Floor washing


Washing floors for women has always been based on the use of warm water with the addition of washing powder. Also, some housewives were used to carry out such a soap solution.

As a rule, all the solutions of women were preparing themselves. In those days, when people had not yet been known about laminate, carpet and linoleum, floor washing was carried out when using simple sand from the nearest river and scraper. But it is worth noting that this way it was possible to get rid of a large amount of dirt on the floor, and the fat stains remained in their places.

Floor washing

Thanks to innovative technologies, we managed to create new detergents that turn a heavy burden of cleaning in a slight occupation. Now the floors have become simple enough, and there is no need to make a large number of strength.

Today in chemistry markets there is a sufficiently large number of a wide variety of means that can help a woman in house cleaning.

Briefly about detergents

Most of the detergents are presented in the form of liquids. Many manufacturers in the composition include directly PVA. It is superficial active substances.

With this kind of chemistry, the dirt from the floor is washed off quite quickly. To increase the effect in detergents, various kinds of dyes, fragrances, stainstoders and flavors are added. It is important to understand that the composition of any means for washing the floor directly depends on the manufacturer itself and the brand of such a product.

Floor washing

Many detergents include such a universal substance as soda. Each hostess knows that it is the perfect way to disinfect. Soda allows you to get rid of a large number of different microbes.

Floor washing

Some companies that are engaged in the production of detergent chemistry, chlorine is added instead of soda. Such chemistry is not recommended for washing rooms that differ in small sizes. As a rule, detergents containing chlorine in their composition are used when washing industrial or warehouses, shopping centers, corridors and hospital halls.

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Currently, experts do not advise consumers to use chemistry to wash the floors, which is not represented by a strong or pronounced aroma. It contains a large number of additives that have a negative effect on the body. Means for washing the floor without a special smell contains the minimum amount of additives, ensuring high-quality cleaning without affecting health.

Floor washing

Many clearing companies for better floor cleaning use special means. They are perfectly suitable for washing stone floors, marble or wooden floors. They include special substances that can perfectly cope with the cleaning of the floor surface after the repair was carried out.

Some detergents have a kind of sliding effect. But in order for them to start acting, the floor should dry. They are perfectly suitable for floors from ceramic tiles.

After using such a liquid on the floor surface, the film is invisible for the eyes. It is she who does not give the floor for a long time to be minimized as much as possible. Floor washing products also perfectly protects coating from various damage.

The best means for washing the floor

Every hostess when choosing chemistry for floor washing, expects to see his dazzling purity after cleaning. It is also not unavailable that the selected option is perfectly coped with the disinfection of the floor. Such types tend to use families where small children have.

To date, there are several excellent detergents that can not only clean the floor in the room, but also to draw it disinfection.

  1. Glorix - perfectly copes with dried mud. It is not foaming, excluding the creation of additional hacks in the process of operation. It is especially important that chlorine is not included. This suggests that the use of this kind of detergent is fully safe for human health.
  2. Stump - no less popular option for floor washing. Its cost is slightly lower than Gloriks. According to many mistresses, it will not completely cope with the removal of strong pollution. Even the laminate floor has to handle them several times. When adding this tool, a sufficiently large amount of foam appears in the water.
  3. Puto - was able to earn many women only positive feedback. It is safe when used in small rooms. It is perfect for use on laminate floors, tiles and linoleum.
  4. Mr. Propier is considered an excellent coat care agent from carpet. It perfectly copes with greasy stains, not leaving on the surface of the divorces, but it does not remove the dirt very well on the surface.
  5. Sanfor - Perhaps the best option for floor washing. Perfectly removes stains on laminate, tile, marble, wood, and other surfaces.

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Choosing preferred chemistry, take into account the ability to use floors for washing floors in small-sized premises without harm to your own health. If there are small children in your house, you need to give preference to the tool that does not have any influence on the body.

It is important that the composition does not have chlorine and other harmful impurities. Properly selected chemistry - the key to the purity of your floors and excellent well-being.

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