decorative illumination, built into the kitchen cabinets or above the desktop apron, effectively highlights the individual elements of the decor, plays the walls of the walls in a new way.

Painted walls

Kitchen walls are often decorated with decorative ceramics. Usually, it is a bright saucer and plates. It looks spectacular on the wall, plated wallpaper or painted matte paint. Such accessories are suitable for any style. It is important that it will be depicted on them:

  • You can pick up a white saucer with images of gentle colors or urban landscapes to the classic style.
  • The decorative painting in the country style on wall plates can contain bright fruits, vegetables, animal images.
  • Modern style requires special topics for drawings. For example, idyllic pictures from ancient sets.
  • Modern wall-mounted saucers can be square, and triangular, decorated with clear lines on a bright monophonic background. Such objects can be a photo frame.

Next door to the plates decorated with their own hands, metal painted trays can be sprinkled on the walls.

Pragmatic style

The finishing of kitchen walls depends on how they are going to use this home space. If only it is planned to cook food, wash your underwear, wash the dishes, grow seedlings, then there is no need to strive for exquisite solutions. It is easy and functionally to takeout the kitchen with your own hands with the wallpaper of practical colors or panels that can be washing and cleaning. Walls can be painted in a practical gray, beige. It looks good in the trimming patterns in the tone.

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White kitchen furniture

Furniture and curtains are selected in harmony with basic color. So that such a kitchen looked stylishly, it is necessary to make a decor element, contrast finish in the design of the furniture. Eroxize with it should draw the curtains, upholstered upholstery or chairs. Close-up furniture elements should be lighter so that the dark impression of the design is not created. It is clearly visible in the photo.

Kitchen zoning in color

The kitchen, most often, also performs the function of the dining room. It has a chopping desktop, and a dining area. These functional sites can be designated for the design of walls in the kitchen. Moreover, the finishing of contrast tones is often used. For example, the apron over the table and the wall in the working area will be pale lilac. Dining part can be emphasized by wallpaper of bright salad or lemon colors. Such a kitchen will immediately become "two-room". White is well combined with any bright color.

Dining table zoning

If meters do not allow you to highlight two zones in the kitchen, you can restrict ourselves to the walls with one light tone, adding any other color to accessories and decorations. But the adding tone should be one. Options for its presence - in window design, towels, dishes and decoration, as shown in the photo.


Finishing with wallpaper is the fastest, affordable and popular method of walls of any room. A variety of colors, textures, wallpaper coverage allows them to be used for the front rooms, and for the hallway, and for the kitchen. Cut the room with wallpaper is simple.

flowers in a vase

Wallpapers are suitable for the kitchen with a flower pattern or ornament. "Thematic" wallpaper for this premises depict kitchen objects, fruits, dishes. If the situation in the kitchen is light gray, then the original dark wallpaper will contrast. For example, on a dark gray background - silver flowers. They will be well combined with furniture.

table and chairs

Tip! The texture of kitchen wallpapers involves wet cleaning. Therefore, it is better to use washable coatings.

Decorative brick

Naturalness and naturalness in the kitchen is very relevant. A reminder of the brickwork gives a contrast background for a stylish refrigerator, a bar table and high chairs, the design of the window opening with beautiful curtains. Suitable brown or terracotta color walls.

Decorative brick is a rather bulky solution. The options for its use are the following - they should arrange a separate zone in the kitchen or one wall - for example, apron and a wall above the working area. In the dining area on the brick wall you can attach a small TV or decorative deer horns. This finish will create a flavor of a hunting or village house. An ornament can serve as a painting, ceramics on a shelf or wall clock in an old style.

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Brick wall

Artificial bricks can be made on windows and doors. They can be postponed with their own hands, having some experience. With them will elaborate with a brick angle near the tea table. On the photo of designer sites there are different options for brick decorations.

If you make brick all the walls of a small kitchen room, it will look rudely, goded. The gloomy color of the whole room will not contribute to the creation of coziness and heat.

Cretaceous and photo wallpaper

The same wallpaper for all walls is a trivial solution. They are appropriate if the kitchen is drawn up in the style of Provencal. Fashionable is considered a decision to arrange one wall with bright or contrasting to the main neutral color with wallpaper. The wall accentuated in this way carries decorative decorations and highlights some special zone in the kitchen.

