What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom


Modern construction has long refused to have any frameworks, at home are built in a variety of: multi-storey typical, non-standard low-rise, cottages. Accordingly, the layout of premises in such buildings is different.

If we consider the living space in the cutting of the bedroom, it is easy to divide the layout into two main types, to a large and small one. And if there are practically no problems with the choice of interior and wallpaper bedrooms, it almost does not occur, then with a small on the contrary, they are becoming more. The reason for all the troubles is banal and simple, lack of space to implement ideas.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Non-standard horizontal sticking wallpaper

How to make a good, cozy interior in this small place, while not turning it into a certain chosel, dark and lifeless. What to choose a wallpaper for such a bedroom, in terms of color, drawing, quality. That we would like to talk about it.

Subtleties and nuances

Most people tend to believe that in a small room it is easier to create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort, since there are no large dimensions made to the interior element boredom and coolness. Wallpaper in the interior ensemble play a major role, because they occupy the maximum area. But if you have already puzzled as a question, how to choose the optimal wallpaper for a small bedroom, then you are approaching the case is pretty and carefully, which is very correct.

A certain advantage of a small room is the small area of ​​the walls. It will not need a lot of materials, work will pass quickly, and in the event that, we can always repeat them. Of course, you will not become very often changing the interior of the bedroom, but it will be easier for you to update it from time to time. Therefore, what wallpaper you did not choose, remember that they are not for you forever.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Wallpaper with a pattern of floral themes of pleasant colors

It is important for the location of your bedroom regarding the parties of the world, since this directly affects its natural light. Artificial lighting We can always bring to a certain level by adding lighting items. Based on the light of the room, it is recommended to choose a specific style in which the design of the room will be created.

If you really like the dark wallpaper, then you can use them in a small bedroom, but when taking into account that you have very large windows overlooking the south side, otherwise in your rest room will always be dark as in the crypt.

As you already understood, in not the dependence on the style, we will use the wallpaper of light tones for the design of the bedroom. They will allow distribim light throughout the room, as well as lightly increase the visual representation of the space.

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What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Typical bedroom multi-storey house

Next, consider the main types of wallpapers, what we can choose in the usual construction store of a regular city.

Types of wallpaper

A modern assortment of wobbly canvas is so diverse that even a specialist of this sphere can not imagine him. New collection of wallpapers are produced daily, factory workers work on their production. However, there are main directions in these enterprises.


The cheapest option will be paper wallpaper. They are produced over the years, so the technology of modern production of this finishing material has undergone a huge number of modernization. Paper wallpaper is environmentally friendly, not harmful to man and animals. They are produced in different variations: single-layer (simplex), two-layer (duplex), with acrylic spraying and washable.

However, for our little bedroom, this version of wallpaper will not be the best. Mondering that we choose light tones, and the paper cover is easily contaminated and does not wash, the solution to choose the paper wallpaper will be incorrect. In addition, paper walls are prone to burnout and loss of color.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Not the best drawing on the wallpaper for this room

Even the most luxurious paper wallpapers with acrylic foam are used exclusively in large rooms, where direct contact with the wall is excluded.


Vinyl wallpapers are considered the most modern, their production technologies are built on the basis of many years of experience in creating finishing materials and modern approaches to the implementation of the technological process. Each elected factory producing such wallpapers is constantly improving the production technology, since if it does not do this, it will be out of the market.

Vinyl wallpaper from famous factories of Russia and Europe is environmentally friendly, produce them on two types of substrate. For small rolls, use paper, and for large, heavy - fliesline base. Fliselin is a mixture of paper (cellulose) with fabric fibers, i.e. By and large, this is a stronger imitation of a paper substrate.

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What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Vertical strips visually increase the room

Select vinyl wallpapers for a small, comfortable bedroom solution correct. From the practical side, they are not equal. Yes, there are no industrial pollution in the bedroom, but the conduct of wet cleaning in such premises is a vital necessity, and the vinyl wallpaper is capable of withstanding it.

In addition, they do not fade in the sun. When buying, look at the label on the label, the level resistance level of the wallpaper can always be listed. Coloring at vinyl wallpaper Million, even a few million, you can choose yourself anything anywhere.

Wallpaper under painting

If you need to make smooth monotonous walls, one of the successful options can be wallpapers. Currently, phlizelin and glassy are the most popular.

Flizelin wallpaper is most often used in residential areas, they are light and durable, capable of keeping a large number of paint layers. Gymelomes are more in the nature of industrial purpose, they are used to decorate walls of offices, hotels, shops. Features of the installation and operation of this wall covering do not allow working with it in many residential premises.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Muted lighting creates a cozy atmosphere

The color of the paint for such wallpapers you can choose any, remembering that preference should be given to light tones.

Natural wallpaper

Modern interiors are increasingly built on the use of natural wallpaper. Under natural wallpaper, we understand the products from bamboo, traffic jams, wood, straw. These are created by the nature of the materials that, from ancient times, people have finished their dwellings.

Despite the excellent release and complete environmental friendliness, the wallpaper of natural materials is very impractical. They look just amazing until they destroy their humidity or pets of pets. Fast loss of appearance inherent in all natural materials. Therefore, for a small bedroom, we would not recommend using similar finishing materials.

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I advise you exactly exactly the color and drawing to choose yourself into the bedroom, the matter is ungrateful, but we would like to describe the overall stylist.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Silkographic wallpapers have a kind of glitter

Do not use dark wallpapers, as they will donate the room. Very bright canvases are not suitable for us, because they will create a tense atmosphere. It is permissible to combine colors, but first it is necessary to check them for a combination.

The following colors will be optimal for this room: white, dairy, beige, cream, peach, sand, pink, pistachio and other shades of pastel gamut.

Try not to choose wallpaper with big drawings, consider the middle and small images. It is not bad to look at monophonic options, but it should be decided how you achieve such an effect: Bloom the finished wallpaper or paint the wallpaper.

What wallpaper is better to choose in a small bedroom

Thoughtful interior of a small bedroom, used light wallpaper

It is possible to use an English vertical strip, because it increases the room, but the borders are contraindicated because they eat a precious place.

Creating a small bedroom interior, focus solely on your taste preferences. This is only your room and be in it will only only you, so she should like more than any other premises. It is not necessary to even endure the general trends in the interiors of other rooms in the bedroom, anyway, no one will notice.

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