What electrical circuits are


The electrical circuit represents the usual document in which the GOST rules are denoted by the components of the devices operating by electricity flow. If we speak with simple words, the diagram is a drawing on which the electrical indicates the installation locations of sockets, wires and switches. In this article we will talk to you, what types and types of electrical schemes are available, show a brief description and consider the main characteristics of each type separately.

Types and types of electrical circuits: total classification

  1. Pneumatic (P).
  2. Hydraulic (g).
  3. Electric (E).
  4. Gas (g).
  5. Vacuum (B).
  6. Division (D).
  7. Combined (K).
  8. Optical (O).
  9. Kinematic (k).
  10. Energy (P).

These are such types, now allocate the main types of electrical circuits:

  1. Structural (1).
  2. Functional (2).
  3. Principal (full) (3).
  4. Compounds (assembly) (4).
  5. Connections (5).
  6. General (6).
  7. Location (7).
  8. United (8).

Based on the main designations, you can understand what the type of type differs. To be clearer, try to consider on a living example, there is an E3 scheme, that's how it looks like. Find out how to make a conductive glue with your own hands - this article will be useful for you.

What electrical circuits are

As you can see, there should be no special problems at this stage, everything is extremely clear and understandable. Next, we will consider the types and types of electrical schemes for their purpose, and we will analyze every kind of separately. I want to immediately notice, everything is not necessary to know everything, because in the life of each person a few are used.

Purpose of electrical schemes

Structural scheme

It can be called the most simple and understandable for perception. With it, you can find out which electrical installation works and from which basic components it consists. So she looks like in the photo, as you understand, it is always easy to work with her simple and comfortable. Yes, and during repair, she will always perform the best helper for you, because at any moment you can read everything, even if this scheme was composed of several decades ago.

What electrical circuits are

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Such a scheme in its purpose is practically no different from the above. There is only one significant difference - in this scheme, all components of any chain are described in more detail. See how the scheme is functional in the drawing.

What electrical circuits are


Most often, the concept of electrical circuit is used in complex distribution networks. Only she is able to give the most complete explanation for how it works, or other electrical equipment. It is divided into two types:

  • Single.
  • Full.

One-cereal gives the concept of how primary or so-called power networks work, it has a rather simple drawing.

What electrical circuits are

The full concept is divided into another two types: the unfolded and elementary. Depending on the complexity of electrical work and make certain explanations. So you understand the complexity of such a scheme, just look at its example.

What electrical circuits are

Mounting scheme

It can be designated as the most popular one, only she can tell about how to make wiring in the house and where there are wires. At such a type of scheme, the exact location of the chain elements, the main methods of their connection and the color marking are indicated. As follows, it looks like.

What electrical circuits are

The purpose of such a scheme is one thing - to help a person make repairs in his house and specify a place where all the wires will or pass.


This scheme includes several types (documents) at once. It is used only in extreme situations, when differently it is impossible to designate all the important features of the chain. As a rule, it is used only at large enterprises with professional electricians. So, you can not delve into her essence.

What electrical circuits are

Here we are with you and reviewed the main types and types of electrical schemes that exist at the moment. As you understand, when drawing up each scheme, you need to read additional information, we will remind, it is only a classification, each of them is endowed with its main features.

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