Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos


The manufacture of crafts from bead is one of the most popular classes for needlewomen around the world. Popular animal figures from beads, which can be both functional - can be made only toys, and jewelry like broots or earrings, and key chains for keys. It is fairly easy to perform funny figures of owls, and here are small master classes in their manufacture, which are suitable for both experienced masters and beginners. So, Owl from the bead and how to do it - weave or embroider on the fabric.

Simple keychain

First of all, we consider how to soar from beads owl so-called brick weaving. Such a key chain will be very well maintained, the flat figure will be dense, but at the same time flexible. From a small bead, you can make very beautiful and unusual earrings.

To work, we will need:

  • beads (for breast - white, for the rest of the body parts - any other), as well as curious beads for the tail;
  • thread, fishing line or wire;
  • special needle;
  • holder for keychain;
  • scissors.

Choosing a material for future crafts, you should pay attention to the high-quality beads of one form and thickness. The most popular Czech and Japanese beads are considered the most qualitative.

As already mentioned, externally brick and mosaic weaving are rather similar, but the technique of execution is very different. Also brick weaving is less elastic. If everything is done correctly, the resulting product will resemble brickwork.

The execution is as follows:

  1. Take the thread in the needle and score two beads on it.
  2. Thread is skipped through them one more time - so that it turned out the loop.
  3. And start adding one element to the left until the product reaches the desired length.
  4. Then begin to weave the second row, for him we again take two beads and go in the opposite direction, right. Through each thread between the elements of the first row should be looped.

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The scheme, outlining these steps, looks like this:

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

It is important to constantly make sure that the thread is well stretched, because the density of the series and the finished product depends on it.

We start work

Here is a scheme for which we will weave our owl:

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Measure the thread about 2 meters long. We start weaving from the point indicated in the diagram.

The first row is the paws of the future owl plus a small distance between them. It will take 5 beery for him. From the second row, we begin to make an increase to get a round taurus. Reaching up to 10 rows, in each row on each side it is necessary to remove 1 beader. 14 row - begins to weave your head and ears. After the end of the main work, the thread should be accurately fixed and hide.

The tail is formed from round beads that will portray the feathers. Each of these beads is attached separately.

Now it was only to fix the holder, and the beaded owl key chain!

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Sovice Brooch

Another option of owls from beads is such a brooch. This master class will suit those who do not like the laundering, but embroidery.

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Materials and tools:

  • Beads: White Pearl No. 8, 10 and 11; Silver and steel colors; double bispers, also steel;
  • Long beads, also pearl white;
  • Two yellow rhinestones "Rivoli" - we will make eyes;
  • A little hard fliesline - it will be the basis for brooches;
  • a slice of the skin - he will go to the wrong one;
  • Mount for brooches;
  • Durable glue;
  • thick cardboard;
  • Beading thread and needle.

The working process

To sew rhinestones to the basis of phlizelin, it is necessary to shame their beads. The casing is made in 2 rows: the one is closer to the rhyra - silver, the second row is from white bead No. 11.

We got our eyes. Send them to the base. The needle with a thread should pass through the lower row of beaded braid. Then the beak is made (double steel beads) and eyebrows (long beads, embroidered at the top of the eye). The lower circuit of the resulting eye should be seen by white beads number 10.

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Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

We look at the pencil of the body of the body and we are wearing it beaded №11. The inside of the abdomen is white beads number 8 and steel beads. They must alternate so that the pattern resembles the Owl's Opera Chest.

Now the brooch is neatly cut along the contour. Keep track of both so as not to crop the threads that the beads sewed. Then we take glue and glit a piece of cardboard with it, and on it a piece of leather on which the holder should be consolidated. Waiting until the glue dries, cutting off our owl along the contour and additionally we are wearing the edge of the looped seam.

The brace of wings (3 long beads and white beads) and paws (3 double steel beads). Then we make another row of pearl beads along the edge of the brooches. It remains only to fill and cut the threads - and our brook is ready.

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Volumetric owl

From beads you can also make a beautiful bulk toy-owl. This method may seem newcomers more frightening, but in fact master it is not so difficult. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the beads are rid of wire in the desired order. Following the scheme, make one row after another. Examples of such works and the corresponding schemes are presented in the photo below.

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

Owl of beads for beginners: master class with schemes and photos

We also recommend the video on which the entire process of manufacturing a bulk bead owl is shown in detail.

Video on the topic

And a selection of video on the topic:

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