Interior ductile doors: Dimensions, classification


Installation of doors in the house does not apply to very difficult operations. But this is only if approaching the process responsibly, remembering the rules of installation.

Interior ductile doors: Dimensions, classification

Dual-dimensional device diagram.

But the doors are interior dual-sized, the dimensions of which were chosen incorrectly, create problems where they are not waiting. And all because dimensions are one of the most important door parameters. Negregated them may eventually "award" the house with unpleasant violines for all time of its operation. The owner will not remain anything else, how to completely replace the door block.

Varieties of two-sided doors

If the developer wishes to make the interior of the house with stylish and original, he should turn his attention to interior doors built into a spacious opening and having two sash. This option of transition between rooms is not only externally more attractive, but also often more convenient than a single option.

Currently, the leading manufacturers make a huge number of different two-dimensional doors. Thanks to a wide range of paints and varnishes, as well as a wide variety of design solutions, such models allow you to create an unique aesthetic image in an apartment or private house.

Despite all the variety of designs and details of design, all two-dimensional interior doors depending on the type of opening are divided into two large groups - swing and sliding.

Interior ductile doors: Dimensions, classification

Varieties of interroom doors.

The first type is greater popularity, and not least because of the traditional of its design. Its main feature is simplicity, such doors are convenient in frequent daily use, they are durable and have a high noise insulation coefficient. Swing doors may have either two equally movable flaps, or one mobility sash, and the other deaf, fixed. In the second case, in contrast to the first, the sash can be of different sizes.

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A feature of the retractable doors is the presence of a more complex mechanism that have fun. Due to the fact that the door canvases are moved along the gutters along the overlap, such doors significantly save space near the doorway. At the same time, they forced not to take the other that part of the wall, which is closed by the maximum of the netting doors.

Regardless of the design of two-dimensional models in comparison with single-door doors, they have at least two fundamental advantages. Firstly, this option is very attractive, and secondly, it allows you to carry the items in the room sufficient impressive dimensions.

Features of calculating the magnitude of the doorway

A big mistake will attempt to determine the main dimensions for future doors, guided by the dimensions of the door cavities only. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the components of the door node, including the width and height of the selected door canvases, the dimensions of the interroom doors, the maximum width of the door cylinders.

Interior ductile doors: Dimensions, classification

Door opening parameters.

In addition, the threshold should be included in the calculations, if it is provided for the project, and the thickness of the doorway itself. The last factor directly depends on the thickness of the wall partition. When it comes to typical apartments, then, as a rule, the thickness of the box is 75 mm - today the most sought-after repair and construction sphere.

As an example, we take two canvas 600 mm wide and 2000 mm in height. To the specified canvas parameters add the thickness of the box, which is, for example, 25 mm. As a result, we obtain the total width of the block: (600 mm x 2) + (25 mm x 2) = 1250 mm. Its height will be: 2000 mm + 25 mm = 2025 mm.

In order to establish the final dimensions of the planned opening, to the resulting dimensions of the door block (height and width), we must add from 15 to 20 mm. Such is the standard width of the assembly gap between the edge of the door frame and the edge of the opening done in the overlap to install the doors.

Article on the topic: Standard dimensions of interroom doors - height, width, thickness

If in the interior partition already made in advance the doorway of a certain value, the total size of the door block should be selected on the basis of the dimensions of the already existing entry. In this case, it is always necessary to always remember that there should be a gap between the door and vertical and horizontal sections of the opening of the opening. Considering this nuance, in the future, there may be serious problems when installing doors.

Interior doors and their classification in size

Interior ductile doors: Dimensions, classification

Mounting diagram door box.

To date, many different door canvases have been developed in the production of building components. But the number of categories, depending on the size of the canvas is not so large. The following dimensions are used in the greatest demand (sizes of one canvase):

  • 1900x600 mm;
  • 2000x600, 700, 800, 900 mm.

Since one of the main advantages of two-dimensional doors is the ability to vary their dimensions depending not only on the technical characteristics of the floors, but also from the personal aesthetic requests of the Customer in relation to the appearance of its apartment, currently quite often manufactured by double interior doors and other sizes. In particular, if desired, it is quite possible to find models of doors, which consist of twin with a width of 1000 mm wide and even 1200 mm each. You can also find the doors with a height of up to 2300 mm.

It is believed that the standard dimensions of the doors can only be concerned with the height of the door canvase. As a rule, we are talking about a value in 2000 mm. The parameters of the width are selected individually, depending on the size of the wall and the distribution of structural elements on it.

Considering the two-sized doors and their size, it is impossible not to mention and about retractable (sliding) doors. Recently, this practical and externally spectacular type of doors is becoming increasingly popular. But, calculating the optimal arrangement of such an entrance, it should be borne in mind that on the walls adjacent to it, the walls will have to leave enough space, so that the sliding flaps can move freely in both directions. For this reason, retractable doors can be mounted only closer to the middle of the wall. When installing such a design, everything is necessary to calculate everything in advance.

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Nuances of calculating two-dimensional doors

When choosing two-dimensional doors, it is desirable to immediately pay attention to which way they open. Modern technologies allow you to produce such doors in which both sash are open both in one and in different directions. This nuance in the design of the room may be very important if not decisive.

When planning the purchase of interroom doors, it is recommended to find out from the representatives of the supplier company, the canvas of which sizes are available on the basis of the seller. From this and it is worth repelled in their search.

It is not necessary to overly trust information about the dimensions recorded in the serviceport: real indicators do not always coincide with the declared. Therefore, the additional measurement of the door canvase and the box with the help of the measuring tape will not be superfluous.

Having calculated the necessary width of the two-dimensional doors, you must remember the multiplication of data by 2.

With the right and scrupulous approach to the installation of doors in wide openings at the wizard that performs all the requirements, there should be no problems. And this is necessary to someone who appreciates their work and time.

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