Width of the entrance door to the house: standards, calculations, measurements


The entrance door of your house should not just be kind and look beautiful. Its main function is to provide protection and reliability. Therefore, it is worth choosing and installing it, remembering good quality, correctly calculating all sizes.

Width of the entrance door to the house: standards, calculations, measurements

Installation Diagram of the input door under a semicircular platband with a doorway finish by fair elements and a platband

However, there are standard and non-standard products. And it is worth considering individually. The height and width for the house and other residential premises converge to more or less well-established standard sizes.

As for the rest of the premises, then there is no clear systematization. After all, there is a huge variety of variations of doorways in retail outlets, offices, industrial premises, etc. It will take an individual approach to this issue.

Height and width (generally accepted standards)

Standard openings for the entrance doors are customary to determine the standards that are laid in design and construction.

Among them are multiple sizes. They are classified in the style of the building, its type, the time period, when it was built, and for other factors. Each modern typical impact corresponds to the historical size.

Doors of different manufacturers

Width of the entrance door to the house: standards, calculations, measurements

Standard dimensions of doors and doorways.

Each manufacturer's country gives its product size:

  1. French doors have a standard width of 690, 790, 890 mm (these are single-board or single doors). Onespores reach 1330 mm, and bivalve - 1530 mm. Their standard of height is 2080 mm.
  2. Spain supplies doors for a house height in 2000-2030 mm. Their width, if we talk about one-board products, is 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 mm. The standard for double-span ranges between 1200 and 1400 mm.
  3. For Russia, there are also certain standards. Single products should be height from 2000 to 2100 mm, width of 800, 850 and 900 mm.

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Do not forget to take into account the fact that their complete set can be completely different. Russian boxes can go with the Spanish door, and French - from the Russian.

Not all adhere to standards when planning and construction. Therefore, it is worth carefully to do all the necessary measurements and calculations before buying doors to the house. The opening itself can be expanded and narrowing to the size you need (with the appropriate need). If he is too wide, then the best way out will be the choice of a double door. There is always an order option for the manufacture of the product according to your sizes.

Calculation systems in construction

Width of the entrance door to the house: standards, calculations, measurements

Key doors.

Modern construction in its measurements and calculations is used by the metric system. She came to replace the English system of measures and scales. Previously, adhering to the standards of this system, the standard of height and width was measured in feet and inches. For the width, there was a range from 2 feet 3 inches to 2 feet and 9 inches. Translated to centimeters it turns out 68-84 cm. The height should have been 6 feet of 6 inches or 6 feet of 8 inches. In centimeters it is 198.1 cm or 203.3 cm.

The following standards exist in modern rules (SNU):

  1. For the magnitude of the openings of houses and other residential premises, there are such numbers: 2170x70 mm and 2419x1910 mm.
  2. The opening at the entrance to the apartment should be at least 910 mm.
  3. Given all the gaps and thickness of the box for ordinary products there is a standard size in 2040x826 mm, and for bivalves - 2000x2050x1600 mm.
  4. Special attention should be paid to the size of the metal door. They directly depend on what thickness is your door box. And the one, in turn, directly depends on the size of the wall. Brick walls, as well as walls of wooden bars, different thickness and different requirements for the size and box of the door themselves. Take all this when you choose their home.

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How to measure the width and height of doors for the house?

Width of the entrance door to the house: standards, calculations, measurements

Door size scheme.

There are even special tables of typical sizes so that it is more convenient to calculate all the data correctly. It's just worth carefully checking all the numbers and better replay them again for final conclusions.

It is worth considering some circumstances and nuances when you make measurements yourself:

  1. It is necessary to measure the opening only when you eliminate all problems and trouble (fragile plaster, a wall that is attached, etc.), which may prevent accuracy and correct measurements.
  2. If you do not fit into standard indicators, think about how it is more profitable, faster and better to get out of this situation. Expand, narrow out the opening or make a product to order according to individual non-standard sizes. To solve only you. Different special fixtures can help retrieve numbers for the standard (for example, to too wide it). After all, it may be that it is simply impossible to make it reconstruction in the house.
  3. Remember that the height and width must be measured absolutely clear between the walls - from one to the other. It is very important to have free access to the edges of the wall. Maybe for this you will need to dismantle the platbands of the old door.

Choosing a home entrance door, consider how you will enter it, how and that you can put in the house (equipment, furniture, etc.).

Do not forget that, after the door is installed, the width of the opening will be less than about 12-15 cm. With a height of all the same. Take care of the coefficient of heat transfer and soundproofing abilities, because the door must protect your home from everything, to contribute to the greatest comfort of households.

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