Natural facilities for removing plaque from the toilet


Thanks to the properties of some ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide or food soda, you can clear the toilet from pollution.

Natural facilities for removing plaque from the toilet

How to remove limetones from toilet bowl? We share the recipes of 4 natural resources!

The toilet is one of those places in the house we try to keep clean. For all reasons, the toilet is the place of increased accumulation of microbes, moisture and other contaminants, which may somehow be on its surface.

And despite the fact that there are many chemical products designed to combat bacteria and unpleasant smells, sometimes they may not be enough to prevent the formation of stains and remove the limestone flare.

We are talking about a yellowish or even brownish "film", which is not removed after the usual procedure of purification and creates the impression of the absence of hygiene.

In fact, this is due to the accumulation of calcium and other minerals present in the composition of the water, and this color this so-called flight acquires due to contact with bacteria and slags.

Of all the variety of solutions of this problem, we recommend that you stay on natural agents that do not harm the environment.

And today we want to share with you recipes 4 such means so that the next time you used them instead of aggressive purchased analogues.

Take yourself a note!

1. Food soda, hydrogen peroxide and lemon

Natural facilities for removing plaque from the toilet

The food soda has knitting and clarifying properties, it will help to disinfect any surfaces in the bathroom and toilet and remove all existing contaminants, including lime flask.

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In this case, we propose to combine it with hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, two ingredients capable of strengthening its antimicrobial and cleansing effect.


  • 1/2 cup of food soda (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (30 ml)
  • Juice 1 Lemon.

Cooking method:

Pour soda into a bowl, then mix it with hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice.

Wait until the Easy Effect will end, and mix again. You have to get a thick mixture.

If necessary, you can add some water to get the desired consistency.

Mode of application:

Apply the resulting home product on the polluted surface of the toilet and vigorously sweeten with a cloth or a sponge with an abrasive surface.

Leave for 20 minutes for exposure, then wash.

Repeat this procedure once a week.

2. Food soda and white vinegar

Natural facilities for removing plaque from the toilet

White vinegar is another environmentally friendly product that is able to kill a huge number of microbes in the bathroom.

A mixture of white vinegar and food soda will allow you to remove a limestone from the toilet and neutralize unpleasant odors.


  • 3 tablespoons of food soda (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (30 ml)

Cooking method:

Put the soda in a bowl and add a white vinegar there.

Wait until the effluent will pass and mix. You must get a thick paste again.

Mode of application:

Apply a remedy for an abrasive sponge and soda all polluted surfaces, paying special attention to places with a limescale.

Leave for 15 minutes and smash.

Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

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3. Apple vinegar and lemon

The disinfectant ability of apple vinegar can also be effectively used to solve the problem of formation of a limescale. This natural remedy will eliminate your toilet from harmful bacteria and microbes.

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We propose to strengthen its properties with oils and acids contained in Lemon, such a combination will accurately end up with a lowesthetic lime bloom in your bathroom.


  • 1/2 cup of apple vinegar (125 ml)
  • Juice 1 Lemon.

Cooking method:

Just mix apple vinegar with lemon juice in one container.

Mode of application:

Moisten the sponge in the resulting mixture and wipe the contaminated surfaces of the toilet.

Leave for 10 minutes and smoothed.

Repeat the procedure once a week.

4. Food soda, salt and white vinegar

Natural facilities for removing plaque from the toilet

Due to its abrasive and disinfecting action, this home remedy will remove the dark spots of the lime-plane from the toilet surface.

It will eliminate the microbes and cope with unpleasant odors. Practically deodorant, only natural.


  • 3 tablespoons of food soda (30 g
  • 1 tablespoon of shallow salt (15 g)
  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)

Cooking method:

Mix the food soda with salt in one container.

Prepare a white vinegar and a glass of hot water.

Mode of application:

With the help of a brush or sponge, apply the resulting agent to the surface of the toilet.

Then reclose a white vinegar into a bottle with a spray and spray it from above.

Leave for 10 minutes to exposure, then pour a cup of hot water.

Repeat this procedure once a week and your toilet will be flawlessly clean.

Are you ready to try the above-mentioned means to clean your toilet bowl?

Instead of exposing its health effects of aggressive chemicals, try to prepare one of our recipes. You will not regret it! The result will pleasantly surprise you!

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