Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options


Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options

Wallpaper with a geometric pattern will make the interior of your home restrained and stylish things still occupy a leading position in the field of decoration of residential premises. It's all about their huge variety of designs. With the help of such a finishing material, you can visually change the shape and size of the room, as well as ask the interior of the desired tone. Particular attention should be paid to the canvases with a pattern. After all, the painting on the wallpaper is an important focus of the apartment. It can have a plant or animal theme, can be performed in a romantic or strict style, or to make in bright and laconic geometric patterns. We will talk about the last option today.

Figures on the wallpaper: Rules and Tips

Wallpapers set the tone to the whole interior. They are able to make a room with bright and festive or restrained and laconic. The main thing is to know all the nuances of choosing this material to obtain a particular effect.

Wallpaper is not just a wall decoration. They are a reflection of the character of the owner and are able to give the apartment a certain style.

With the help of wallpaper with a pattern, you can:

  • Make a lighter room;
  • Increase or reduce space;
  • Give the interior of a festive or strict emphasis;
  • Raise or lower the ceiling;
  • Zonate space;
  • Select a certain part of the room.

Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options

Drawings on wallpaper capable of making room lighter

All these tasks can be solved by simple wall decoration with wallpaper. However, in order not to achieve the opposite effect, it is necessary to understand how to use such web.

How to use wallpaper and pictures on them in the interior:

  1. Light wallpaper with small or large, but transparent pattern will increase the room;
  2. Wallpaper with saturated color will make too much more cozy and warm;
  3. Large drawings are suitable for spacious rooms, they will become the main highlight of the interior;
  4. The horizontally located pattern will extend the room in the width, and vertically in height;
  5. To give an elongated room more correct form, it is necessary to focus on one of the walls in a large pattern on a bright background.

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Wallpaper with a picture will decorate any interior. However, with such a finish, it is necessary to be especially careful as it can, how to decorate your apartment, and make it bare and tasteless.

Small room with geometric pattern on wallpaper for walls

Geometric patterns were made to fashion not so long ago. They perfectly emphasize the laconicity and freshness of modern interiors. However, the canvas with patterns in the form of a cell or peas will decorate and classic cozy designs.

Decorating one of the walls in the room inscriptions on a light background, you can make the interior more unusual without changing the visual size of the room.

For small rooms, you need to choose geometry especially carefully, because the improper use of such a finish can still squeeze the space by making it uncomfortable and close. So that it does not happen, you need to know which wallpaper cannot be used in small apartments.

Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options

Geometric drawing on wallpaper makes an unusual interior

Pictures that are not suitable for small rooms:

  1. Small drawings in a bright background are not suitable for small rooms. They significantly narrow the space and do not give comfort.
  2. Large patterns look very beautifully in the interior, however, they are capable of bringing the walls that they are decorated with them. They can be used on one wall in a small room, only if it is long enough.
  3. A bright multicolored print will task the ethnic note of a large or medium-sized room. Unfortunately, such a finish is contraindicated for miniature premises.

Patterns on the wallpaper for small rooms need to be chosen according to these rules. It may seem that the owners of a small number of square meters, there are few options, but it is not so.

Drawing a small size on the wallpaper of pastel colors. Not a spoil interior. You can choose absolutely any furniture and textiles.

Clear geometric shapes, such as small diamonds, will make your design very stylish and original. To such an eccentric finish, it is necessary to choose the appropriate addition. It can be restrained concise furniture with clear forms or a bright and unusual element that will be the center of the room interior.

Lines like pictures for wallpaper

One of the most commonly used geometric patterns is a strip. Wallpaper with such an ornament are a real classic of the genre. They are able to significantly change the visual architecture of the room.

A strip with a gold or silver tint is the perfect drawing for classic interiors with a hopping note. She will make your room more expensive and noble.

Wall cloths with such graphic decoration are used to give the room a concise strict appearance. Strip is an active element, so the furniture that interacts with it should be as simple as possible and elegant. The best solution for such rooms will be filling calm colors. Bright textiles will help a little diluting the interior.

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Striped wallpaper very popular today

According to the nature of the effect on the space, the strips are divided into two types: horizontal and vertical. They have absolutely different purposes and are used to achieve practically opposite purposes.

Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will make room wider. They should not be thick and bright, and in combination with them it is desirable to use white curtains.

Vertical strip visually lifting the ceilings. It is an excellent option for low rooms. Its width should be drilled from the size of the room.

Wall decoration with wallpaper striped allows you to solve a lot of problems. It looks stylish and personifies movement and comfort.

Wallpaper with a large drawing

For spacious rooms, you can use the wallpaper with a large drawing.

They are with a stylized vegetable or flower print, as well as with a clear geometric or abstract pattern.

Such a designer move will make the room more cozy, and the interior is stylish and unusual. You can save wallpaper with a bulk repeating pattern all the walls in the room, or only one. In the second case, it is better to emphasize on parts of the room, where the main furniture will stand, such as a table or sofa.

Patterns Damascus and Paisley can not be called a clear geometry, they have smooth lines and an interesting appearance. Such wallpapers will perfectly fit into soft classic interiors.

Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options

Wallpapers with a large pattern look perfectly in any room.

Bright wallpaper with large circles, squares or rhombuses will allow add a light room and make it brighter and more interesting. Strict black rhombus on a white background in combination with black and white furniture will create a concise modern interior. Such rooms will suit people who are not afraid of experiments and unusual solutions. A large geometric pattern is a very active element. If you are using it for wall decoration, then you should not choose too bright furniture, it is better to emphasize on the wallpaper.

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By the way, a wide bright strip can also be attributed to large geometric patterns. It can also be used to visually lift the ceilings, but at the same time it squeezes the space, so such a print is more suitable for large rooms.

How to make drawings on wallpaper do it yourself

In the construction markets, buyers are granted a huge selection of wallpaper of various shapes and colors. However, it may be so that you will not be able to find a material suitable for you from this diversity.

The best way to solve this problem will draw a drawing on the wallpaper with your own hands. It is not as difficult as it may seem. The main condition - wallpaper must withstand painting. For this, flizelinic wallpaper is best suited.

Wallpaper with geometric pattern: 3 interesting options

Drawing on wallpaper can be created with your own hands.

Methods of drawing pictures on the wallpaper:

  1. Manual painting of the canvas. This method is suitable only to those who can draw. Thus, you can create a whole picture on the wall.
  2. Ready stencils. Drawing through a stencil is a fairly simple process to cope with it, it is not necessary to have drawing skills.
  3. Rolls - print. Such rollers have a convex pattern on their surface. You only need to dip the tool in the paint and spend it on the wall.

Depending on the complexity of the drawing and from your skill, you can create wall-mounted drawings in one of these methods. The last two will allow the wall beautifully to paint, practically no drawing skills.

Wallpapers need to be painted after all the walls are saved. Unlocked roll for work will not suit. Also before applying the ornament, wallpaper should be painted.

Beautiful wallpaper with geometric pattern (video)

Geometric drawings allow you to create stylish modern interiors. Use them in your apartment and conspire you about a person with a good taste.

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