Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it for a long time


Even in the apartment at the most accurate mistress, dust accumulates from time to time. It is impossible to get rid of it forever and the gray raid appears on the floor, furniture and walls constantly, it is covered by batteries and glass on the windows.

What is dust and where she is coming from

Dust is called small particles with a small mass, the easiest of them are in the air, their condition can be called "suspended", and the most severe is settled on the surrounding items.

It is mistaken to think that dust particles are the result of human intervention in the nature and activities of people. Its most of it is formed in nature and constantly "vitates" in the air.

Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it for a long time

Dust is thrown out of volcanoes and the wind spreads it for thousands of kilometers. Another source can be called the surface of the earth and grapple sand from the African desert can be on another continent. Also, the "manufacturer" of dust particles can be called the world ocean, when the dried foam is transformed into small mineral residues and thanks to the coastal winds quickly moves in the air. In addition, the sources of dust that settles on the surface of the Earth are atmospheric layers.

The composition of dust in the air in the residential room is as follows:

The gray flooring of small particles is present even in non-residential premises with tightly closed windows and doors, since the dust is constantly in the air. Even when there is no furniture in the room, its particles are covered with walls, ceiling, radiators, glasses on the windows.

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But many of us could notice - one room needs cleaning 1-2 times a week, and in the other, the flight accumulates daily. There are a number of factors affecting the amount of dust particles deposited in the room.

Where does dust come from in an apartment or house

In apartments in residents of large cities settle more dust than in a rustic house. Megacities are sources of a huge number of small particles due to more people, cars, manufacturing enterprises and construction objects.

  • In addition, residents of apartments located on the lower floors have to be cleaning much more often than those who live "under the roof."
  • Influence on the number of "gray plaque" in the home and highway, the closer to the highway is the house and more active the movement of cars, the more dust is asced to the sofas, cabinets and sex.
  • The proximity of manufacturing enterprises and buildings will also add the hostess of worries while maintaining cleanliness in the apartment. Small particles of sand, cement and various "bulk" substances will constantly penetrate the dwelling, and make you more often take on a rag and vacuum cleaner.

Ideal "dust collectors" in our apartments

The amount of dust in the apartment depends on its interior. There are a number of things that attract small gray particles to themselves, to remove which will not be so simple. These include:

All listed objects contribute to the fact that a lot of dust will accumulate in the room, which is difficult to get rid of.

Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it for a long time

Than dangerous dust

Gray raid on furniture, walls and floor not only gives the dwelling is an untidy, but also can harm the health of the people who live here. Microparticles fall into the respiratory tract, which leads to the emergence of allergies and diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Some types of particles in the decomposition process are capable of separating toxic substances that can also lead to various complications and deterioration of well-being. In addition, dust is a favorite habitat of dust mites.

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They fall into a dwelling from the street, we "bring" them to the house on clothes and shoes. As a result of the vital activity of these creatures and various discharge, the atmosphere in the housing deteriorates sharply, which threatens the appearance of asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia people living there.

You will help the general cleaning of housing in compliance with all the rules of getting rid of dust.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment

In the fight against it, the system approach is important. When going to cleanse the house, take note of the following tips, allowing to reduce the amount of dust in your home:

  • Leave less things "In Present", remove them into a tightly closed wardrobe, for a glass showcase, and throw out unnecessary.
  • Soft furniture should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and it is necessary to do it regularly. It will help to get rid of dust in the furniture covers "knocking out" through a wet fabric.
  • Curtains process with a steamer. If tight curtains hang on your windows, you can cope with the problem, swallowing them with an iron.
  • Conduct regular cleaning of palaces, pillows and soft toys.
  • Install on the mesh windows, it will help reduce the amount of dust inside the apartment.
  • Do not forget about the ventilation of all rooms.
  • The windows need washing at least 1 time per month.
  • If you have pets, carefully wash your paws after a walk.
  • Cut wet cleaning at least 2 times a week.
  • Clean the vacuum cleaner and wash the radiators, the dirt in these places accumulates quickly.
  • Get in room plants, it will give air in your apartment additional freshness.

It is possible to completely get rid of dust, but it is possible to reduce the intensity of its appearance in your home.

If in the water in which you watches a rag for wiping dust add a little manganese, then the dust on the surfaces will accumulate slower.

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How to wipe dust

Different interior items require individual cleaning.

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How to clean the air from dust

Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it for a long time

To clear the air from dust in an apartment or house it is necessary:

  • carry out general cleaning;
  • Wash the curtains and fabric capes;
  • Conduct a wet flooring of the floor and all open surfaces;
  • to air the rooms;
  • Moisturize air.

How to clean the heating battery from dust

Cleaning the heating batteries from dust depends on its configuration. In most cases, the following steps are sufficient:

How to remove dust from wallpaper and ceiling

Many particles are collected on the wallpaper and the ceiling, and conducting cleaning, we should not forget about them. To clean the ceiling and walls, use a special brush with an artificial pile that can electrify.

Thanks to static electricity, small particles will "attract" to the brushes to the vile, which will help clean your ceiling and wallpaper from its particles.

Instead of brush, you can use a vacuum cleaner, it can cope with the task no worse. If the wall covering and ceiling allows you to carry out wet cleaning, do not neglect it. Before proceeding with the cleaning of the walls in this way, try to wash a small area. If, as a result of wetting, the surface was not damaged and retained the former appearance, boldly proceed to further cleaning.

Clean the space regularly, do not forget about "hard-to-reach" places, for example, about batteries, not be lazy to move the furniture and do not turn your home into the warehouse of unnecessary things.

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