Wall mural in the kitchen

On one wall you can place a photo with the image of nature paintings or street landscapes. You can stick stripes with bright large colors. Wall murals visually expand the space, the decoration of the room, attract attention, indicate the taste of the owners. This type of wall paintings can be made to order. Will be pleased with the eyes of household photos of nature paintings or photos of domestic pets in nature. Plots can be invented many.

Completely exclusively look fine wallpaper. This is a kind of school board for Scripture chalk. You can record recipes, memorable marks. And you can allow children to engage in creativity.

Designer decoration of walls

A small area of ​​the kitchen is not a reason to abandon the decoration of the walls. Decorative finishes and additions to them refresh space, combine it stylistically. Examples of design are presented in the photo.

White kitchen table

Using a mirror

The mirror surface on the wall expands the space, including reflected meters. The mirror reflects the light. This expands the space. Often hostesses order a mirror apron over the table. As in the case of brick, mirrors need to make one wall (so as not to lose a sense of reality). Decorative decoration made of mirrors can replace a natural picture.

Mirror in the kitchen

Registration with wooden accessories

The most familiar wooden objects in the kitchen are cutting boards. It can be a whole collection of instances of different sizes and colors. Old boards are well combined on the wall with new. Painted boards are better located on the same wall group and do not interfere with other exhibits. The tree in the interior always carries warmth, comfort. Old boards, which were still preparing a grandmother - like old family photos.

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Brick wall

In order for the old board or rolling pin to become a decorative decoration, it must be cleaned with the sandpaper, bring the stains. Varnish can not cover. With boards on the walls harmoniously combined countertops from array, wooden chairs, wicker baskets and lampshades on chandelier and sconce. For curtains in this style, you should take a flax or colorful sitherge.

Exposure on the walls

It is possible to show your fantasy and the taste in the preparation of exposure for the kitchen in the form of a combination on the walls of paintings, posters, cards, recipes, frames with herbarium or butterflies. The main thing is not to overdo it with objects. So that the kitchen does not turn into an antiquary shop, it is necessary to restrict ourselves to 3-4 objects. Well, if they are combined in the color scheme, on the subject of the image, by texture. You can, for example, decorate the kitchen with embroidery cats within. Or hang on the wall picture - watch with a coffee cup or colors.

Paintings in the dining room

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers are ready for use of the image. In a matter of minutes, they can arrange walls, facades of furniture. You can change the design several times, for example, a kitchen headset. He will be new all the time. There are matte and mirror stickers. They are easy to glue on any surface. You can then easily remove, wash. Wall or furniture stickers make bright. Sometimes they imitate classic paintings.

Stickers on the wall

In the design of your own kitchen, you can show your artistic talents. If there are no such, the shop sells ready-made stencils. They are fixed on the wall with a scotch tape, a roller or brush are applied to paint, give it to dry and be covered with varnish.

Colored outlets

Building materials sell ceiling outlets of different shapes and sizes. They can be painted paint in different colors and stick onto the white wall. Or stick on a colored wall and paint white paint. It turns out a very spectacular wall.

Black socket

Decorative shelf

The shelves carry a double function - they serve the wall decoration and the storage location of small items and books. They can be metallic, plastic, wooden. Souvenirs are placed on them, candlesticks, beautiful dishes. Wooden shelves finish with their own hands wears an exclusive unique flavor.

White shelf

Watches on the wall

Kitchen watches are decorated with their own drawings on themes of dishes, fruits. They are placed in the dining area. Sometimes they are performed in the form of these items.

Watches on the wall

How to arrange walls in the kitchen (2 videos)

Wall design options in the kitchen (38 photos)

table and chairs

Black socket

White shelf

Painted walls

flowers in a vase

White kitchen furniture

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

White kitchen table

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Mirror in the kitchen

Brick wall

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall mural in the kitchen

Watches on the wall

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Brick wall

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Paintings in the dining room

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Dining table zoning

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Stickers on the wall

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

Wall clearance in the kitchen: 7 stylish options

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