Davore cloth: Description, Properties, Composition, Application (Photo)


The unusual and beautiful name of "Divore" means the fabric of a special texture resembling a picture on the glass or stained glass window. It can be transparent or matte, and the originality and charm give it the original color fragments with the surface character differing from the background. The modern canvas devil usually contains in its composition viscose and polyester, refers to the category of "Organza" and has an affordable price. Exquisite and expensive material of this category are performed on the basis of silk canvas, with a smooth or velvety structure, often manually. Also produced by the discreet of cotton, flax and mixtures based on them.

How do devil?

This exquisite and unusual tissue is obtained using an unusual and complex technological reception - chemical etching. In the process of interaction of the fibers of the canvas with a grassy preparation, a chemical reaction occurs. With it, the cellulose is completely or partially dissolved, which is included in the composition of the viscose, cotton, flax or fibrinoin - protein components of silk. The best result of such etching is obtained on materials with different compositions of the main and refined threads. Most of the modern materials of the devil are the type of organza, in the initial state they contain 70% polyester (base) and 30% viscose (ducks) . Etching is carried out in such a sequence:

Davore cloth: Description, Properties, Composition, Application (Photo)

  • In addition to the pattern, a special protective remedy is applied in such a way that with its help the mask is formed, protecting against the penetration of a grassy reagent;
  • The material prepared in this way is placed in the etching composition based on aluminum sulfate or sodium biosulfate (or lubricated with an equalized web with a grass gel) and, if necessary, heated it;
  • After etching, the fabric is washed and the residues of the reagent are washed with soda solution;
  • If necessary, an additional print is applied to the fields that have not subjected to etching.

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As a result, polyester fibers remain unchanged, and form a homogeneous transmission background on the etched places. Plots remaining under the mask create a beautiful pattern with a spectacular game of light, giving fabric mobility and bulk effect. The etched pattern can be repeated or located in the form of a coupon of a certain size.

The bulk of the Devore comes on sale is manufactured in an industrial way. For such production, high-tech equipment is needed, which will ensure very accurate reproduction of the pattern without deviations and contours (which are usually in low-cost materials). By acquiring devotes from synthetic and viscose, it should be remembered that after etching the viscose, its percentage in the fiber decreases, and the material will become almost completely synthetic. Exclusive fabric with original coupon painting The craftsmen are manufactured by hand using blended or natural canvases. With the help of manual etching technology, artistic panels are created, original curtains and other unique interior decoration items, as well as material for creative author's outfits.

The most expensive and exquisite is silk-devil, which goes to unique author's outfits or an elite interior decoration.

Properties of devre

Despite the fact that when etching the fabric partially collapsing and looks like thin and air, it is durable and completely simple in care. Devormal based on synthetics and viscose, which belongs to tleal materials, has such properties as:

Davore cloth: Description, Properties, Composition, Application (Photo)

  • durability;
  • Mechanical strength;
  • Resistance to ultravioleti;
  • The ease of washing and ironing (machine wash is possible at 30 degrees).

As for natural materials, even after etching, they save such advantages as

  • thermal conductivity,
  • hygienicity
  • Low allergenicity.

The production of devotes, as well as this material itself, can be attributed to environmentally friendly technologies, since the treatment with soda solution neutralizes all harmful ingredients and makes this material absolutely safe . As for washing, then a unique silk or velvet fabric with hand painted, as well as products from it, it is better to give in professional cleaning. In extreme cases, it can be carefully wrapped manually, without twisting and applying the most delicate means. The wigner product should be played well and dried into the shadows, after which it is stroke with a warm iron. As for cotton and flax, they are erased and stroked as well as ordinary products with such a composition, although the most preferable is the mode of delicate washing and irrigation.

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Royal outfits

The first mention of this luxurious material belongs to the end of the last century. It was created on the famous silk factories of Lyon in order to create not too time-consuming imitation of the lace cloth. An exquisite fabric was on the manufacture of the main toilets of royal people and very wealthy people. The era of art nouveau with her ideal of a sophisticated female appearance and flowing dresses caused a surge of interest in Devore, although, of course, such a silk or velvet fabric was not on the pocket. Nevertheless, translucent evening toilets with exquisite textured ornaments and patterned Palants secular fashionista were wore up to the 30s.

Davore cloth: Description, Properties, Composition, Application (Photo)

The appearance of viscose and synthetic fibers literally gave the second birth to this material. Patterned tissue has become more affordable, and at the beginning of the eighties of the last century, it began to be widely used for elegant dresses and blouses, capeties, potants, etc. Currently, it can be argued that such outfits do not actually come out of fashion. The current tendency to transparency makes devils, especially on a synthetic basis, more and more in demand, primarily for elegant lights of dresses, transparent blouses, etc. Natural coupon materials are used for exclusive clothing, the originality of their ornaments implies a laconic cut and the minimum number of seams.

Fabulous interior

The devil organza takes a worthy place in the extensive fabric family for the curtains. The amazing effect of floating floral, animal or other ornaments in the air makes any interior refined and sophisticated. A variety of colors and patterns will allow you to choose a curtain for a fun children's room, a cozy bedroom, an elegant living room for every taste and wallet. Organza with etched patterns is suitable for transparent curtains of any type. Especially stylish and originally it looks in Japanese panels - smooth curtains on sliding straps with weightlifiers at the bottom, allowing you to create a temporary stained glass effect. Decorative panels, capes and other home textiles, made of natural materials according to the author's sketches, will be an exclusive housing decoration.

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Davore cloth: Description, Properties, Composition, Application (Photo)

The original direction of the use of artistic etching fabric technology is bedding from Satina-Divore. Such sleeping kits:

  • retain all the advantages of natural cotton products, first of all, high hygienic properties;
  • durable;
  • uncomplicated in care;
  • Very beautiful and exquisite, they are superior to their aesthetic properties and a variety of even popular bed linen with three-dimensional photographs.

Satin Divore refers to expensive tissues, and rarely appears in the domestic market . However, such a sleeping kit will be worthy competition with exclusive bed linen from silk and other materials.

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