How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?


Garage insulation is an integrated event. You can finish both outside and from the inside. Sometimes methods are combined. Let's find out which materials are used for insulation.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?


Materials are many, and they have a variety of properties. Usually they are made based on industrial waste - metal, plastic, glass or chemistry. Some cannot be called completely safe.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

Tip! If the material is sold at a discount, there is a trick. Better take more expensive, but better.

For example, glass gamble, from which small fiber particles disappear. They can get into the mucous membranes and cause severe allergies.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

The following materials are used as insulation:

  • Mineral wool. It is produced when combustion of stying waste. According to the properties, it is similar to glass gamble, but the mineral component has higher heat resistance. There are several types of wool on sale. When heated to a high temperature (above 300 degrees) is capable of producing toxins. Therefore, the material is chosen less frequently.
  • Cellulose insulation. Eco-friendly material, well maintains heat, but the insulation strongly accumulates moisture, so the risk of mold is high. And it is not considered heat resistant.
  • Polystyrene foam . Excellent material that is not amenable to moisture and mold. But it is easily flammorated and grows greatly at contact with chemicals. It can be treated with polystyrene with special solutions, then it does not ignite, but melts.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

The most popular is the polystyrene foam, since it is easy to install, and a small layer of thermal insulation retains the same heat as the thick brick wall.

Warming Outside

Outdoor insulation is chosen if there is too much space inside. The insulation technology is similar, but it is necessary to choose materials that are resistant to moisture (it often rains on the street).

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Mineral wool is no longer suitable here, because it absorbs water . But here foamed materials, for example, foam and expanded polystyrene foam will become an excellent choice for outdoor insulation.

Iron panels can be used for siding. But the metal is used less frequently foam material, as the latter is cheaper. The foam is easier to mount, and you can close the whole garage wall.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

There is one trick in insulation outside - make a layer of mineral wool, and then cover it with metal plates.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?


Polyfoam cheap and efficient insulation, but recently goes to the background . The reason is that it burns greatly, and even water is not able to put it off. It is possible to put it out only with a fire extinguisher. It is bad for the garage, because there you have to work with cars and electronics. It is not durable, over time, the material disintegrates on white granules. But the affordable price attracts people who are not afraid of fires. After all, the material has many advantages - it does not rot, does not accumulate moisture, it is easy to handle it, it is environmentally friendly. That is, if you keep all the fireproof rules, you can safely use this material.

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

At the moment, the most relevant material is polystyrene foam. He has a lot of advantages, it is waterproof, it is amenable to processing, eco-friendly. The material is easily flammable, but the market sells special solutions against fire. Therefore, you can insulate the walls and ceiling by polystyrene foam and not fear of cold, mold and fire.

How to insulate a garage for winter! (1 video)

How to insulate the garage at the cottage in front of the winter (7 photos)

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

How to insulate a garage at the cottage in the winter?

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