Corrugation fabric: Who comes up, how to do at home


The word "corrugation" is used in different values, denoting and spectacular hairstyle, and a corrugated hose, but most often it is used for the tissue collected in small folds. The feature of the corrugation is the same width of the fold and podium, as well as the fact that the edges of the folds are sent alternately or up, or down. The configuration of the folds can be different - classic vertical for direct skirts, narrow at the top and expanding down, creating an outlined hem, curly (in the form of Christmas trees, zigzags, etc.) . Fashion for such clothes began even in ancient times, and successfully continues to develop today.

Corrugation fabric: Who comes up, how to do at home

Who and where is the corrugation?

Unlike strictly and simple in the execution of Plears, the corrugation is quite demanding both to the level of execution and the figure of the owner of this outfit. Such processing is most often produced on thin tissues, although in the latest fashion collections you can meet corrugated skin and other unusual materials. The feature of the corrugation is that it creates at the same time very good fit, and the effect of airiness, flight.

Skirts, dresses, blouses and even trousers with corrugation are very feminine, aristocratic and elegant, often such outfits make multi-layered. They are considered exquisite clothes, although the elegant blouse-corrugation is perfect for a business suit. Shoes and accessories to this alongside should also be elegant and feminine.

However, when choosing a suitable model of the outfit, it is necessary to remember that the folds raised "on the edge" of the folds have a property to visually increase the volume, so completely corrugated bodies or skirt will win only on a thin figure.

Also, it should be borne in mind that the corrugation looks beautiful only when the fabric lies freely, otherwise the uneven width of different stretched folds can play with you a cruel joke.

Holders of rounded shapes should be limited to inserts-corrugations that have the ability to "shrink" the silhouette and can have the most diverse form.

A very stylish view of any ensemble will give a corrugated collar, a scarf or cape, which look beautifully on a woman of any age and physique.

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Is it mono to corrugate yourself?

"Standing" minor folds are quite complex in performance, and their independent production is possible only with a certain skill. This requires special forms that most often make from Watman. Between the forms, there is a cloth moistened with water with vinegar, which is then tapped and dried.

Such painstaking work justifies itself only in the manufacture of several folded blanks at once.

Corrugation fabric: Who comes up, how to do at home

For the individual tailoring, it is better to turn to the master, which has a large selection of forms, and processing is produced in the autoclave. You can also choose fabric with corrugation, made in an industrial way. Available range of finished corrugated materials is quite wide, usually polyester or blended fabrics of different textures and colors that look impurities and easy to care.

How to keep clean and beauty?

Although corrugated things are not intended for everyday socks, the need for washing them still periodically becomes. If your outfit is purchased in the store, carefully examine the label on it, especially the washing and chemical guidance recommendations. Especially gently should be handled with natural materials. As a rule, after contact with water, the folds do not diverge, but they may look like "chews", so it is worth it to pretend the inconspicable portion of the tissue. In any case, the best way out is professional cleaning (if the shortcut is not indicated in the shortcut).

Synthetic tissue-corrugation usually moves well to washing in warm water and soft detergents. They should be erased manually, and do not rub and not twist, and after rinse, hang dry, not pressing . If possible, before washing, the corrugated areas are recommended to be placed in a narrow bag (stocking) or tested with a braid, and remove them only after drying. If the folds still diverged, then it is necessary to contact the wizard for re-corrugation, while the thing is necessary to pre-strut.

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