Shower pallets


Shower pallets

The soul tray serves as the basis of the shower and is made from various materials.

Of course, many are accustomed to using acrylic baths, but more and more often people are equipped in the house and apartment of the soul.

It is considered a more modern and unusual trend that affects the bathroom interior.

Shower pallets allow booking procedures in a short period of time and in comfort.

Due to the fact that there are different shapes of pallets, you can equip the bathroom in accordance with your amenities.

The assembly of the pallet is possible with their own hands, and to protect the bath from splashes, you can buy the doors or, as a last resort, curtains.

Types of soul pallets

Types of pallets are isolated based on the material of the manufacture:

  • acrylic;
  • cast-iron;
  • steel;
  • ceramic;
  • kvarilov;
  • From natural stone.

Acrylic soul pallets

Shower pallets

The most common look due to its advantages. The main of them can be attributed to light washing, the choice of various shapes, the service life comes to 15 years.

In the case of small damage or scratches, the acrylic pallet for the shower is easy to restore.

The main thing is that it is worth considering that the shower tray can be released without an inner reinforcing layer.

If you have purchased such a pallet, then it is necessary to install it on a metal frame so that it is not subjected to bending.

Cast iron soul pallets

Shower pallets

Pretty durable and durable material that will serve you longer than acrylic twice, it is about 30 years old.

Let the cast iron be heated not quickly, but it retains warmth for a very long time.

Essential advantages include the low cost of the shower tray, which is playing a big role in our time.

By minuses should include a significant weight, which makes it difficult to install.

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Steel shower pallets

Shower pallets

Such a pallet usually covers enamel, but it does not affect the duration of service life.

Their cost is lower than acrylic, and the service life is much longer.

Of the disadvantages of steel pallets for the soul, allocate:

  • poor noise insulation (water drops are clearly audible);
  • the need for additional purchase of the siphon, legs, or stands;
  • poorly retain heat;
  • The propensity of steel pallets for the shower to deformation.

Ceramic shower pallets

Shower pallets

Such a pallet is quite expensive, but the quality of him is appropriate. It has a beautiful appearance and perfectly suitable for any bathroom design.

The pallet for the shower of ceramics is heated for a long time and there is a chance to leave serious damage. Despite this, there are positive qualities:

  • easy to care;
  • will serve for a long time;
  • high noise insulation;
  • Sustainable.

Pin shower pallets

Shower pallets

The kvaril is a new material that is made of quartz and synthetic acrylic.

Quartz compounds provide stiffness and prolong wear resistance, acrylic in turn makes shower pallets with elastic, and also allow you to create a snow-white color.

Natural Stone Shower Pallets

Shower pallets

These pallets are the most expensive, because they are made mainly from marble.

They have a number of advantages:

  • reliability (withstands heavy loads);
  • have a safe, not slippery surface;
  • built-in drain for water;
  • Does not take up much space.

Marble shower pallets have a lot of weight, it is related to both advantages, because they are ensured by their reliability and long service life and disadvantages.

Forms and sizes for shower pallets

Shower pallets

The interior and convenience in the bathroom depends on the form and size, which is especially important for any person.

The most popular forms of shower pallets are as follows:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • oval;
  • corner;
  • polygonal.

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Polygonal pallets are sold mainly with five or six angles. Not exceptions serve also shower pallets in the shape of snails, round or bizarre.

Choosing a form, pay attention, whether it is suitable for room room.

With dimensions a little more complicated, because it is necessary to take into account that the drain siphon can go high up to 20 cm, which significantly affects the installation.

Separate soul pallets in the height of the side:

  • Small (up to 4.5 cm);
  • medium (about 10 cm);
  • Deep (from 18 cm and more).

The length of the parties is also different and varies from 70 to 140 cm. Important is a complete set with a pallet to set the pallet on their own.

Soul Pallet Assembling

Shower pallets

Before installation, it is necessary to build all the elements.

For this you need:

  • check the complete set;
  • collect the scenery pallet frame;
  • Install siphon;
  • fasten the apron;
  • Collect a shower cabin;
  • collect metal frame;
  • assembling walls;
  • Install doors.

First of all, it is necessary to inspect the kit for the presence of all items. If you find cracked or other defects you have the right to exchange them.

Next, decide on the place to install the shower tray and the place to build. After that, spread all the elements separately.

To assemble the pallet frame turn it up and put on the hairpin on the nut and the washer. Screw the hairpins into the thread and hold down the nuts.

Shower pallets

Next, it is necessary to attach the frame to the soul pallet and put the frame in parallel with respect to the floor.

Screw the stiletto legs and secure the lock nuts for the cab. Install the pallet to the floor and set it horizontally.

Installation of siphon fasteners in a special hole. Screw all the elements, not forgetting about the pads and delay.

Shower pallets

Silicone can be used to miss each piece of siphon.

To attach the apron to the soul pallet, it is necessary to use plastic brackets that are installed along the bottom rod of the pallet.

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In such brackets and insert apron and also fasten, removing the protective film.

Shower pallets

We proceed to the assembly of the roof. To do this, on the top cover of the shower, fan, lamps, and so on.

The metal frame of the soul, the soul consists of 4 profiles (2 semicircular and 2 straight lines), which are attached with self-draws.

Shower pallets

In semicircular profiles, we put the limiters for the movement of the door.

The walls of the shower cabin are also attached self-drawing and set the cover on the back wall, fixing four self-testers.

You can install additional decoration elements (mirrors, electrical appliances and so on).

Shower pallets

Installation of doors to the cabin is carried out by fastening the rollers and the magnetic strip. Adjust the eccentric door and dress the cap.

Rules for installing pallets for the shower

To establish its own hands shower trays will not be difficult, but the following rules should be followed:

  • When installing plum or ladder, it is better to ensure the docking of the elements to eliminate leaks. You can do it using wooden chocks and plastic pipes;
  • Make a bid with a concrete mix on the floor in the bathroom;
  • Do not forget about the waterproofing of the floor using bitumen mastic;
  • Fencing for the installation of the pallet for the shower is better made of bricks.

The fence is performed either by making formwork and concrete solution, or brick walls with plaster.

Shower pallets

These two options are good, but you should choose more convenient for you.

After the device of the fences, make another screed of the bottom with a slope towards the drain. Pay attention that the drain should be installed in the favorable point of the soul, so that the water is not stored.

Wait for complete drying of the screed and cover the bottom of the bottom and the walls. Then make waterproofing shower with ceramic tiles or other species.

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