In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice


In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

No always construction work brings the expected result. Quite often, there are such situations that work on the construction of any design or sexual flooring is made correctly (appropriate materials are used), and the result leaves much to be desired.

Since the appearance of the product and the installation quality is good, and the functionality is bad. Such situations are not rarely happening when installing outdoor cover, resulting in a cold floor.

Common causes of cold floors

Each unsuccessful installation of the finishing flooring, as a result of which the floor is obtained cold, has its causes and "pitfalls". In the process of installing the coating, factors may seem insignificant, and in the end they will play a big role.

Unnoticed gaps - the cause of cold floors

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

The gap is a very unpleasant defect.

If the sex floor is done in an old private house or apartment, the cracks are often found, and to eliminate all the holes through which the warm air out of the room goes out, you need to be extremely attentive.

To avoid leakage of heat from the room through the cracks, you should qualitatively prepare an underground.

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

Old coatings need high-quality sealing slots

The draft flooring in old private houses and apartments, made from wooden boards and cement-concrete screed. The slots arising in the screed are visually noticeable, they can be sealed using epoxy glue and special repair makers.

All covered gaps in the concrete need to be lost to sandpaper and polish, which will allow all sections under the overall level of the floor.

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

It is very important to put the flooring tightly.

The question with the elimination of the slots in the old wooden floor is quite complicated. Not all builders, performing the installation of the finishing floor, qualitatively prepare the floor in a private house from a tree.

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The flowered boards during the time dried with different intensity and, accordingly, have some irregularities, so all the boards before laying the substrate, you should shoot, and after that many clearances will "show their true size."

The slots between the boards are closed with a sealant or putty, only after that you can open the flooring with an antiseptic and varnish, it will help to make the floor in the apartment sealed.

It should be remembered that the slots that can contribute to the creation of cold flooring can be not only in the overlap, but also in the lower parts of the walls and partitions.

As a rule, such gaps exist in wooden and frame houses, it is difficult to reveal them enough, but it is necessary to make it necessary to create high-quality and warm flooring.

Raw overlap

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

The first and ground floors often have cold floors due to the humidity of the overlaps

The lack of raw floors occurs in premises with a large base foundation and deep basements. Due to the fact that ventilation exits are made in the foundations, moisture accumulates there, which can continue to be transmitted to sexual overlap.

To avoid this, it is necessary to organize waterproofing between the overlap and the basement. To do this, it is enough to organize a layer of rubberoid or membrane film, under which for complete reliability, lay a polypropylene layer with a thickness of 2-3 cm.

If the defect is already detected, then it is necessary to eliminate it and cut down from the screed segments, organize reinforcement and repair a special mixture.

In order not to have a threat to getting moisture from the basement, it is necessary to produce waterproofing and additional insulation of the walls that will remove the "all questions" on the moistening of overlapping.

Insufficient insulation

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

Floor insulation with special materials often solves the problem of cold

If the repair or construction of the home host produces independently, then it will be better putting an optional layer of insulation, but will not allow himself to be frozen and its children, and will not make the floor Ice.

Article on the topic: Independent Creating a draft floor in a wooden house

If you hire a construction team, which is ready to repair for a small fee, be prepared that unexpected "surprises" can expect you everywhere, and the insufficient insulation of sexual overlap will be also a small defect.

In case the factor of insufficient insulation is already detected, it is not necessary to despair, you can always find methods to eliminate it. For more information about the causes of cold floors, see this video:

For apartments, you can install an additional screed with the use of clay, which will partially solve the problem if the height of the ceilings allows. To solve the issue of insulation in private homes, there are several options:

  1. Additional insulation from below. Actual method for houses with pile and tape foundation.

    In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

  2. Increased floor level. Creating additional linings on the lags and laying a layer of insulation (mineral wool) with a large density indicator.
  3. Installation of additional modern heating systems with low power consumption, such as warm plinth and warm infrared floor.

Options used insulation and their characteristics can be seen from the table.

In the apartment Cold Gender: What to do, expert advice

It should be remembered to install infrared warm floors, you should not fully disassemble the flooring. Film with heating elements can be laid under laminate or linoleum.

Also, this type of warm floor can be laid under the carpet or carpet, the heating elements will not damage. For more information about the problem and solutions, see this video:

Asking the question: "When the cold floor in the apartment, what to do with this?", Do not worry, there is an exit from any situation. Each owner follows from the listed causes of the "cold gender" to choose its option and try to create heat insulation proposed methods. It is not necessary to resort to the services of building brigades, it is better to make a job independently or take care to work with proven people.

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