Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?


Tulle with embroidery - Popular option for window design . He not only emphasizes the dignity of the decor, giving the room airiness and ease, but also reliably protects the room from the sun and strangers from the street. In the article, we will consider the features of this beautiful detail of the interior, we will tell you what to pay attention to when choosing.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Advantages of Tulle and Subtleties

First of all, it is worth staying on the characteristics of the Tulle, which will like to make each mistress:

  1. Tulle is erased without much difficulty and dries quickly. It is useful if you have little time cleaning.
  2. It has high strength and last for many years.
  3. Dust with Tulle can be removed using an ordinary brush.
  4. Suitable for processing from insects.
  5. If desired, the owner may add embroidery independently.
  6. You can use with curtains or separately.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

In the past, white tulle with a simple embroidery in the form of an uncomplicated geometric ornament was considered the most original. But at present, even classic options have survived a new birth. Fashionable are intricate patterns that differ in color or contrast with the main web. Tulle became like a white canvas of the painting on which you can portray anything . For example, it can be:

  • embroidery of any shape and color;
  • Figure from silk or metallized threads;
  • Additional decorations from beads, beads or tapes.

Note. The options listed above look beautiful only with restrained use. If you hang tulle with several variants of patterns or images, it may cause beamlessness and alagotiness in the design of the room. Everything is good in moderation.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

  1. Capron. The easiest to care material Tulle. Care and washing of kapron tulle will not take a long time.
  2. Jacquard. A distinctive feature of such a tulle is a convex pattern, embroidered or applied by a machine. Sometimes it is done in the form of prints imitating embroidery.
  3. Linen. Linen curtains are popular in any room. The starchy linen fabric is distinguished by attractiveness and festive views. Combined with ribbons and garters.
  4. Veil. Veil is called polyester or silk fabric. The most common white and painted tulle.
  5. Organza. Organza is called a dense matte or shiny silk or viscose fabric. Traditional tulle is manufactured precisely from organza.
  6. Batiste. Thin and half transparent. Production material - flax or cotton.
  7. Grid. The material externally resembles the fishermen network, hence the name appeared.
  8. Fatin. Light mesh fabric, (matte or glossy) which is made from polyester.

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Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Sometimes manufacturers combine various materials. For example, synthetic threads add to flax, preventing difficulties with ironing and increasing service life.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

It is worth paying attention to tulle, which has embroidery applied to a grid of microscopic cells. Due to this, Tulle becomes dense, but translucent. And embroidery begins to seem like weightless - in the light pattern as if it fell on the air.

In which interiors of Tulle with embroidery looks organically?

Tulle with embroidery - a frequent attribute of classic interiors. In them, he will fit naturally.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

  • Interior in style Classicism Pleases the eye, if the windows hang tulle with a complex floral ornament.
  • Neoclassica Heats the refinement and grace, so for such an interior fits tulle with a soft, smooth ornament.

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

But in the interiors made in a modern style, Tulle is not worth using. The likelihood of making a mistake and create a beamless.

Stylish tulle for modern interior (1 video)

Tulle with embroidery (7 photos)

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

Tulle with embroidery: how to choose to be stylish and modern?

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