Why do you need a putty plasterboard under the wallpaper: 7 reasons


Why do you need a putty plasterboard under the wallpaper: 7 reasons

In the environment of professionals, the plasterboard putty under the wallpaper is considered a fairly simple task and if you do not pay attention to small nuances, you can cope with any dwelling of drywall under the wallpaper, this is the process, the failure to comply with the durability of the repair and the presentability of its appearance. There are no special difficulties here, so the process will be satisfying even for the most unreleased self-taught masters. However, it is very important to comply with the technology and recommendations of the manufacturer. Then the processing process of plasterboard will be quick and efficiently.

Opinions: Is it possible to glue on plasterboard without putty

Many "masters", in pursuit of savings and acceleration of the construction process, seek to bypass some processes. Moreover, such a phenomenon is more characteristic of handicraft building brigades who want to get more funds with less efforts for their part.

Why do you need a putty plasterboard under the wallpaper: 7 reasons

Before glue wallpaper for plasterboard, it is necessary to properly prepare its surface.

Making your own home, the owners usually try to do everything almost perfect.

One of them is a putty plasterboard. At first glance it seems that this process is no more than reinsurance. However, everything is not so unequivocal.

The lack of the ground layer is fraught:

  • Transition of the color of plasterboard on the wallpaper;
  • Manifestation of all roughness and small flaws of the main material;
  • Clear designation of drywall butt.

As soon as the wallpaper will be pasted, the difference may be not noticeable, but over time when the house will give a shrinkage under the influence of concomitant factors, the appearance of the new repair is essential. It will happen during the first year of service or quite a little later.

As a result, the repair will have to rewor rapidly, re-investing strength and funds in it, selecting new materials, etc.

And, most importantly, it will have to do this in all building standards and rules.

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Expert solution: Do you need to put plasterboard before sticking wallpaper

Specialists strongly recommend: to put the surface before sticking wallpaper not only possible, but also need! Of course, if the house is planned to be operated for long years. If the repair is done in the "time", the technology is quite possible to neglect. However, materials here will be used completely different quality than in a full-fledged residential building.

Why do you need a putty plasterboard under the wallpaper: 7 reasons

Experts argue that the composition based on gypsum is the most optimal option.

The properly spent putty allows:

  • Get a perfectly smooth surface;
  • Ensure the best fit of the material;
  • Significantly facilitate its work with finishing;
  • Get a quality result of work.

The process of putty occupies several hours, and directly the consumable material stands to indecent cheap. At the same time, its price varies in the widest limits, so every wedding master choose exactly what he needs in this case. Save on it there is absolutely no sense! Moreover, it will have to overpay for such rash. Wallpapers will have to dypute, the walls are rejected again, and after it is again glued.

It is better to choose a relatively inexpensive putty, spend a little time and get absolutely prepared for further work surface.

Training: how to put plasterboard under the wallpaper (video)

From a technological point of view, the surface of the drywall does not make much difficulty with their own hands. It is enough just to purchase the material, armed with shirts and proceed to work. However, as with any other process, there are some nuances here. The easiest way to learn about all of them is to pass the video - training by choosing the appropriate lesson.

This approach will allow:

  • Visually see all the features of the process;
  • Find out the secrets of specialists;
  • Avoid the most common mistakes;
  • Pass learning without investing;
  • Learn how to choose the necessary materials correctly;
  • Get a consultation of a specialist.

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Finding several courses, it is necessary to get acquainted with each of them. Different specialists in different ways are presented to their material, so the student can only choose the master who, in his opinion, can explain everything as much as possible. Perhaps even the one who works on similar materials. Rarely, but this can also be found. Or, as an option, just choose for yourself the brand that the master showed in his learning material.

Often, video bloggers provide a feedback form by which you can ask all your questions.

It is not difficult to neglect this opportunity, because who, if not a master, can explain everything correctly.

Reviews: Walking Wallpaper on Plasterboard without putty

Directly, the putty does not need responds, because the need for it is known by default. Each master knows why this process needs and necessarily performs it without reminders. However, the sticking of the wallpaper without putty the walls needs especially, because the temptation is carried out in the way that is quite large.

Why do you need a putty plasterboard under the wallpaper: 7 reasons

Sooner or later, the time of new repairs will come when the wallpaper will need to be removed from the wall. If they are pasted directly on drywall, then mandatory carton covering sheet of plasterboard sheet

Users characterize this process in this way:

  • Glue wallpaper becomes much more complicated;
  • Sometimes gray spots appear;
  • Wallpapers are dumping into the components of the plasterboard.

How to put plasterboard under the wallpaper (video)

Do not try to save where it is absolutely no need. The putty for drywall is sold almost everywhere, so it is not necessary to ignore this process at all. It is better to spend some time on learning and performing work, but then get a flawless result that will not be ashamed to boast.

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